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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. https://silk-news.com/2023/04/05/world/chinas-ambassador-to-the-e-u-tries-to-distance-beijing-from-moscow/ Interesting interview from the Chinese ambassador to the EU, originally from the NY times. To quote Just three weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine Presidents Vladimir V. Putin and Xi Jinping signed a joint statement declaring “no limits” to their countries’ friendship. But Mr. Fu said China was not on Russia’s side on the war and that some people “deliberately misinterpret this because there’s the so-called ‘no limit’ friendship or relationship.” He added, “‘No limit’ is nothing but rhetoric.” Mr. Fu said that China had not provided military assistance to Russia, nor recognized its efforts to annex Ukrainian territories, including Crimea and the Donbas.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/saudi-crown-prince-says-do-not-care-if-biden-misunderstands-him-atlantic-2022-03-03/ I have raised this before but this is a consequence of the mishandling and public vilification of MbS over incidents like the Khashoggi assassination from the US and particularly the Biden administration. Trump handled the Saudi's much better and he understood the respect they expected Its not the end of the world but it does mean the likes of Saudi Arabia wont increase oil supply if asked by the US like they would do under a Trump presidency and Saudi Arabia also have influence with other OPEC countries I think this type of rift is easy to fix but it will require some effort from the US but it wont happen under Biden who has been given bad advice around dealing with the likes of the Saudi Arabia
  3. https://minfin.gov.ru/ru/press-center/?id_4=38438-o_neftegazovykh_dokhodakh_i_provedenii_operatsii_po_pokupkeprodazhe_inostrannoi_valyuty_na_vnutrennem_valyutnom_rynke Latest Russian ministry financial report, they've earned 39 billion Rubles less of oil and gas revenues in March than was predicted in the budget. And from April 7th until early May they'll be dumping 3,7 billion of foreign currency every day to prevent the deficit from skyrocketing.
  4. That is one of the most interesting reads I have seen about Putin and the inner workings of his private life Interesting he didnt tell his parents when he left but what insight. And very candid, if he doesnt know something he says " I dont know " He also believes Putin isnt expecially sick but the isolationism and paranoia is real
  5. I was 45 hours into IWD2 and about it go into the Underdark when the game crashed on that loading screen I then spent about 5 hours troubleshooting it by removing mods and reinstalling mods and the game and it just made things worse. None of my save games would load. It was very frustrating and I was about to quit the game but then someone on Codex mentioned that you must loads mods in the same original order because IWD2 is a buggy game. I decided to try one more time to fix the issues and I did the following I uninstalled the game completely from GOG I then deleted any folders or files that were left over that were mostly mod related I reinstalled the game I then used my normal windows download folder to guess which mods I would have installed first And it worked, I could load save games and go into the Underdark
  6. Its grandstanding, no need to take it seriously. I would think after years of Trump and Trump supporter rhetoric everyone would be use to it now and just ignore it
  7. I cant get enough of this Russian outrage and as the tweet says " Putin is a master strategist who pushed a neutral country into joining NATO "
  8. I have always supported them in several things since 1994. These include the role they played during Codesa and the negotiations to create the new SA they respect the Constitution and the rule of law and order they are committed to ending corruption and transforming the economy they dont support radical left policies like the EFF they believe in partnerships between the private sector and public sector they recognize the importance of a free media they believe in an independent judiciary I can go on and on but I dont support many of there foreign policy decisions and positions they take
  9. As as usual your views are inaccurate about what I believe or has actually occurred in SA I support the ANC in many ways but not recent foreign policy and I have even voted for them. Cyril didn't order the police to use force in Marikana. All he correctly said was a 3 month strike must end but he didnt have authority to order them to use lethal force. And he didnt own the mine But nice trolling
  10. No its a good question. Africa was a proxy war in clash between the West and Communism and it manifested in different ways in different countries. But from the mid 1960s there were only 5-6 countries that still had either white minority rule or were still colonies like the 3 Portuguese countries So in the case of Rhodesia, SA or Namibia the USSR and Red China helped train liberation movements like the ANC military wing, SWAPO and ZANU-PF So they helped with military training and resources in the armed struggle aspect of ending Apartheid But Apartheid of course ended through a political solution and not a military one
  11. Agreed, the ANC is completely inconsistent with our value system when it comes to several foreign policy decisions. And I have raised this several times One example, our uninformed minister of foreign affairs keeps saying " we are neutral and Russia helped us achieve independence from Apartheid and they our friends " but it wasnt Russia who helped end Apartheid. It was the USSR and it was during the Cold War. But Ukraine was also part of the USSR, so why arent we criticizing the invasion because by her understanding of " friends " Ukraine is also our friend But the ANC ideological inconsistency gets criticized all the time in SA
  12. Thats the outcome I like to see, its obvious to the future of the EU that Russian\Putin nationalism is its biggest security threat. Any politicians that dont want to accept that must go Its taken a long time for the EU to understand and accept the risk Putin represents but the invasion of Ukraine has changed that. Better late than never Also please post links when you make these types of relevant posts
  13. Three Putin body doubles having their after-work glass of vodka together when suddenly their supervisor-colonel appears: "Guys, breaking news. There was an assassination attempt on Putin. I've got good news and bad news for you" One of the guys replied: "Please tell us the good news first" Colonel: "He survived" "And now the bad news" "He has lost one arm"
  14. You know Trump can still run for president even if he is found guilty https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-elected-president-indicted-convicted-experts/story?id=97688250
  15. Well you asked why is there so much fuss and I am answering why, the optics and the perception it creates. Now that doesnt change anything including how UNSC veto work but thats not what you were asking And Im sure people also complained\fussed when the US got the chair during the invasion of Iraq? But the UNSC does have values but it cant always implement them because of the veto
  16. "I don't know why there's such a fuss over it " Sometimes you really make me laugh, good one There is no way to stop Russia legally getting the rotational chair because its by design and its only for 1 month as you said But its a massive deal because of the optics and the reality. Russia invaded a sovereign country and the region has become destabilized apart from the long list of war crimes. And there President is facing war crimes. The UNSC function is about ensuring international peace and security. So its about the optics, its a massive contradiction to the values of the UNSC but its only for a month
  17. This is true to certain degree but I also dont think white collar criminals, like insider traders, shouldn't end up amongst gang bangers and mass murderers. Thats why you have different types of prisons in the US One of my uncles ended up serving 7 years in prison that was for people who commit financial fraud and similar crimes in the US. He wasnt amongst hardcore criminals
  18. Thats the allegation but its depends on the crime. Even the best lawyer cant get you off real evidence. Look at rich people like Harvey Weinstein or Bernie Madoff. Despite there wealth they going to spend the rest of there lives in jail so it depends on the crime and evidence
  19. Sure but before anyone can go to jail they need to be found guilty in a court of law, being found guilty in the court of public opinion isnt enough I dont want Trump running for president, he is divisive and brings a level toxicity to politics that is contagious for both parties But this is a mistake and a distraction. Like I asked earlier do you really think he would be charged if he wasn't running for president ? Thats the difference between a political prosecution and a legitimate one
  20. I think charging Trump for the hush money payment is a bad legal and political strategy because its going add to the hyperbole and unify his base around " Trump is being unfairly targeted, its a political prosecution. The US is controlled by the deep state ...you see" and other rhetoric I understand the Dems dont want him to be a candidate but then beat him the normal way, through the ballot box. This is a weak attempt at backdoor political wrangling even though its a "legal " outcome Is there anyone on this forum who honestly believes the Manhattan D.A would be charging Trump if he wasnt running as a presidential candidate?
  21. I have followed several informed views about this topic and what China experts were saying is exactly what you posting in the sense Xi was hoping for a quick Russian victory and then a lackluster and disunited Western response But the reality has been very different. Russia has failed to achieve a quick or significant military victory and the invasion has united the West in unprecedented ways So Xi is re-strategizing the entire China approach to Taiwan and the most effective way to achieve Chinas geopolitical aspirations But they were hoping for a quick and decisive Russian military victory in Ukraine
  22. States have limited budgets and priorities have to be set, at least you spending money on reparations for slavery. Thats more important than a decent transport system ?
  23. Yes this has become the most divisive and unpopular legislation ever proposed in the history of Israel. The right wing has gone too far and what it wants to achieve could literally tear Israel apart and its understandable the anger because in essence the biggest problem is it allows a simple majority of 51% in the Knesset\Parliament to override SC decisions which translates to " we dont want politicians to be accountable to the law " Its the most absurd reality to think anyone would believe politicians should be above the law and the SC should no longer have judicial authority over them So Netanyahu had to pause but he needs to pause it permanently or you will see unprecedented civil unrest in Israel especially with soldiers refusing to do there military service
  24. I wonder if this is true, @Gfted1 you sneaky Americans and your pesky microchips in vaccines
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