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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Fair enough, end of the day it will be US citizens who decide and live with the good and bad of new government policies
  2. I think I am the only person on this forum who doesnt live in a first world country and real inequality and poverty doesnt exist in first world countries. And obviously I am not suggesting I live in poverty but its exists in SA and I have seen it throughout Africa in certain countries where bad leadership and lack of governance and prudent economic policies is a direct consequence to people becoming indigent for generations....no jokes but decades If you look at the collapse of countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela you will notice from the timelines that these countries use to be functional and then because of deeply flawed government policies within 10-12 years of implementing these policies they ended up broken So the reality is it is possible for a bad government to destroy the livelihoods of most of its citizens after a decade or so. So if the US implemented stimulus programs that had the end result of hurting the economy it would effect everyone and all families except for the people in government who always have wealth due to taxes and the fact they government. You will notice even in the worst run countries in the world the people aligned to government always have resources and nice things...they avoid suffering like the citizens Now its not possible to predict the economic outcome and results of a program like UBI in the US but I ask again, would you really be prepared to take that risk ?
  3. Im sure expecting the wealthiest people in the US to fund stimulus programs would be challenged both legally and Constitutionally? Also you would need a constant source of revenue from them to fund national stimulus programs so how much would it cost? That would have to be the first step in taxing " the 1% " and then what makes it more complicated is that no country has ever implemented nation wide programs like UBI before. Their are only pilot projects and limited examples to test and understand what it means and its impact throughout the world Would you really feel comfortable with the US being the first country to see if it works? And then programs like UBI can potentially lead to an increase in inflation and economies getting weaker like we seeing at the moment with this global inflation and issues with the supply chain But the main concern IMO is I would like to see other countries who have implemented nationwide programs like UBI and then see the outcome?
  4. You should, I mentioned in the past I would vote for you if I could vote ...think of all the fatcat perks you would gain
  5. He does sounds ideal, I dont remember him being one of candidates but I see he was I see he stepped down and you right. He mentions ""not comfortable" with many political positions from the party's leadership " . Imagine how different the Democrats would be under his leadership https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Webb
  6. Thats scary and that would have been worse than Trump....the US becoming another failed socialist experiment is not ideal I think Hilary was the best Democrat candidate of the possible candidates
  7. @rjshae I thought you would appreciate this
  8. Great news, hopefully we have a beautiful Isabella lookalike Edit : Oh wait you said Bioshock, not Bioware
  9. Nice, BG3 is looking amazing. I cant wait to play it I laughed in the video at the " look another barbarian, all brawn and no brain " comment
  10. Can you give one example where the governments of USA and UK are "pro- war " and want a war with Russia? Just one? And as usual please include a link so I can confirm the veracity of your point As I mentioned in the past their was never a direct war between the West and Russia even during the Cold War because of the reality of mutually assured destruction due to nuclear weapons so I find it strange that I hear this argument that in the year 2022 suddenly the West wants war with Russia ?
  11. https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/us-news/virginia-giuffre-would-refuse-out-of-court-settlement-with-prince-andrew-report-articleshow.html Yet originally her lawyer said its unlikely she would accept a financial settlement because she wanted it to go public and she wanted to be vindicated I wonder what changed? Maybe the size of the cheque ? Their are many examples since the MeToo movement started where women have refused settlements and bravely gone to court. I am disappointed she didnt stand by her original principles
  12. Gorth please dont be unfair to Trump, she is a porn star ...who wouldnt say yes
  13. Yes its more spin and propaganda from Russia, nothing usual about that
  14. Unfortunately I have only visited 5 US states and NY is one of them but its also one of the main incoming international entry points from SA when we fly to the US we land in NY or Atlanta. Its an amazing city and full of energy and you going to have a great time ....remember GD " its the city that never sleeps " I remember the first time I went to the US was on holiday in the 1980's near the end of Apartheid and we stayed in this hotel near Central Park and their was this incredible breakfast buffet that we had never really seen before because of sanctions. The grandeur and choices of all the food was mind boggling at the time They had this huge fruit display which was probably 1.5 meters high and one of my brothers took a piece of pawpaw from the bottom of the display and caused the ENTIRE fruit display to come crashing down on the buffet table He learnt an important lesson ..." never take fruit from the bottom of the display "
  15. Elerond whats your overall opinion on this Ukrainian development, do you think Russia is justified to demand Ukraine isnt allowed to joining NATO and deploying troops to the border because of the history or do you think Putin is going too far ?
  16. Okay, I see what you mean. Yes it could complicate the situation
  17. I am not sure you can classify the NATO bombing campaign as an invasion?
  18. Why would this increase the likelihood of an invasion...Im confused by your point ?
  19. I tend to agree, the Democrats arent doing very well on several fronts but I think Biden has handled this Ukraine crisis well by making everything so public and embellishing the panic and getting the likes of CNN involved If you have been watching CNN you would have assumed Russia had already invaded (but I like CNN, they cover many things well but they tend to gravitate towards SJWism too much )
  20. Is it even confirmed they withdrawing and dont you think if this whole " exercise " was just theater why make such a big deal with the demands like Ukraine musnt join NATO? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? No what happened is Putin miscalculated the Western and global pushback and if he is withdrawing its because he realizes he doesnt have appetite or resources to be able to invade Ukraine and face the consequence of the economic sanctions Sorry Dark but you should align with the winning team always and thats the West, we the good guys in the story
  21. Kanie how would you compare it NWN or BG and I mean around the combat strategies, spell usage and monsters you encounter because for me those Bioware games are brilliant and utilize the D&D ruleset nicely
  22. Thats a great story about the trust or lack of trust in government But Gorth why you being so cynical about our American friends, Im sure @Guard Dog will tell you thats exactly what he feels when the US government tells US citizens whats best for them
  23. Zora you sound cynical? Next thing you going to say you question the sincerity of politicians kissing babies? @Gorth Talking about Denmark, I was watching on CNN how they have dropped all pandemic regulations and they asking " how has Denmark been able to do this " Do you know 90% of Danish citizens trust their government and this is similar to other Nordic countries So this tells us that one of the secrets to a happy and prosperous country is to trust your government So you see why I generally say " we all should trust our governments or at least give them benefit of doubt " unless they clearly involved in wrong doing And then I have another question for you, why dont you live in Denmark because it seems like a very well run country with an effective government? What made you such a wanderer and why did you decide to settle in Oz ? ( and I like Oz but Denmark seems overall better ? )
  24. Their is no valid reason that any religious person should be homophobic and discriminate against LGBT based on their interpretation of scripture You can absolutely be Christian and be proud of that without practicing this type of bigotry
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