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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. When I worked in the sorting area around people, I would stay home as soon as I got even slightly ill, but now that I sit in what is basically my own little house with no contanct with people, I go to work no matter how I feel as long as I feel I can drive my personal car safely. That said, once I moved from the sorting floor out to be a yard jockey, my rate of illness went way down - traded that in for constant workplace injuries and 1-2 months of sickleave from those each year instead. XD
  2. I'm jealous of both of you, the most pain in the arse season is upon us Black friday + christmas sales. It looks like it is going to be pretty much the same headache as last year.
  3. But.... that's the best part!
  4. Yes. Yes, they are. Also, I got vertigo from just watching that video.
  5. Are you Asian?
  6. 2$ Or 195 Snowflakes in their new store, buy 150 points for 1$..
  7. The really sad part is that this horse**** is going to sell like hot cakes.
  8. In Sweden up until the 80's the tax on petrol and diesel was properly earmarked and used for road maintainance and expansions, but since then that limit was removed and the money is spent on anything but the roads. Alot of this money does go as tax relief for rich people buying newer cars. For fun, the costs @ the month of august; Petrol 6.03SEK/Litre Value added tax on the petrol, 1.51SEK Energy tax, 3.95SEK/litre Co2 Tax, 2.62SEK/Litre Value added tax on the tax (Becuz Lulz) 1.64SEK Total cost, 15.75SEK/Litre of wich 9.72SEK are taxes, or 62% if you so wish. Oh, and then there's tax on the car itself aswell ofcourse.
  9. Going to be a great workday today, instead of the normal 8 or so people working inside on the dayshift, there is 1, and me. Already have lorries in queue for empty trailers to get to customers.
  10. For what it's worth, I'm with you in general, I decided to buy it on WinStore mainly to say **** you to Epic in a way that also supports Obsidian. Also, I haven't noticed any extra apps/software popping up since installing, I just have an icon on my desktop that starts the game, as much hassle as any game I've installed from GOG. Then again, it's still DRM'd and such I suppose, I haven't tried booting without internet because I'm way too lazy. Another alternative would be to buy that game pass for a while to play TOW, then drop it and buy the game in a year from Steam. I'll be buying it again when/if it comes to GOG.
  11. You can buy it from the windows store.
  12. It's not a game I'm really interested in, but damn if that soundtrack isn't awesome...
  13. It should! I don't want to be the one to clean it out, let me tell ya! It's been stewing over the summer aswell...
  14. There's a DHL driver that comes by here about once a day, and not even he knows who's responsible, heh.. The foreign drivers that came here last winter used the trailer as a portapotty, it's kind of gross XD
  15. Right by my workplace, DHL parked a trailer over a year ago, I've told my bosses about it and they said they'd fix it, but the trailer hasn't moved, so I've decided to take it on myself to call and make sure they pick it up. DHL sent me speaking to everyone in Sweden and noone had any idea about who is responsible for it. I kind of understand why the trailer is still here.
  16. Jump to about 2:45 She does sort of have a point, though it's not necessarilly that they are psycopaths that went to the policeforce, but they do kind of get taught to be.
  17. I so love that show XD
  18. Bought a 1TB Samsung 970 Evo a month ago, still haven't gotten it into the computer though, maybe this weekend
  19. Didn't think of that actually, thanks! XD
  20. I wonder why they didn't bring their windpowered generators, or solar cells. What the **** do they need a generator for btw? I thought they were camping? What the **** do they need electricity for?
  21. It's been a while since I used any of my old trainers that typically get blocked, but I don't think you are many steps away from specifying what file you want off their lists. Haha, every time I read your fitness updates I get cramps
  22. Agreed, but then again, there are alot of people here with wives/girlfriends aswell, which boggles ones mind O.o'
  23. Every day, at the end of the workday, I send a compilation of irregularities, things that aren't in the computer system so that the people above me can add it in and make sure that everything is correct. Nothing has happened over the past months years, but I keep at it. This morning one of my bosses sent me an email asking for a compilation of irregularities so they can add it to the computer system...
  24. It's good stuff
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