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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Thanks Alan!
  2. Ah, cool. Is it a world in itself or just a ruleset in the same vein as D&D? I've never had much contact with D&D since we've mostly been playing local games of the fantasy variety. I'm personally not a fan of systems that take actions away from the player (Such as Defence as a passive stat). We do have things like Star Wars, Wheel of Time and Midnight, but they've never been our most played games.
  3. Ah, not heard much about it, D&D3.5 variant or something, right? Got a scheduled appointment to the hospital to check my iritis on the right eye, wich is'nt clear yet annoyingly. And friday evening I noticed some reddening around my left eye aswell, so I'm pretty damn certain it's started there aswell. Started selfmedicating at once since the opthalmologists department was closed when I noticed it, and since it has'nt progressed like it did the first time and actually started to look better with the meds I'm going to assume that it's iritis. Oh, and after going to the hospital I'm dropping in on my friends for some Only War RPG.
  4. PF? Can't remember that abbreviation...
  5. From a post in that thread; I think that the sales of RAM modules will spike this month, rather than CoD sales going down. But I'm just guessing.
  6. My woodworking teacher I had in school was so touchy feely that the majority of the guys changed to sewing class instead, including me, and the girls went to woodworking class and wore low cut tops and passed with B's and A's. Then again, the sewing class teacher was hot. And really flirty. Somehow, he's still employed there.
  7. Thing is, you're not going to be able to determine beforehand if your impact is going to turn it into essentially dust, or if you're just going to blow off some 30% of it or whatever. Sure, if you can turn an asteroid into gravel, that'd be awesome. But at best, you're going to turn it into a slightly smaller impact that'll still be a killer.
  8. It would be really interesting to see your family tree. :D
  9. Well he never explicitly says racist stuff, it's just heavilly insinuated. It's actually quite skillful and seems to require alot of effort! But yes, do please piss off Oby, enough is enough. You're not the kind of rise I'm looking for in this thread...
  10. I'm happy for you, for me it just won't let go. I can't stand it, feeling the needle going through the skin and then moving around underneath it. And this is despite having hundreds of bloodsamples drawn and shots taken.
  11. How do you mean? I don't know if it's in the video previously posted here, but in the end of one, there is a group of hostile players that shows up. So I would assume that other players are around on the server, and it not being instanced either.
  12. Woooosh.
  13. To boldly go, where 536 people have gone before!
  14. Was put under for when I tore open my leg and had to sew it together, also for an endoscopy and before getting my tetanus shot. I was quite unruly all those times. Does fainting when taking a bloodsample count? >_>'
  15. The problem with Bugbear's games is that they are pretty short on content. I did like Rally Trophy and the first Flatout, especially RT, but I saw everything they had to offer in just a few evenings. Maybe this one gets a bit more to play if it's kickstarter succeeds. I want it, looks nice and the first game was great. But has anyone seen or heard them mention anything about DRM? I'm not putting money in if it's going to be on Steam only.
  16. Y2K happened. All the computers rose up and started killing people and burning down houses. It took the entire year and countless lives to put down the rebellion of the machines. Don't you remember? No, I was 15 at the time, I've suppressed those years memories - I'll take your word for it.
  17. Aww! :< I would'nt have minded playing with americans or people from other places in the world, but you always want to be so "special" and insist on having your evening when it's either night or morning over here. If you just adjust your days inline with our and there would'nt be a problem! ^^
  18. I'm torn. It does look great, the premise is lovely. But it's Ubisoft, and the simple fact that it initially was'nt even mentioned coming to PC makes me think it'll be pretty **** control wise. Even though that might just have been some PR **** going on, because PC gamers are unbelievably gullible. Also, what with all the F2P gimmicks and such going on, I'm not holding much hope for them not doing bad decisions there aswell. And I'm a pessimist overall. And it's not World of Warcraft, Star Wars nor does it presumably have vampires in it, so I won't be able to get my friends interest.
  19. What happened to year 2000? Did all women beam over to Venus that year without me noticing?
  20. I could hardly read the last one for all the tears! Thank you so much for that!! :D
  21. When I clicked in on the thread, I felt that something was wrong, not quite right... and then it hit me. Random Video Game News. Not RANDOM VIDEO GAME NEWS. Wich page has the most ads for the game? ;D
  22. Ouch... that's cold!
  23. Oh dear... is it bad that I feel ashamed on his behalf?
  24. Haha! That Shatner vid was awesome! Made me go to youtube and listen to some Symphony of Science too.
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