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Everything posted by C2B

  1. I'm posting them for everyone else. Yes, but look at my links. All answers show up there! I'm just trying to make posting it easier for you. Are you using them?
  2. Did you check it out Loranc? You don't have to search for every answered question!
  3. And Tim Cain http://www.reddit.com/user/TimCain http://www.reddit.com/user/ChrisAvellone http://www.reddit.com/user/jesawyer There, no navigating needed.
  4. You can also just check out these http://www.reddit.com/user/ChrisAvellone http://www.reddit.com/user/jesawyer Done: For questions click on *context* It's not THAT hard to figure out.
  5. On the right sidebar there's a button where you can register (only takes a few seconds, doesn't even need an e-mail). After that you can post, or up/downvote questions you like or dislike.
  6. On our forum are mostly backers. reddit has a big audience if you like them or not. So, if they want to reach more people it's smarter to do it on reddit.
  7. Thanks C2B, is there a new backer number? no But he'll announce them once or twice during the day.
  8. I just love these threads were *It's like this* assumptions are made from some random thing a developer said. I actually do. Since it brings a discussion, even if I vehemently disagree with it like this one. @Indira: My point is it doesn't have to be. There are tons of reasons you can still do all the things you apparently want (I want similiar). Just get a little creative with it. Said Adventure Hall can easily be a buisness and the pay you make is for coupeling said adventurers with the adventure party and actual mercenaries that use the hall for jobs, or, or, or, or...................................................................... As with everything it depends on the implentation and is NOT a dead end. You just have to get creative with it. If you do, you find solutions.
  9. They don't need to be? How did you get that impression? It may also be just a fee from the adventure's hall itself. Be a little creative here.
  10. Hiring an experienced adventurer SHOULD be a moneysink. With experienced I mean quite stronger than your party. I don't think the *money sink* will actually be that big if you're just going to normally be hiring someone there. @Indira: There's not many people that would work for free, if they had not similiar or to you connected goals. Also, probably none of them would register themselves at an establishment (Adventure's Hall) that's exactly for this purpose. You do if either: A: You're looking for someone to join in compensation for money or at least something. B: You're looking for an escort. In which case you would provide the money.
  11. We need a normal last day for a highly successful kickstarter campagin. That's already enough to reach it. How it currently looks, we might even blow past it.
  12. I had to choose *He is not the right guy to hire* but that's a bit too harsch. There are just tons of guys Obsidian should look at first, from their own past included that I'd rather see first.
  13. It's not just DA. There have been plenty of successful projects where the last minute bump hold true.
  14. I unbacked Project Eternity to back this. I unbacked Project Eternity to back this. Noticed the joke. This thing is hilarious. Edited: Little late to the party. But, the worst thing about this is that I thought it totally real for a moment.
  15. We're likely going to hit 3,200,000 today. I would love to hit 3,300,000 today though. That would be the best outcome. Do you mean today as in your *today*? Because it's like 4 hours to the second last day for the kickstarter.
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