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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. http://youtu.be/AkzNL69L_h0 Dog bites his masters hand.
  2. Western fear of Russia is obvious. Because this West constantly produce postmodernist propaganda against us. Nothing unusual. http://youtu.be/pJCeJ7xPQgw
  3. Russian man stole a police car and crashing it. http://youtu.be/t1XMI8cU_J0
  4. Russian Tu-22M Backfire bombers escorted by Su-27 Flankers simulate night attack on Sweden. Sweden's military, however, was too slow to react and had to rely on help from Nato. http://theaviationist.com/2013/04/22/backfire-sweden/#.UXbCuT4WvVs http://youtu.be/bmJxI7VYOEg
  5. Who would win in a fight: U.S. Police or Chechen Police?
  6. For comparison
  7. Elite of "Murican police NY LEO with his EOTech mounted to his rifle backwards. It's a really scary pic. lol This is a SWAT guy. And this pic means that he's most likely never trained with this rifle in its current configuration, and he's aiming the rifle at people
  8. Russian member of spetznas wondering how unprofessional SWAT are. http://hardingush.livejournal.com/73169.html http://youtu.be/dhUQ5ONxYFc
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/russia-puts-blogger-alexei-navalny-opposition-on-trial/2013/04/16/1ff1edb8-a6ae-11e2-a8e2-5b98cb59187f_story_1.html A Comment from the Westling Meanwhile Westlings have dream about Putin-Savior.
  10. Russians are coming! Finnish butthurt in comments http://www.taloussanomat.fi/raha/2013/04/13/venalaisostajat-nostivat-mokkihinnat-taivaisiin/20135264/139 google translated http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.taloussanomat.fi%2Fraha%2F2013%2F04%2F13%2Fvenalaisostajat-nostivat-mokkihinnat-taivaisiin%2F20135264%2F139 You can easily google similar butthurts around the world. London: http://boingboing.net/2013/04/05/how-the-global-hyper-rich-have.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/cyprus-britain-welcome-russian-oligarchs?commentpage=2 Israel: http://mondoweiss.net/2013/01/existential-russians-implored.html Thailand http://inpattayanow.com/2013/01/28/opinion/readers-letter-the-russians-are-ruining-pattaya/ http://www.livingthai.org/russians-in-pattaya.html
  11. “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Actually this is European butthurt. After USSR dissolving Great expansion of ex-soviet people began. Millions of Russians infiltrate in European society and occupy everything. All Europa ruled by Russian Mafia now, your elite is bribed, even Brits serve to us ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/9509951/Berezovsky-v-Abramovich-trial-How-Boris-Berezovsky-lost-a-fortune.html ). Only Italy save own independence, but they are our ally. Now Europeans are beginning to understand what really happened to them after "win" in Cold War, but its too late.
  12. Portugal nazi-propaganda. Ukrainian mongoloids lol. http://youtu.be/BhN5yv8lvdc
  13. Meanwhile Americans make comparison between Putin and Obama. http://www.tomatobubble.com/putin_obama.html
  14. http://youtu.be/6XtQbX8fM1o
  15. You made my day Ayia Napa in Cyprus looks like good place to visit in my sight. http://youtu.be/AKVmYRDHwGE http://youtu.be/nQ-sdPaJUFA
  16. Oh shoot. I forgot about 'Murican phobia of boobs. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9892895/Oscars-2013-women-have-boobs-America.-Get-over-it.html Too sexist and Puritan on my sight, do want avoid countries like this in my summer trip. Russian tourists visit Erbil Kurdistan. http://youtu.be/rfwMQIcCvQA http://youtu.be/UYuBHt73XRk Nothing do there. Drink vodka with Russian girls i can at home.
  17. Summer trip planned- let the planning begin... I want visit similar place in Europe, where i never been yet. Spain? Greece? Italy? Please, give advice to me.
  18. Hmm, looks like many people celebrate of this death.
  19. They known it, but Syrians have lack of good infantry and use tanks so much instead of this. It's not so bad, they don't lost tanks too often because poor armament of FSA. In this video Ossetian guerrilla-figthers destroy Georgian T-72 in Tskhinvali. http://youtu.be/GAwX22SPzuY
  20. Anonymous do it again http://youtu.be/lVeVSr2Iu6I OpIsrael PDF of 35,000 Alleged Mossad Agents http://cryptome.org/2013/03/mossad-opisrael.pdf OpIsrael XLSX of 35,000 Alleged Mossad Agents http://cryptome.org/2013/03/mossad-opisrael.zip
  21. http://www.gulftimes.com/articles/2013/04/06/putin-no-plans-close-ngos-public-has-right-know Why Westlings wasting moneys so much to this? These NGOs just steal your money, they are scammers.
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