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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Today not only ISIS burn arses of US puppets, but militia of Novorossia do same thing. Ukrainian army last fer weeks trying separate East Ukrainian republics from Russian border and totally surround them. But as usual they do this "blitzkrieg" too slow and too stupid ( they left few bottlenecks ) - East Ukrainians break their communications and surround attacking group of Ukrainian Army near Russian borders in 3 salients. Columns of 24 and 79 Ukrainian brigades completely destroyed during this today.
  2. ISIS completely destroy 9th elite tank division of US puppets. Allahu Akbar! https://twitter.com/Alanbar_news/media Meanwhile in imaginary world of US president Murica win war in Iraq yet in 2011 year and everything is ok here ( democracy as in any another invaded by US country, Somalia for example ). http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/dec/14/barack-obama-iraq-war-success
  3. As i see some forum members there like Jap girls, especially for them... Realistic Jap beauty Jap girl with non-Jap girl in black... Yep, true Jap fan's choice is girl in pink boots P.S. For everyone else is this half-elfRussian / half-Jap girl. http://youtu.be/KalK7DHfuW4
  4. Icelands people: Women: 90% blonde, glacier-blue eyes, many were as tall as me and I'm 185cm, and they all shared the same facial features, - high-ish cheekbones, rounded noses, and round faces -. Definitely a great place to find a lot of fashion models. Erm... they looks like this girl from Iceland? P.S. Single guy without girlfriend detected. If you find almost any girl beautiful, this is means only one thing - you have lack of sex.
  5. Brazilian poorfags crying because of one team of millionaires has been defeated by another team of millionaires. lol, brainwashing in action.
  6. Why? Do you is not Goy? P.S. This conflict looks quite artificial. Israel create Hamas as honey-pot for stupid Arabs and periodically make such "cleaning's" (yep this is just utilization of possible dangerous for occupants people, nothing more ). P.P.S. Supporting Israel you support terrorism. http://www.sangam.org/ANALYSIS/Ahmad.htm
  7. They do it at homeland. Anyway they usually don't bother anyone in difference with importunate Europeans. http://youtu.be/dJ8IAcDo7WI
  8. Other people impressed by British tourists also. Just few news from some day about them. http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news-spain/mallorca/A_drugged_British_tourist_has_been_arrested_for_biting_several_bathers_on_the_Magaluf_beach.shtml http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news-spain/mallorca/A_young_British_girl_bit_the_health_crew_who_were_attending_her.shtml Obviously this behaviour cause so much "love" from locals to Britts. http://costadelcrime.blogspot.ru/2014/06/a-scots-tourist-died-trying-to-defend.html Personally i find Britt's annoying, but not dangerous in comparison with packs of migrants, who try perform few failed robbery attempts during my trip in EU (they even make my trip funnier, some sort of russian roulette).
  9. Their behaviour make them ugly. yep, this is British tourists again... they all looks like these people at photos. When you see entire town of such dirty animals, thousands of them - this is really sickeningly.
  10. I returned from my summer trip and do want compare my personal feelings whith feelings another people. Personal favorites of my Worst Tourists top is Britts. Always totally drunk, loudly, aggressive in big companies (but very quiet alone, cowardly), though mostly harmless ( their brawlings looks childish ). Often by own offensive actions create dangerous situations for yourself. Girls often looks terrible, fatty, cellulitis, ugly tattoos everywhere, strange dresses. Germans is number 2. Same thing as Britts, but more quiet and mostly avoid real conflicts ( though this is probably their personal fear of Russians after WW2 failure). Girls looks too manly. French. Many of them IRL are Algerian migrants, can be loud, but don't create real problems. Number 3. Some girls are nice. Italians. Norm people, can't say something bad about them. Many their girls looks nice. Number 4. Americans. Eat strange food, but don't create problems for another people. Young girls looks nice. Russians. Don't like them, but this is just internal competition, for our culture it's norm. IRL they are one of best tourists ever, hosts like them very much and this is really strange ( i don't have illusions about our people, we are quite fiendish and dangerous creatures). Though our cold perfectionists behaviour create big butthurt to other tourists, many of these drunkards really hate us.
  11. Batallion "Aidar" of Nazi guards has ben destroyed. They attack Eastern Ukrainian checkpoint, local militia retreat to wood, naziguards pursuit them and has been ambushed. Naziguards send 2 APC and 2 tanks as help to dying unit, but militia exterminate them also. http://youtu.be/9j-i2wvwXNA http://youtu.be/efMosh4xCow 8 Naziguards captured alive.
  12. Ukrainian army bomb Slavjansk by this. http://instagram.com/p/pZMbx0RWwC/# http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beehive_anti-personnel_round http://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/100567 OSCE as usual say nothing about this. Though this is expected. OSCE Chief visit Ukrainian refugee camp in Russia (around 15 - 20 thousands Ukrainians flee from civil war to Russia) and say Poroshenko is good guy, and Ukrainian army is good guys also, they save civilians from terrorists. Just watch refugee's reaction to this speech. http://youtu.be/Aw2lqdV6pMI Just typical western arse who justify any sh*t if this is his own sh*t.
  13. By reports in East Ukrainian towns "liberated" by punisher's many girls are disappeared without tracks after house-to-house searches. Looks like good old mass rape (and mass killings, or slavetrade). Such things is expected, Ukrainian junta amnestied 15 000 criminals not so long ago, and by same information these criminals forced to fight in civil war against East Ukrainians - many paramilitary battalions ( they used for house-to-house searches especially ) are consisted from them. Non-surprisingly such things give to East-Ukrainian selfdefence many recruits, even girls join to fight against junta, is better fate to die in fight than die as helpless victim of rape/torture, or be sold as slave. http://youtu.be/t1VJcGReoi4 I predict of escalation of civil war, Kievan actions only make resistance more popular and stronger. Even if by using of superior firepower Kiev defeat East Ukrainians temporally ( in other words they just totally destroy rebelled cities ), in perspective this is cause fall of junta anyway.
  14. lol mode on http://youtu.be/GcpsqiqXBcw lol mode off.
  15. Russia has no T-64 in stock anymore last once were scrapped in 2012. Also russia never operated those T-64 models. US State Department making a fool of themselves yet again.. Or just very bad at propaganda. So far The US State Department published a photo of Chechen GRU officer Khamzat Gayrbekov in Georgia 2008, and claimed it was Terek Cossack Alexander Mozhaev in Slaviansk 2014 even though the resemblance was superficial at best. That turned out to be the result of extremely laughable Twitter Photoshop memes. It's mindblowing. They also showed a photo of a group of Cossacks in Slaviansk 2014 and claimed it was a photo from Georgia 2008, in order to compare it to another photo from Slaviansk 2014 and imply that the same people were in "both" places. Seriously. Basically it was a string of outrageously bad and contrived "intel" to be frank, and they mindlessly relayed it (it originated with the proven mythomaniacs in Kiev). Likewise, the US State Department mindlessly relayed the outrageously silly Kiev "theories" about a rebel MANPADS missile that went awry and exploded 18 times in succession in a 300 feet long path, laying waste to a community park in Lugansk and killing about a dozen people, including five women. This even though it was crystal clear that the series of explosions were caused by an Ukrainian Su-25 that launched a volley of S-8KO unguided rockets with the intention of striking the Lugansk City Hall where some of the LPR administrative people were working. Kiev denied it, and that was enough for the US State Department to mindlessly follow suit. This is no different from those proven lies. The tanks are Ukrainian-made, Ukrainian-operated T-64BVs that were captured on June 9th outside Lugansk after an intense clash between rebels and the Ukrainian army, as reported Monday this week. These tanks were reported being refurbished by Kiev at the Lviv Mechanical Maintenance Plant a few weeks ago, and sent to Eastern Ukraine last week. The destroyed BM-21 that the US State Department claims came from Russia was also an Ukrainian-operated ditto that was attacked by a rebel group outside the town of Dobropolye and subsequently put out of action, forcing the Ukrainians to abandon it. This has been going on ever since this whole mess began. Hell, it all began with extremely silly allegations, such as US and Kiev officials claiming that obvious (to anyone who knows a bit about the Kalash) mid-1980's Soviet AK-74s were hypermodern Russian Spetsnaz "AK-100s" (a model that does not even exist, by the way) and so on. Anyway US threats is total joke as we see in Iraq now. Just paper tiger with megalomania, we have no serious reasons to worry what these addicts say about civil war in Ukraine.
  16. Saigon 2014, americans begin flee from Baghdad. Stupid US escapade in Iraq ( by cost of killing few hundreds thousands civilians in process ) ended by epic failure. Same thing in Afghanistan expected soon. Lamerica... what you are doing
  17. They are Nazi, trust me. I consume some time for researches of Neo-nazi movements, i notice constantly how Ukrainian government use Nazi terms, symbols, repeat nazi ideological cliche, 14/88, Black sun etc. Most fresh example is speech of Ukrainian prime minister (who IRL has much more power than decorative president now) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:W7a815ys0XwJ:usa.mfa.gov.ua/en/press-center/news/24185-mi-uvichnimo-pamjaty-gerojiv-ochistivshi-nashu-zemlyu-vid-nechistiarsenij-jacenyuk-u-spivchutti-ridnim-i-blizykim-zagiblih-vojiniv-u-lugansyku+&cd=1&hl=ru&ct=clnk&gl=ru Subhumans or untermensch is clearly Nazi term. Or other minister from same "not-Nazi" ruling party say in speech about ethnic Russians, what they genetical natural born slaves, it's clearly Nazi ideology. But even more clear is next example - 5 current Ukrainian ministers are members or ex-members of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organisations. And this is very important ministers with real power, they control SBU (Ukrainian analog of CIA), Ukrainian military force. Kievan junta are Nazi, it's obvious. But many people in EU fear such reality of ressurected Nazism, they lie to yourself and prefer live in imaginary elfland where all people are nice persons, instead of real world. It's just more comfortable for them.
  18. Good good.. Military alliance of Russia and China cause so big ****shtorm. Continue please... P.S. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said: This butthurt become official Western politics now. Our Empire of trolling so succesfull!
  19. Yep, military Chinese-Russian military alliance is epic failure of Western politics. All what US diplomacy do half of century become f *** d now, thanks to Obama. By inertia Western media continue whining about Russian-Chinece hostility, but this is just wet fantasies of State Departament. Other news - Ukrainian APC cross Russian border and has been captured by Russians. Ukrainian military helicopter do this also, Russians shot down him. Wery hot in Mariupol today. Resistance forces use hit and run tactics against punishers here, as answer to this punishers begin terror against civilians, again. City fights are continued here. Foreign mercs participate in these fights on side of punishers. http://youtu.be/CcZmEmoNUKE East Ukrainians shot down Ukrainian military plane IL-76 with 40 soldiers. As reaction to this Ukrainian crowd attack russian ambassy in Kiev. Yep is similar to situation when someone is impotent but blaming alpha-male neighbor for it. As usual West continue repeat Ukrainian officials nonsense - Ukrainians don't bomb Lugansk, Ukrainians don't use White phosphorus, Kievan junta is not Nazi. It's make us lol, because of official Ukrainian propaganda is most crazy in the world. Few year ago one of his minister has been killed, officials say this is suicide, yep guy shot to own head from handgun... twice. Right sector member Sasha Beliy killed after arrest by Ukrainian police officially perform suicide also. He attack police officer, take his handgun and shot into yourself. He perform all this handcuffed behind back! In other words Ukrainian propagand make us lol long ago. http://youtu.be/nAlriBkBuEE
  20. Actually this is typical for Ukraine T64BV instead of T72s. Yet another Ukrainian propagandistic bull**** about Russian military forces at east of Ukraine. .
  21. At least CNN reach Slovjansk. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/11/world/europe/ukraine-inside-slovyansk/index.html?hpt=hp_inthenews I wondering how fast these journalists will be fired (many authors/editors of previous objective reports about Crimea has been fired during month after publications).
  22. New game from Obysoft announced at E3.
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