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Everything posted by obyknven
Meanwhile.... Ukrainian government blow up power plant near of Lugansk, this leaving over one million people around it without power. http://englishrussia.com/2014/09/17/power-plant-destroyed-million-people-left-powerless/ On this video ( 3 september 2014) commander of Ukrainian Naziguard batallion say he mined Lugansk power plant and promise explode this plant if rebels continue resistance. http://youtu.be/yV9jPsxazsg Classical terrorism this is.... Though what different can be expected from such people. Lviv, yet another night march of Ukrainian non-Nazi. http://youtu.be/FL-sPw1O6Ng
Just colonial news. Ukrainian general kneeling to Metropolitan US ambassador. Ukrainian government try save Ukrainian economics, but their masters ban this, because such actions can make harm to economic interests of Metropoly. Rebels take this headcam from dead body of Azov Battalion member. On video mercs from Metropoly cosplay Ukrainian soldiers. http://my.mail.ru/mail/katala.tyuryaga/video/Voina/1754.html?timestamp=74
Hmm, probably we must talks about beauty standards and anthropology firstly. For example Russians (even ethnic Russians) very non-homogeneous, difference genetic origin cause different appearance. Major types are: Finno-Ugric - descendants of assimilated Finno-Ugric tribes Russian-Central-Asian Arian type Slavic Russian type etc. Obviously different anthropology cause different standards of beauty. For example typical European girl looks too alien to us and considered as non-attractive.
Lol, this thread must be renamed into "crazy nonsence about communizm". In other words local posters must educate yourself firstly. Classics. Bright Dawn of Humanity. 1. K. Marx - Capital. The Best explanation of capitalism, how it's system working. Handbook (surprise!) of all successful oligarchs. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/index.htm 2. K. Marx - Communism manifesto. Notice in this time socialist = communist. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm 3. Lenin. The State and Revolution. Best explanation how any state working. https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ 4. Lenin. Renegade Kautsky. From this time socialist's become synonym of renegade bribed by capitalists. Epic fail of western left movement cause fail of revolution in Europe. Transformation of socialists into nationalists is begin. http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1918/prrk/ 20-s - 30-s: Reaction, Counterrevolution, Fascism, win of capitalism. 5. Trotskiy. Counterrevolution in USSR, Termidor. Failing of communism in USSR, after this time using terms "communists" or "marxists" is not correct more. http://maximumred.blogspot.ru/2013/04/thermidor.html 6. 30-s Rajani Palme Dutt. Continued transformation of socialists into fascists on the West. (Especially CHAPTER XII FASCISM AND SOCIAL REVOLUTION) http://www.plp.org./books/Dutt.html 60-s New Dawn of Humanity, New-Left movements as true descendants of marxists. 7. Che Guevara - Message to the Tricontinental https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm 8. Che Guevara Guerrilla warfare: A method https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm 9. Ulrike Meinhof Calls for a Move from Protest to Resistance http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=895 These texts show significant difference between true communists and socialists-opportunists posers. 80-s - present time. New Reaction. Collapse of pseudo-left Soviet Empire, Capitalism from hidden forms of Termidor and Directory become uncovered (Coup of 18 Brumaire style) on Post-Soviet space. Developing of Post-marxism. Socialists stay pro-capitalists traitors, many of them openly join to ultra-right movements. Resurrecting of fascism and nazism as ideologies. 10. Tarasov - notable post-marxist. Explanation about USSR http://screen.ru/Tarasov/etatism_eng.html Socialist are puppets of capitalists. http://screen.ru/Tarasov/SovTradUn.htm All Western socialists are servants of capitalists. Strategy of struggle against class enemy. http://screen.ru/Tarasov/revolution2.html 11. Subcommandante Marcos, Zapatista movement. Notable freedom fighter and writer. http://infochangeindia.org/other/world-social-forum/seven-loose-pieces-of-the-global-jigsaw-puzzle-subcomandante-marcos.html In Latin America exist big amount of true left movements, who seriously fight against oppressors, from hardcore FARK to "softcore" Chilean students. Add to this Left movements in Middle East (PKK for example), India, even in Europe true communists can be encountered (RAF yet alive), many other movements around the world. Struggle against capitalists is not ended. Even in current Ukrainian civil war presence of hardcore communists are notable. Escalated imperialistic fight between new capitalist predators (BRICS, China, Eurasia Union, Russia) and old decrepit capitalist hegemony (US,NATO, EU ) return world in pre-WW1 state and give good opportunity for post-marxists success. When such servants of capitalists as- socialists tell such coolstories it's make me lool.
Yeah, Russian stealth troops in stealth tanks from C&C. Dude, Russians giggling about this Western propaganda - just imagine few seconds of meteorite fly in siberia documented by many cams, but no one video evidence exist of masses of Russian troops invaded Ukraine during few months. In modern world cams and internets everywhere, such lack of proofs is just impossible. Also for your education - article about US propaganda from US propagandists, how it working. http://randomthoughtsandguns.blogspot.ru/2014/09/propoganda.html P.S. CA - lol, too much Ukrainians (and Ukrainian nationalists) in this country, they constantly spread crazy bull****. Canada also is our competitor in Arctic region - such hostille anti-russian propagand is quite typical for them in lat time ( Other our competitor is Australia - they acting against Russia too ). I think the source of the information tells more than the information itself.
Photo evidence of Russian invasion into Ukraine!
He looks like typical Omega loser. True Alpha's looks different (cauton NSFW). Edit : Nipples edited out due to complains (yes really) ~ Gorgon.
Suddenly.... During exercises in Romania, unit of modernizied Romanian t-55 defeat Murican Abrams tanks unit in the simulated battle. They "destroy" 8 from 11 Murican tanks, after this Murican military staff become very angry. http://www.ziare.com/stiri/armata/tancuri-romanesti-lupta-in-germania-le-au-invins-pe-cele-americane-1301143 http://www.wotromania.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Romanian_Tank_TR-85M1_-_01-explained.jpg http://www.wotromania.ro/tr-85-m1-bizonul/ Romania stronk! Hey-na-na-ney!
Alpha-males like matriarchy, because women like such males and in matriarchy they have high status and (surprise!!! surprise!!!) real power. Women by own free will always prefer alpha-males before everyone else. Meanwhile Omega-males hates matriarchy because in such society they don't have chances for sex. Only oppression by patriarchal society can force women into sex with omega-males - only patriarchal society give chance to omega's reproduction. Because of this we must rename this thread into "Omega-men thread"
http://youtu.be/hF_RguYpBnU German movie (with english subtitles) about Ukrainian military madskillz.
:lol: He constantly talk nonsence http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/07/us-ukraine-crisis-nato-arms-idUSKBN0H20E820140907
Advertisement of Novorossian army (Motorola battalion more accurately). http://youtu.be/9_iK91xbPVg Brotherhood of NOD. Kane is live! http://youtu.be/TsBC7xj0z38
Ukrainian army stronk! http://vimeo.com/105547118 Really stronk! http://youtu.be/AcZgPzwFcgA By latest news Ukrainians can't produce tanks now and their "industry" make this instead. It's soo cool. Western Politicans per 23 years of neo-liberal reforms transform such hi-tech country with 4-th by power army in world into this current "African" banana republic. I'm impressed.
Fascism has many sorts and Nazism is only one from them. Be a Antisemites is not necessary for to be a fascist.
And USA is starting to have more and more fascist face (power of corporations, militarized police and other state structures for punishing of opposition, propaganda and censorship everywhere, big brother watching you - it's looks like dystopia from "1984" book become real) under Obama administration. At least that's what it looks like from what i read and see.
Who is Mr Putin and why i must support him? Western people too overvalue Russian president, it's obvious. I even giggling imagine stupor of Western media, when he leave this post soon. My Political aspirations? Support any progressive force. Post-marxists is better than national capitalists (aka classic liberals in G. Washington style), national capitalists is better than international capitalists (aka neo-liberals or neo-faschists (Chile show there is no difference), who IRL are conservative retrogrades, antipodes of liberals).
You wrong. Personally i support continue of war (but not support neither side in this war) and don't like such politics of Russian government (and don't like Russian government also). Such events as wars is very good for progressive society changes (WW1 - give birth for USSR, WW2 crush colonialism), isolation of Russia is very good too... Just reminder about World Revolution 2.0. http://scepsis.net/eng/articles/id_10.php Obviously Russian capitalists don't want this and try prevent escalation of conflict, but happily Western elites too non competent and by own acts make world revolution a bit closer. As Lenin say about such capitalists: "Useful idiots so useful anyway".
Officially they are not here. Surkov's people can participate in this, but this is their private business. People of other Kremlin clans (who have different vision of Ukrainian future) as i known mostly leave East Ukraine yet in Jule and not interfere in current events. But situation can be changed in any moment - many rebels don't like Akhmetov, war continue anyway, and internal struggle of Kremlin clans continue non stop too - nobody known who win here in next time and what changes in this cause. Yep, probably Russian real politics is too difficult for foreigners, were real political life ended long ago, and because of this believing in tsar dictator Putin in better for them. Anyway in current time Russian government trying pacify region (new Transnistria project), while nor rebels, nor Ukrainian nationalists don't want this.
Because he is not side in this conflict. East Ukrainian oligarchs reach everything what they want during this civil war and now with Russian help they try pacify region... but Kievan and Donetsk capitalists lost control upon situation and war continue anyway... and this is good. This Chechen guy IRL stay behind this conflict. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinat_Akhmetov In Moskow very influental Chechen politican support him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladislav_Surkov Though game is not ended, other Kremlin clans do want prticipiate in this also.
Crimean referendum is not justified! Crimeans so suffered in Russia! http://vimeo.com/104216425 They do want be part of democratic Ukraine instead! http://vimeo.com/105618599 It's diffirence between Ukraine and Russia thread now.
Anyway you are wrong. Immigration in socialistic countries never been- its purely capitalistic problem, moneybags do want moar profit and... invite cheap foreighn laborers.
West surrender without fight. Paper tiger so paper. http://online.wsj.com/articles/a-bad-week-for-free-europe-1409957149 On photo Western politicians dig symbolic graves for yourself. Who next? Poland, Baltic states or someone else? Maybe UK? Scottish referendum you known. Or maybe Russians just must help to Japans kick US arises from their territories? Or they decide push out mighty Canadians from Arctic? Who known....
This "independence" is profanation. Scotland anyway stay a NATO and EU member, same moneybags continue to own everything. I watching similar things in Catalonia - people has many problems and they believe what after separation their life become better... but this is lie. They have bad life not because government, but because limitations of whole system - international capitalists, corporations cause this, and for capitalists independence change nothing, they continue rule Catalonia anyway. Such "Independence" is not meant sovereignty.
That's as paranoid and as nonsensical as if I were to say "Russia is sabotaging the USA by funding the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church." Our Empire has been very polyethnic - it's our power and its our weakness. West always try use nationalist right wingers against us, they support all these movements during cold war and this nationalism it's one of major reasons what cause USSR collapse. https://www.princeton.edu/~mbeissin/beissinger.ceh.article.pdf http://www.workers.org/marcy/cd/sam90/1990html/s900208.htm Same story repeated now, all these modern Russian movements very tied with Western intelligence services and all they play against Russia (Russian Nazi demand separation of Caucasus from Russia for example, Siberian and other demand separation of own regions - all they try cause new dissolving - all they play against Russia, all they play against Putin). It's obvious who backed these movements. Happily Russians understand who really do this and don't support these movements - all these Neo-Nazi in Russia has no power, they are just bunch of non-influential marginals. Also my personal experience. I had meetings with one leader of small Neo-Nazi group in the past. He completely financed from Norway, he constantly visit this country for money and orders. I known what i talking about. "Russian" Nazi's is purely Western non-natural creature. As i say before - your post is pointless, you know nothing about this problem.