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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Leopard 1 Armata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYhyzJ7jdGE Kurganetz-25
  2. Oby where were you born? Was it Russia or Ukraine? In Soviet Union obviously
  3. You constantly forgot follow a " ordinary Russian guy/girl" behavior pattern . So non-professional work i watch here. P.S. Just interesting how much pay "other side" for such work.
  4. anyway for Russian he/she known too much about childish Batman comics. For typical Russians he is just laughable Murican crossdresser, nobody waste time for read this. Fail, you must try harder in next time.
  5. Or maybe you just infested be "liberal" (Russians must surrender to West and become a obedient slaves for WASP's) ideas. Though this is same thing as be a crypto-Ukrainian or crypto-Jew.
  6. In present time we can state about total failure of Murican style of warfare. Let's consider a last events during Ukrainian civil war. All military operations of Junta forces has been planned in Pentagon, this is obvious because so many non-typical elements for Soviet school of warfare (but very typical for Murican shool of warfare) has been detected. 1. Aerial war( WW2, Korean war, Vietnam war, Iraq war, Yugoslavian war, war in Afghanistan). Total failure, Rebels have a perfect SAM defense and shot down all Ukrainian warplanes/helicopters yet during summer battles. 2. Using of drones (Iraq war, Yugoslavian war, war in Afghanistan)). Again fail, Rebels hack or shot down them. 3. Deep raids by armored forces on tight front (Somalia, Iraq war, Afghanistan war)). Fail, all these raids has been ended by surroundings and exterminatus of raiders. 4. Terror bombings/shootings of civilians (WW2 - destroying of many German and all Japanese civilian sites, Korean war - destroying of all North-Korean civilian sites, Vietnamese, Iraq, Yugoslavian wars and war in Afghanistan ). Fail. Russians from this only become much bloodthirsty and transforms into Sparta-style militarized society, beginning of Blood feud. 5. Bribing of politicians/generals for leading of troops into ambushes and/or surrender (Iraq war, Yugoslavian war, war in Afghanistan). Fail. Rebels have effective counterintelligence services, and ruthlessly exterminate/ remove from power any traitors. Russians don't surrender. Murican style of warfare just don't working.
  7. crypto-Ukrainian detected.
  8. Meanwhile in Murica: TSA can rape arrest any person if he has a ""suspicious" face. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/03/19/opinions/handeyside-tsa-spot-program/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cm9jZPQ_Cw So much freedom.
  9. I just leave this here. Full movie with english subtitles. https://vimeo.com/122896525
  10. Ukraine it's just temporary occupied territory by NATO. We LIBERATE them. You must known this perfectly because in the past we almost liberate your country ( only part - Namibia).
  11. Russians buy secret Norwegian submarine base. http://www.newsweek.com/2015/03/27/secret-submarine-base-norway-accidentally-handed-russians-314989.html http://olavsvern.no/en/
  12. Old rusty overweighted (by extra armor) Ukrainian BRDM, with almost dead engine (without proper maintenance) make quite good performance for own condition.
  13. New Uniform for army of Novorossia in stalker-style. Rebelled Ukrainians so cool... in difference with Kievan Junta especially.
  14. Meanwhile in Murica. Surprisingly Ukrainian criminal oligarchs are main sponsors of Murican political elites. Muricans lobbying interests of Ukrainian mob bosses, just epic facepalm. Something Rotten in the Kingdom.
  15. Foreign Secretary of Hugest Britts denounces Russia’s "illegal annexation" of Crimea and demand return peninsula to Ukraine. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-secretary-condemns-crimea-referendum-one-year-on It's cause Russian flash-mob "sent a mail to British Secretary".
  16. Registered ISIS supporters in Twitter
  17. Hypocritical Muricans are initiators of Iranian nuclear program. They never worried so much nor about Jews, nor about Israel state, they are never be a friends of Israel. Israel and Jews are nothing more to them than cannon fodder, and Murica can backstab Israel in any moment, by same way as they backstab many other "friends" of Murica. Happily Jews are quite smart , their last elections prove it yet another times.
  18. Ukrainian "Top Gear". Brittish Saxon vs Soviet BRDM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9MsyHtKwZ4 Why Greatest Britts deliver this crap to Ukraine?
  19. Lol. Western boys must avoid Russian forums, it's really terrible places.
  20. RT is enemies of Murica because they asked wrong questions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29DdyVq4xR4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIzx14AsK2s
  21. Do you offer reduce of my freedom of speech in freedom of speech thread?
  22. fix link http://www.wsj.com/articles/body-of-missing-reporter-found-in-new-jersey-1426789646
  23. Our adversary don't will use this. Some reverse situation for best understanding. Imagine situation when Murica begin war against Latin America and even nuke such friends of Russia as Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela. Do you think Russia really begin global nuclear war in this case? ... or just say - it's not my business and continue own happy life? Same situation in Europe. Yes Russia can't nuke Murican territory without bad consequences... but Russia can nuke EU in same time. And all European countries who place Murican weapons for war against Russia on own territory really are suicidal idiots. In case of war nobody to save them.
  24. I think he understands it well enough. In fact, it seems it's you who doesn't understand the danger of nuclear escalation, the reason why succumbing to the temptation to fire a few itty-bitty tactical nukes at an enemy force with equivalent nuclear capabilities when things turn against you, has a very high chance of resulting in all-out nuclear warfare. With the end of the Cold War and the unlikelihood of seeing massed Soviet tank armies rolling over the Rhine, deployment of tactical nukes in Europe makes very little sense beyond saber rattling. Yep, us westlings are scared... of somebody doing something monumentally stupid. There is no defeating stupidity, you know. you just don't understand. For profanes all nukes are same, but in reality only mass launches of Intercontinental ballistic missile can cause Global nuclear war. In all other cases Murica (as any other country in world) pretend be blind and not interfere in such conflicts ( even if Russia raep entire EU ).
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