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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. ok MAN that opening was fracking AWESOME! <3 Now just gotta get used to these new controls and stuff.
  2. Here is my current ME2 screenshot.. :/
  3. I'm now stuck at the "Please Wait..." for the Cerberus Network thing. SO basically you cannot play with the 2 free dlc's that come with the game. That's kind of ruining the experience so far... oh well. Do I need to live in total fear, like Mass Effect 1, that if I talk to a NPC of the opposite sex, they will instantly romance me faster than a face hugger jumping out of a freshly opened Alien egg? i.e. NEVER EVER EVER talk to them?
  4. The 26th in North America, the 29th in Europe. ok sweet! Then only 3 more days for me! *waits*
  5. Sweet after 3 re-tries I finally have my Ultra Paragon, goodie-good, no-romances, finished all side quests save game all ready for Mass Effect 2! Ugh, now 6 more days :/ It's released on the 29th right?
  6. [Anakin]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OEI needs to make it, not Bethesda! D:
  7. OK well trying a NO romance run-through for Mass Effect for Mass Effect 2... which basically means NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER talk to Ashley. NEVER. Why Bioware just didn't make a hey I'm not interested in you, like the Liara dialogue line makes me slam my head on the desk. Many times. Granted I could just say the Renegade options, but that is just not my character. *sigh* Why Bioware? :shakes fist:
  8. March because that's my birthday.
  9. I found Mark's voice kinda sexy....
  10. D: WAT?
  11. It has? Sweet! Crap... I still need to finish my NO romances run-through save. D: Like there will ever be a M/M romance... But I can hope....
  12. Yeah, this is what it burning me out on DLC's. For now, I'll just wait a year, then finally d/l all the DLC's that are available for DA.
  13. Finally made it to Disk 4 in Final Fantasy VIII. Man that whole plot was just @__@. This is by far so much better than VII (minus the awesome Aeris scene), really am sad that I had missed playing this years ago. Anyways, *finally* fracking unlocked SAVE... so off to that weapon... or at least I'm going to try... it has awesome awesome Ultima to draw.... must... draw... Ultima.... Ultima... which is probably useless for the final 2 battles, but what the hell. Oh and placing the Queen of Cards in Trabia, with the Diff rule, and it the dominant city, on Disk 3... PRICELESS. I think I got all the rare cards now, when I got the ship back and could play the Diamond Twin girls again (the left one). YAY!
  14. I have been trying to find a GOOD Cable Modem (I use Comcast Digital Cable) that has 3 LAN output's on the back. Most, if not all cable modems only have one. Am I pretty much stuck with having to buy a router to achieve this? Does such a modem exist and could you recommend one? Thanks!
  15. Collecting b00bie cards is intelligent gaming now days? Kid's these days...
  16. That was my very first purchase on Steam when I first got it. Best money I have ever spent.
  17. There *are* some of the old LA Adventure games on... er Steam. I HAD to buy The Dig.. just because the music in that is SO SO good...
  18. That's been my complaint as well. I still have all my old games. Hell I still have 2 drawers full of my old Amiga 500 games.
  19. That was rather.... underwhelming...
  20. That would be awesome. <3
  21. Still no M/M romance.... ;_____________________________;
  22. Yes Versus is an exclusive, but I'm not sure about american. i think SE's plans are to publish all their japanese games in western markets aswell, so i think we will see versus xiii at some point, and all the rumours say that it will be only PS3 exclusive... yay! I have a PS3 so it's all good.
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