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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Maybe if you collected all the Prothean Data Discs you get some info ont he Collector's you wouldn't have had otherwise? It would be nice to not have spent all that time without getting some actual data..
  2. Raithe


    The Sword of Truth gets better.. then gets .. worse. It starts diverting into some reallly obvious anvil over the head philosophy "lectures". While after hm, book 5 I think it is there are some good points and some nice character development, the story itself seems to go off-track. And the ending is just.. way too much of the deus ex machinae type of hand waving in the last chapter.
  3. And apparently there is a large segment of fangirls who go squee! over Colonel Q and his general levels of badassitude. For those getting worried about catgirl attraction, it's done on purpose. Cameron went around with concept pictures of the leading spacesmurf and asked people if they'd "bone her". And he kept getting the concept art changed until the majority of people said "yes." Apparently he really wanted to get his furryfantasy working for everybody
  4. The aesthetic appeal of the female form, even in virtual, is quite often an attraction for the male segment... but I'd say a lot of people just like immersing themselves in a game and blowing crap up while saving the country/world/galaxy I've got to say I spent more time looking at the backgrounds and other things going on on the screen with ME then staring at my character's ass.. But there's always room for everyones playing styles
  5. From what I read, a lot of what they do is research into genetic engineering type of aspects (along the lines of how they figured out how to create human biotics) so in the name of the "greater good" they have to experiment on a small number of humans.. The rear admiral being someone who obviously didn't understand the need for Ceberus' work, and was trying to cause problems so they bushwacked him, and took him away to throw in one of their experiments...
  6. Would be interesting.. but just can't spring for a plane ticket over the pond at the moment...
  7. Of course, I also got quite hyped and interested over Deus Ex Invisible War when they kept going on about the reactivity of the different factions and how it would play differently if you aided one group and they'd remember if you later backstabbed them for another group and so on... and the game arrived and it was all "Where the hell is the reactivity and repurcussions?!?" I was worried for a little bit that AP might be the same..but after these last few blogs I'm getting quite positive and optimistic over it all once more...
  8. Which I kind of recall was a lot like we had for ME newswise.. was just The Gith without mention of Saren until very close to release time.
  9. I don't know.. the main bad guy from Jade Empire has to win a lot of points.. I mean, without any plot spoilers or anything, he was a major manipulative bastard in the classic sense of a mastermind.
  10. From what's come out so far, it feels like Jacob represents the "bland everyman" member of the team.. the generic human "hero" aide and companion... There always has to be someone.. just to make sure the hero feels like they have serious charisma and moxy in comparison...
  11. Looking forward to this. Really want to see how this will come across in gameplay like..
  12. Planescape Tormnet does ride up there as one of the best... Temple of Elemental Evil was one of the worst, I just couldn't get into it..which is rare for me. Hm, there was an interesting one they did based on their Birthright campaign setting.. interesting but flawed but worth a try. The Al-Quadim one was nice if you enjoyed the pseudo arabic style setting but nothing too major.
  13. I'm fuzzing between March and April.. but I'm going to say March because I'm being optimistic
  14. I actually kind of enjoyed Jade Empire.. at least the story. I've never been able to make up my mind on the actual game play.. but the story I liked. Heh, I'd heard they decided to change Miranda's last name to "Lawson" just because it sounds better with the australian accent and they thought it would confuse people otherwise.. ah well.
  15. And now they've released the companion trailer of Miranda as well.. It might take me a little bit to forget Chuck when she starts talking during gameplay...
  16. I liked the Vanguard mix.. but I'm not a big fan of the shotgun.... I went through ME using a pistol only for my Vanguard attempt.. Not sure if that'll work with the ME2 version.... I was liking the look of the submachine guns...
  17. Everyone would be immune to the taint. I thought Grey Wardens weren't immune to the taint but rather were special individuals that could withstand and use the taint to some degree. The taint would eventually overcome them driving them insane, hence the self exile of older grey wardens to the Deep Roads. Thereby dealing with the whole problem of looking after the aged and decrepit in society.. When everyone hits that age..they wander into the deep roads to fight deepspawn until they die.. No need to support them in the thriving kingdom above ground..
  18. The key wording to me is "concepts for" which suggests they might just be throwing ideas around so that when AP is released and they see how sales do.. they can turn around to Obsidian and say "hey, how about doing the next one along these lines" and start the ball rolling on that...
  19. Stalker, Shadow of Chernobyl.. picked up for that
  20. That old adage.. if a country needs to put "Republic" or "Democracy" in it's title, it's nearly always a dictatorship. If it's a "People's Republic or Democracy" it's usually a very serious dictatorship..
  21. I kind of get the vibe that Shephards body was more then just "chunks of burnt flesh" .. and that Cerberus have been using funky tech inside him.. "we shall rebuild him better, stronger, faster" as part of a process of returning him to life.. But it's giving me this whole.. almost like if something crops up later they're going to be able to hit a few buttons and shut down that tech.. or do a remote takeover.... Maybe thats my cultivated paranoia running rampant tho...
  22. Hm, the way I read it was that that "default" is more the.. basic cannon for the universe at large, but that there's going to be a couple of early in game conversations that will let you "choose" some of those history moments for your game if you didn't import a save. As they did with KotOR 2 between the Exile and Atton.
  23. But they just never match up to the one in NOLF...
  24. Only against pigeons. That's not racism, just a deep seated grudge and need for vengeance that can never be satisfied...you spend x many decades getting pooped on by pigeons and see how you react..
  25. New games picked up this year.. hm, not that many actually... Prototype Batman Arkham Asylum Dragon Age So where's the "Top 10 Games of 2009 that got delayed and aren't out for another year or more" list?
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