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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Not quite funny enough for the funny things thread, but really kind of.. randomly quirky to find...
  2. You know it's serious when... BBC - McDonald's to leave Russia
  3. That ongoing thing: Column: Disney's unpaid artists - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) The house of mouse and it's interesting take on royalties on media it acquires...
  4. One of those utterly random things: Sholarly articles... Designing effective virtual reality environments for pain management in burn-injured patients
  5. Noticed a hedgehog staggering across the lawn, shaking like in the middle of an epileptic fit before it curled up. Lined a box, put in a warm water bottle and let it settle there. See how it fares. The local Hedgehog preservation group is closed due to bereavement at the moment, so google-fu for what might be appropriate.
  6. .. I don't think I've actually watched a Eurovision beyond the occasional highlights that turn up on the news / newsfeed in about 25-30 years now....
  7. The CW's 2022 Cancellations Because of Mergers and Streaming (gizmodo.com) Some interesting points.
  8. On a slight tangent: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/05/how-a-french-satellite-operator-helps-keep-russias-tv-propaganda-online/
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