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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The trouble I have with that is that's exactly the same kind of double-think the extreme right do. So he really needs to do a matching version. Then put them both side by side. Then again, I tend to be wary of both sides of that equation so maybe that's my personal bias showing.
  2. And as everyone gets ready for Vader to re-appear on the Kenobi mini-series... The vital point to remember:
  3. I think a lot of people are forgetting that this is not a criminal case. It's a civil case. And I imagine from Depp's (and his legal team) point of view it's not so much about the actual case and convincing a jury as it is about the public perception and acknowledgement of things.
  4. You don't see booth-babes at Comic-Con these days as such. However, there were an awful lot of Anime maids and schoolgirl pleated dresses and skirts. Some worn by very cute girls. Some worn by 40+, bearded, overweight guys. Also :
  5. Well I spent the Fri-Sun stewarding at MCM Comic-Con at the ExCel in London. Interesting to see the flip side of a Con. I'll likely be doing that again in the future. Hm, and then of course I get home, crash out, do the slight stave-off of post-Con-Ick... and get the news that Star Wars Celebration is coming to London in 2023. In the ExCel. And.. within 24 hours of that news, all hotels in the nearby vicinity have been booked over those dates...
  6. I did see an editorial talking about how there's a chunk of the anti-Amber Heard crowd on social media isn't there to support Depp or actually anti-Heard, but to make sure the #MeToo movement is pulled into things, or at least take a lot of shots at women coming forward about abuse. Of course, then there's the crowd who have gone around collecting "The Day After pics" of Amber Heard that she (or her friends) posted of them having fun on the day after various of Heard's claims of having suffered "severe" abuse from Depp. At the end of the day, there really isn't going to be a lot of good coming out of this trial regardless of the outcome.
  7. Most of it I'm quite enjoying. There are two slightly odd chase sequences. The first I can hand-wave over, because it's the local forest she's grown up in and runs away to play in. She knows the ground, and she uses that to great advantage. While the mooks trying to kidnap her keep getting messed up by the terrain. She slips through things they can't , or runs under things they have to spend time ducking under or climbing over. The second is more a weird thing to have young Leia go from wise and perceptive, to acting like the 10 year old she actually is, without any real reasoning behind it? They've played up how she doesn't act like a child her age, she's pretty much impeccable throughout a kidnapping, and only then does she have a freak out during the rescue. I mean, sure it could be that whole cool facade finally has a crumble moment and the child side comes to the forefront but there's nothing really highlighting it. She has a cool "why should I trust you?" conversation while Kenobi is breaking her out, then while being hunted freaks out because someone has Kenobi's face on a wanted poster. The young actress they have playing her is great. It's just a moment of character writing that seems a little odd.
  8. Just because I like some supercuts with music...
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