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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I think the whole really.. St.Trinians remake helped push her to the general consciousness.. The guilty pleasure type of thing.
  2. So true... Well I had to cut that short.. otherwise my metaphors would have really started getting convoluted and weird..
  3. "No matter how many people you love in your life, there'll always be one you loved the most." Relationships fail for so many reasons. Sometimes for sensible reasons, sometimes for just screwed up happenstances. Then there are relationships that don't so much end, as get twisted up, half-strangled and linger like some escapee from a mad scientists lab. You can ignore and compartmentalise a lot of emotional baggage. There are times new relationships can heal the wounds from old ones. Sometimes those wounds just loiter and skulk like a mustachio-twirling villain. So about all you can do is try to ignore them and carry on with life. But they'll still find ways to pounce on you when you're not suspecting.
  4. It being a spam message doing the whole "We wish our customers a happy new year" type of thing makes it really.. amusing.
  5. There's a couple of other elements too.. A lot of the pre-order bonus stuff came out for companies that had a serious "fanbase" who would pre-order games because they liked previous games by the comany.. So in one sense there was a "give the fans something for loyalty" approach. On the other hand.. human psychology is we like to feel we've gotten something for "free". Look at how often people will pick something up in a supermarket or grocery store thats on a "2 for 1" deal even when they wouldn't have picked up that 1 item on its own. So it encourages people who might be interested in a game to pre-order because of the sense of getting something for free rather then having to spend time completing quests or such in-game. The amount of pre-orders for a game can seriously sway a companies budget and how the game is considered by the big bosses. So throw in office politics, and you can see why they want to tempt more people to pre-order..
  6. And one of the things that people seem to be forgetting is that it's not exactly an offical Canadian Government/People thing here.. The Canadian Police set up a task force to investigate this and potentially prosecute the people who had it done.
  7. .. Was just pumping out a quick batch of push-ups.. and the cat came buzzing round the corner and flung itself at my head like a flying squirrel. When you're halfway pushing yourself up and the furred thing wraps itself around your head.. its a touch distracting.
  8. And this is different from IW how? Well IW were very cramped hubs. From what's been said they're going more in the wide hubs like the original.. And the horde of previews are out as the first embargo's lapse.. and there's a bunch more for the 24th or so of Feb when the next release of news will be allowed out.. Gamespot Extended Hands On Deus Ex Impressions Eurogamer Preview CVG Preview Heh, and one thing from that latest JJB interview ended with the "its out on xbox360 , ps3 and pc. Oh yeah, I've been playing it a lot on pc lately and its frikkin awesome!" So here's to hoping the pc version works smoothly... Hm, and I hadn't noticed just how much Adam Jensen resembles JJB... inspired art, or just a subtle form of advertising....
  9. I know a guy who has a watertight transparent bag he puts his kindle in and reads in the shower... Thats madness. Reading in the bath is one thing, but in the shower??
  10. Combine it. Have the library at home to read in comfort and show off.. and the kindle for travel , when you can't actually pack the library into the car...
  11. Couldn't seem to focus on some revision and attempted learning. So I thought I'd stretch my mind in a totally different way..and went on a research binge over designs, engineering and science of skyhooks, space fountains, space elevators and related construction and orbital mechanics.. Kind of random..but it'll be interesting to see how much actually sticks in my mind in a few days.
  12. The thing is, he wasn't just slitting their throats in a humane manner. He also used a shotgun, and managed to wound not kill some of them. And he was doing it in front of all the other dogs who were tethered there. So they "knew" what was coming.
  13. One point for the Kindle is that it's set up to allow you to make notations of your own to text you're reading.. And it keeps all notes saved to your account. So even if you delete a book from your kindle, the account will keep the record of any notations so if you re-download the book back onto your kindle you can access the notes again. Although that's not something I've played around with, so I couldn't say how effective it actually is...
  14. There are a few publishers that have established free online libraries , most notably Baen. They put up a selection of books by various authors that they publish, add new ones, rotate old ones.. Let you download the books in various electronic formats or read online via html setup for chapters... http://www.baen.com/library But then Baen are a big believer in giving a taste to get people interested in authors and series. They also have a tendency to include a cd library with a whole bunch of other books in some of their hardbacks. On the other way, I know a couple of people who "share" a kindle account. They've both bought a kindle, but link them to the same account. They can buy books seperately, get them put in the that account so they each have access to it... Amazon seems okay with families doing that, I'm not sure how it would shift or whether they could really track it for non-family members.
  15. Yeesh, the fiancee of a friend of mine finally got a job after spending the last few months out of work. He turned up for his first day of work, then several hours in got told that he was being rif'ed and the contract pulled.
  16. The kindle's screen isn't backlit and is actually very easy to read from without the potential eyestrain situation... So I wouldn't make that much complaint on it. As I've mentioned, my mom has joint problems and can't hold books easily, but she can get those chunky sized books downloaded to her kindle and she can hold it with no problems and a simple press of the thumb turns the page. I've seen her struggle to hold hardbacks and and large paperbacks to read them without fumbling, so the ease of use the kindle provides certainly proves its worth there. For people who want the portability, but don't want to surf the internet, or check on facebook, but who just want to keep a whole bunch of books for access on the go.. That's what the kindle is for. Comparing it to the Ipad and such seems quite silly. It's not aimed at that market. Sure, you can use an ipad to read some electornic books but that's more a sidefeature of the ipad. The printing press begat the hardback, the hardback begat the paperback, and the paperback begat the kindle. The kindle isn't for the tech geeks and the people who have to have the flashy techtoys. It's for the booklovers who want to be able to move around with around 1,500 books in their pocket. I've got around 7,000 books in my room (not counting non-fiction) and I wouldn't get rid of them just because of the kindle, but I think the kindle makes a great thing for taking around a bunch of books when you travel. When you can just stuff it in a bag or a pocket and you know you've got your comfort reading whenever you want.
  17. Sometimes you just want something that does one job very well. Not an overexpensive piece of equipment that does a whole bunch of things passably.
  18. Heh, if anyones been paying attention to the "Ask JJB" youtube clips, have you noticed how much he compares elements from Human Revolution to the original Deus Ex.. He tends to skip DX:IW when people ask questions about level design and such.. City hubs are going to be in the style of the original. You travel between cities as part of the storyline, but once in a city you can move back and forth between locations pretty much as you want.. And at later points in the story you'll return to previously visited cities that will have effects from choices you made earlier... Hm, and apparently his favourite level from Deus Ex was Versalife, for its level design and multi-path style which is what he pushed for in the design of Human Revolution.
  19. I picked up a Kindle for my mother about a year back, joint problems in her hands means she has trouble holding books of any significant size..but the kindle is something she can hold and finds really easy to read. I've swiped it a couple of times and found it not too bad. If you've already got electronic books on your computer it isn't usually too hard to put them in a format the kindle can read as well. The thing is, the ipad and a lot of those multifunction items will let you read e-books passably but aren't that great for it. The kindle is geared around the one thing..reading books. and it's pretty good at that. Personally I feel that being able to feel/smell the pages of a book as you read is an important aspect of a good book. If I have a choice, I'll take a "real" dead-tree book over an electronic one to read. But in a lot of situations these days its a pain to have access to a book in certain places. I know if I sit down to read I can get through a normal 400 page paperback in couple of hours, which means if I'm travelling anywhere and I know I'll have time to read.. I've got to take a bunch of books and find space.. or just end up re-reading the same book. (Also, if you're partially addicted to an authors series, publishers like Baen do things where they release pre-edited versions of the latest work on e-format half a year or so in advance of the actual book being published..) I don't think we'll loose real books. There's that balance of effect, creating enough "ebook readers" and keeping them powered constantly isn't going to be totally economical and ecological to replace books worldwide...
  20. Pushing through the morning after one of those nights with only a few hours sleep.. Plentiful bleary-eyed drinking of fresh tea has ensured.
  21. Put on the 3d anime version of Appleseed they redid a couple of years back over the weekend. Not bad, it cleaned up nicely for the new generation of anime. I think they even put more effort into building up the characters and backstory besides just having large mecha-type battles... Followed it with Appleseed Ex Machina which was a nice addition...
  22. Or maybe, just maybe, they are still Legion and Garrus, just like they have been since the game came out. (So yeah, hint: those spots aren't "new"). There are bugs in ME2 that need fixing? And those that are, should and could only be fixed by character artists? Dang it..I could have sworn I'd double checked that.. my minds going.. oh woe is me..
  23. Although one thing I noticed just glancing at the Mass Effect site, if you look at the Universe section they've put two new "Classified" spots on the squad list. So does this possibly give rise to new dlc for even more squad before ME3 comes out?
  24. Tried to pace out the evening and got assaulted by a manic cat. Luckily it didn't spill my drink too badly. Was catching one of the Andre Rieu Live in Maastricht performances which was quite entertaining in its way.
  25. And Star Wars The Old Republic to be delayed until September at the earliest apparently. Now who out there is surprised by that?
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