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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I don't know, I mean, sure it plays quite differently depending on Renagade/Paragon. If you've been playing Renegade, then Wrex is dead, Wreav is alive, Maelon is dead and his research was destroyed.. and that pretty much shifts the entire feeling of the Tuchanka missions. If Wrex is alive and you're getting along with Eve, it makes sense to ignore the Dalatress.. but if you've been Renegade and you're dealing with Wreav..then it's much more fitting to do the double-dealing. Completely different experiences, but I wouldn't say one is more complete then the other. Although I would admit, that I think the path that leads to Mordin's self-sacrifice is told in a very good manner.
  2. Heh, I originally started work on my thesis years ago on "Electronic Warfare as Applied in the Business Sector".... But as was rather thoroughly pointed out, the majority of corporate businesses won't mention or admit to the majority of cybercrimes they suffer so I had to drop it. Man, the wasted months of research in the first place.. Ah well. They don't want the appearance of weakness affecting potential investors or share prices. As such, they tend to hush it up and not bother calling in law enforcement. So unless it's blatantly obvious in the first place, the only cybercrime that really gets police/media representation tends to be the basic credit card frauds, email ponzi schemes, illegal file sharing and the general assortment like that.
  3. I seem to be having a lull in my game playing. Paused halfway through a second play of ME3, kind of putting in half an hour here and there on TOR... but seem to be spending more time catching up on some assorted reading and tv shows I've had saved up. I keep idling on the idea of picking up Skyrim at some point, but can't quite push the motivation yet..
  4. China has hacked every major US company So one of the prominent cybersecurity "experts" in the US is trying to raise awareness of state-sanctioned hackers in China being used to steal research and tech from US companies, then handing them over to Chinese businesses to get that competitive lead...
  5. What, no love for John Woo Honk Kong action movies here?
  6. Okay, taking a stand off point here : At present, does anyone have any actual details on the wall? Was it a crumbling, piece of mudbrick crap that gave hardly any shelter? Had it been hit by explosives before hand and have holes in it? We don't know the specifics beyond it being a "small wall" - although, since it's mentioned that it was in a mud brick compound, I don't exactly think the wall is as bulletproof as concrete... - Mention is made that it's machine-gun fire, not small-arms, not long-arms, but machine-gun.. so, likely a nice pounding, heavy calibre strike.. Was it actually in direct fire? As the combat was going on around it, that would mean bullets from both sides going overhead.. Also, battle is not static, so potentially fire might have been coming from other angles. How panicked were the kids? Were they actually keeping down, or were they looking like they were going to freak out and run into the middle of things in an effort to get away? Note, three children, aged 3, 7, and somewhere between the two..cowering there.. And the mothers pleading for help, and distressed over the fact that her kids were there.. It might not have been the safest thing to attempt, it might have resulted in the kids being killed, but it also did result in the kids being brought to safety and to their mothers. Does the attempt deserve contempt and outright cynicism? "Oh yes, he saved lives, but he did it in a stupid manner that could have gone wrong."
  7. Didn't manage to get to sleep till post 4am.. Then had one of those odd dream sequences where I thought I'd actually gone through the process of waking up, getting ready for the day (albeit with a headache) and starting to see double of things.. only to then really wake up and still have the headache.
  8. Heh, IGN on "Bioware's decision to rework the ending" http://uk.ign.com/vi...erous-precedent? "We asked around for someone here at IGN to support the decision from Bioware and talk about it in a positive light, but no-one here could" Colin and his "I played the game to review it before everyone else, and I understood the ending, I got it.." Geez, it's not like it's hard to understand the ending. It's just a really good ending..
  9. Ah, if you're looking at Deus Ex, they've also got Project Snowblind going for a couple of quid. And that was originally conceived as a Deus Ex Multiplayer until they decided to have a change-around due to the failure of Invisible War. Thus, they turned it into a fairly decent first-person shooter in an alternate universe..
  10. Okay, random question, they say that the amount of minerals and such you had in ME2 has varying amounts of War Assets. I've only seen them provide 25 War Assets, what sort of amounts do you need to get the 100 War Assets the ME Wiki says you can get??
  11. I saw it in the theater, which was a worse idea. When it was on at the theater.. I just played the games. Which was a much better idea..
  12. It's not that hard, when you talk to her the first time you point out that having quit Cerberus, it might actually be a rather good idea to drop off the grid, and stop going around with red hair and calling herself Kelly Chambers... If you do persuade her, she dyes her hair, gets fake id, survives the attack, then arranges for a few other ex-Cerberus folk to organise and hook up for you, thus granting you some extra War Assets.
  13. Apparently the Reaper's pick one species as "the best" and make full capital-ship variant Reapers of them. Then use the other species to make the smaller variants of Reaper...
  14. He shows up in the Docking Area (not the Normandy one, the other) and relates to the Sabotaged Medigel Dispenser quests. They've actually worked quite a few in-jokes into his conversation. Again, she turns up in the same Docking Area. Although if you don't talk to her before the Priority:Citadel II thing, she will be killed by Cerberus. Or if you talk with her and don't persuade her to go off-grid. A character that turned up in a pair of the ME novels. A Cerberus operative, his daughter was biotic and part of a secret experiment. He ended up turning on Cerberus and all sorts of bad things happened. And for the last two.. I couldn't really say...
  15. Had an awkward sleep, woke up and gone through the day with that kind of fuzzy headache grinding away and feeling fairly unsocial. Told a friend and his fiancee that I'd sponsort them for some charity run they're doing..and then found out it's no longer sign some paper and hand them cash. You have to go to the right website, fill out details and pay via credit card or paypal.. I can understand the whole making it easier in some ways to get sponsorship if you're doing it via facebook and social networking..but still. Adding paypal fee's or credit card issues to potential charity. Ah well, at least it's not as bad as the charity workers who are paid hourly fees to go out and get people to pledge a pound a month. Or the like. When they admit they get paid better then minimum rate, and you see a collection of about 10 of them, spending 6 hours loitering around the village precinct.. It makes you churn the numbers and realise the charity has to get x number of people pledging money just to pay those guys off, before it even gets to what the charity is about.." Or maybe that's just my antisocial mood today...
  16. What was wrong with Mass Effect: Deception?# That's the basic list sorted by lore, character, timeline, oddities...
  17. Heh, and this slipped past me without realising.. They did put it in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvaQDxhm_0U&feature=youtu.be&a Edit: Apparently they actually got in contact with him and said they were putting it in.
  18. Heh, kind of like how having chased down all the Matriarch's Writings in ME1 helps provide that extra 4 War Assets from Conrad's "dark matter thesis"
  19. Said quest is supposed to help in certain combat situations. Or at least, if something goes bad , it's possible that nasty stuff gets vented through engineering, thereby killing everyone there... I have to admit, I went through the rest of the game waiting for some situation to occur where that came into relevance beyond being background fluff...
  20. Pretty much using the Crucible destroys the Mass Relays. Or at least, that's what SpaceKid tells you before hand. Actually, the ftl travel they have is about 12 lightyears a day. While the Mass Relays could send you 200 light years in a second or so (if it was one of the minor relays), or if it was one of the Major Mass Relays, you could pretty much go from one end of the galaxy to the other in those few seconds. With the use of Mass Relays, even with their own ship ftl, the ships designed and built aren't meant for long lasting travel. Well, apart from the Quarrian ones. All ship designs are pretty much geared towards the use of Mass Relays to get around quickly rather then keep crew on board for months/years at a time between systems.. But yeah, did you have any idea why the entire crew got off Earth, onto the Normandy and have Joker take them into ftl and out of the system? It just seemed to jump in there purely to do the "hey, let's do a pilot episode of Gilligan's island with the Normandy Crew!"
  21. 90% of the game is fairly good. They weave in elements from the earlier games (to greater or lesser extents) fairly well, even if at times it's more of a quiet nod then something significant. The main issue is that after all the "your choices matter in how the game will end" and Casey Hudson outrightly saying that "there won't be an A, B, or C ending" What you get in the final 10 minutes is pretty much "Choose A, B, or C button to press to get a different colored sequence, that might have about 5 seconds different depending on the button press" and it doesn't matter what choices you'd made in the previous games, those choices and what happens are going to be the same.. Some people object to the dark/grim aspect of the ending, I don't. What bugs me is it seems to jump the shark. Doesn't link up coherently with everything before hand, and adds a whole bunch of questions and no real sense of closure. Not exactly what you'd expect from the finale moment to a trilogy..
  22. Raithe


    And the Piano Guys still have their appeal.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgovv8jWETM&feature=related
  23. As of yet, I have never posted a thing on Bioware Social.. I think I'm actually kind of proud of that....
  24. Not a new discovery per se, but an interesting thing... Up and Down; The journey of a shuttle booster in 400 seconds.. http://io9.com/58936...e-during-launch High definition video shot from the booster rockets, then given to Skywalker Sound to clear up the audio ... http://youtu.be/2aCOyOvOw5c
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