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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Woke up to the joys of having slept in a position that gave me a totally dead arm.. It's always fun trying to flop around and get some sensation and movement back in a limb....
  2. Ah, have you seen the old british tv mini-series Ultraviolet? Jack Davenport, Idris Elba, Phillip Quast, Susannah Harker - In an interesting take on vampires in the modern age. They did it in, hm '98 or so. Works quite nicely, done in a mostly understated way. Davenport plays a policeman who gets pulled into a secret government organisation that hunts Vampires after his best friend goes missing on the night before the guys wedding. Elba is the hard core squaddie who survived a vampire attack during the Gulf war that killed the rest of his mates, Quast plays the philosophical priest who leads the team, and Susannah Harker as the science type supporting them.. During the entire series they never actually use the term "Vampire" either... Nice elements of horror / conspiracy and a few other things thrown in the mix.
  3. Did you have anything against 5th Element?
  4. Lockout. Otherwise known as "Spaaace Jaaaail!". It does pretty much come across as an "Escape from New York" variant, with Guy Pearce as "Snow" the ex-government agent replacing Plisken, and a giant space station replacing New York as the prison. And they've kept the "president's daughter" in there... Cheerfully fun in that cheesey, watch it without taking anything too seriously sense. It's an excuse for two characters to be running around and nearly making it through locked doors while being chased by extreme prisoners driven partially insane by the cryo-stasis used to store them... In many ways, there's not so much a flow of dialogue, as a flow of snarky comments - especially from the "hero" but that works with this type of movie. Not sure that I'd say it's worth a trip to the cinema, but it's up there for a dvd night with the mates and some drinks.
  5. Hah! I watched and enjoyed. Technically I got pulled into it by the gilfriend at the time. Since then I've developed a sincere appreciation for it. You might not like it, but JMS is fairly influential in certain areas...
  6. For the wall of text - something that amused me during a description of exposure to vacuum in space.
  7. I know a few people so I'm giving it some thought. Heh, of course that's turned out to be an interesting issue - ordering a Kindle and Amazon will automatically set it up to your account unless you tell them it's a gift. So several have been stolen en-route, and the thieves get to buy books and such via the Kindle since they weren't set up with passwords or wotnot. Although that was some months ago, not sure if they've solved that problem yet...
  8. See, my parents got me into reading when they gave me Enid Blyton books when I was around 5. Since then.. I've just collected a steady growth. Last time I took a full count (not including rpg books or comics/graphic novels) I had just under 6,000. That was about hm. 3 or 4 years ago.
  9. Yeesh. Caught a bit of a documentary about "Extreme Couponing". Okay, spending a "minimum" of 35 hours a week on collecting/arranging/organising coupons, so you can go and do massive shopping sprees that end up costing you $0.. and having hordes of stuff you don't actually use for years if at all.... That's a point where you aren't "saving money" just losing a serious chunk of your life. If the choice is spending a hundred bucks or so, and getting 35 hours of your life back... Edit: Hm, and my mothers kindle is starting to go. The battery isn't lasting as long as it should and it doesn't let you switch the thing off. Or rather you can..but then it'll randomly switch itself on or into standby mode over the course of a night.. And kind of annoyed with Amazon about it - looking at the possibilities of picking up a replacement, the UK versions cost ridiculously more then buying it in the US. And Amazon.com no longer allows you to buy them and get it shipped across to the UK (which is how I got it for her birthday about 3 years ago). I mean, seriously, Kindle Touch 3G in the US = $149. Or.. in the UK =
  10. See, back the other year when I emptied my room out to redecorate.. I ended up utilising the front room to pile my "library" in.. And this is what it looked like:
  11. And with good insulation..the heating bills will drop a fair bit over the winter...
  12. Second night of strange dreams of alien invasion.. and I haven't even been watching sci-fi. Seriously heavy r ain and strong wind all through the night and still going this morning. Kind of laid in bed listening to it all.. Strangely hard to get up when you're snug in bed, feeling kind of lazy, and can hear the trees bending and creaking in the wind and the windows getting hammered by rain....
  13. Those shelves are triple-stacked So yes, three books deep in most cases...
  14. What I like to call.. "The Library" Or at least.. One wall of it.....
  15. Got up, realised no-one else was up and moving around.. so I went back to bed. Later proceeded to make a cup of tea, watch the latest episode of "Person of Interest", and idly along a little time by poking at some forums and reading some Aeon Trinity.
  16. Tsk , it's one of those ones where you first see it and think it must be something screwy, then you find mention of it in a bunch of seperate news areas and you guess it must have some value of journalism.. Ah well. I guess that's becoming part of the joys of modern journalism and media in the internet age...
  17. For the slightly eye-blink at some world news.. http://www.ynetnews....4221310,00.html
  18. Hm, if I actually stacked all my White Wolf books up.. I think i'd have about 6 foot of books..
  19. Yeah, I read the book when I was around 10-11. So when they reshowed it on british tv they were fine with me watching it. Man, it's odd to think the series is only a year younger then I am.
  20. One of the channels has been reshowing "Shogun" this last week. Have to say, it is a damn good mini-series. There's not a bad actor in it.
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