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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Raithe


    Trying to push a more upbeat mood for the day.. so I've been listening to "A Very Scary Solstice",.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsgg51dNeCk
  2. I have a yearning for a greasy burger. Which I might give in to. Hilton bacon burger? Hmm. There's a kebab shop just down the road that does an amazingly unhealthy but darn tasty "super-burger" - just over 3/4 pounds of meat (that you hope is beef), cheese, onions, assorted salad-type between the layers..
  3. Trying to ponder what exactly has me in the mood to put Clint Mansell's score of "The Fountain" on loop and get quietly drunk today. Not actually doing that, but that seems to be the lurking urge loitering in the background.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTPNAF2wsiA
  5. Raithe


    On the one hand, I'm tempted by the classic that is the E-type Jag.. or, not a supercar, but the other classic I absolutely adore from a distance is the Rolls Royce Phantom 2.. But if we're talking modern day.. Koenigsegg CCX. For what looks like sheer fun.
  6. Also, the structure of time was an interesting showing. The potential developments and fallout over x years in a specific locale based on choices you made.. If it had just been pushed along a bit more .. but again, it was "idea conception rather then what actually got built".
  7. I do have to say.. with Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior / Bounty Hunter types, Huttball has grown on me. It seems much more geared for those class types to have fun in, Sith Assassin stealthiness seems to work better on the other warzone maps, but doesn't quite "grip" Huttball that well. And you seem to be getting into pvp matches with people who understand coming up with "cunning plans" during the minute of pre-match intro and actually attempting to coordinate more these days rather then go wildly off on kill frenzies..
  8. Is that the one on Corellian Run that I never see active? Pushed my Bounty Hunter through Act 1 and now he's a "Champion of the Great Hunt". Just got adopted into Mandalore's clan as well today. Juggling some of the Ilum and Belsavis dailies with my Sith Inquisitor and Smuggler. I'm going to have to build up the credits to get that mailbox on my ship at some point...
  9. Raithe


    Madness.. a little ska that's still going strong.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lki3VMPy2RE
  10. The Sith Inquisitor wasn't too bad. I'd have liked some more political shenannigans and subtle manipulations thrown into it, but as a general "sith treachery, waiting to be backstabbed, getting your own resources so you can backstab them first", it was fairly entertaining. Pushed my Jedi Knight to the end of Chapter 2, and got my Bounty Hunter to the end of Chapter 1. I've actually spent some of my game time this week pootling my Smuggler and Sith Inquisitor around on Illum and doing that world storyline and some of the dailies just to see what they're all like. You really rack up the credits doing those. I've only got my Sith Warrior on Balmorra at the moment, but the class storyline certainly seems fairly interesting so far. Although for some reason my brain edits "Darth Baras" into "Darth Wideload" which does sliiightly affect how seriously I react to certain sections....
  11. Hm, Radical Entertainment to Close its Doors?
  12. Tyrion Lannister .... with a pocketful of Shrooms. Although I do wonder how much Peter Dinklage is aiming to make sure he's thought of for more then Game of Thrones now..
  13. Raithe


    I've been in a bit of an odd mood and ended up going old school. Or at least, old army songs as performed by John Tams. Over the Hills and Far Away The Spanish Bride Johnny Has Gone to be a Soldier Gentleman Soldier And other assorted ones...
  14. Wait until the political correctness actually slides into Democracy being the rule by the minorities - because if you don't automatically let them have the say, you're repressing them and not being fair..
  15. ..Okay, when this gets a proper release date, this is so going down on my "Must See!" list..
  16. But if, as they suggest Leviathan is going to add potential War Assets.. and it will be slightly hard to run the "Take Back Omega" that a lot of people think is coming post-earth assault..
  17. So after waiting all this time to go through a second playthrough when the extended cut was released to "fix" the mess that is the ending... Now they're teasing us with more dlc that you will have to do before the game ending anyway. So perhaps better to have another long break and not complete it just yet until the rest of the potentially interesting dlc is here..
  18. Well he's in his 80's.. And when he isn't voicing things in computer games, ala Skyrim, he's actually in about 3 films comining out this year..
  19. Looked around, but dang it, we still don't have hoverboards.. Today is "Future Day" by Back to the Future standards...
  20. So they've released the trailer for Dredd now.. Along with the film synopsis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PifvRiHVSCY
  21. Rock of Ages. It's actually quite amusing and throws the rock n roll nostalgia at you. Although Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand have kind of spoiled "I can't fight this feeling" for me. Twistedly funny, but some things you really don't want stuck in your mind...
  22. And does that 2 gig download actually change anything else in the final set up beyond just those last cinematics? I mean, its possible to have saves from when you were fighting on earth, but Bio have the "you should load your save from just before the assault on the Cerberus Base". So that would kinda suggest there might be a few other subtle changes or further boosts in the midst all of it..
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