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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For the sad news that might have gotten missed in the whole Oscar fallout.. Frank Kelly, the actor who played Father Jack died today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-35682191 18 years to the day that actor who played Father Ted passed.
  2. Edit: Gah. When an image link only comes out squeezed in...
  3. I've been having a hunt around, but apparently there are no English translations of the Crane-Iron Pentology by Wang Dulu. For those who might not know it, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was the 4th book of the series. Apparently, the story runs thus: So, unless I learn to read Mandarin fairly competently, that's about the closest I'll get to reading the original stories.
  4. I feel the lawyers on the forums will appreciate this one... https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/12745482_946934922068211_8003772065631631382_n.jpg?oh=d4ec583ee46a256ba9183cacc37813a4&oe=576C98DD
  5. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Sword of Destiny. Is it weird to be disappointed that it's all done in English and you don't hear Mandarin while reading subtitles? Edit: Okay, now that I've watched it all. Hm,. I'd say mixed reviews on it. It's an enjoyable romp as it is, but it's much more hollywoodised in the general style than the first time around. The locations bounce around and don't really feel that linked, and while the majority of the wuxia sequences are decent, there's nothing too outstanding to it. And towards the end some of the cgi background is a wee bit dodgy. The actors work well with what they have, hell, it's Donnie Yen and Michelle Yeoh leading the cast, with Jason Scott Lee as the big bad, so you expect that. There's a certain "Seven Samurai" feel to the gathering of folks to defend against the evil guys, but they don't really do anything to explore the supporting characters. It's more "they have this name, that goes with this fighting style." So decent fight sequences, good acting for the most part, pretty women, and of course, a lot of the same style of music for background. Along with the requisite sort of tragic romance theme running along. It also put me in the mood to go back and watch the original Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. But I don't want to get my feels box broken tonight. I will say it's a damn shame there's no good English translations available for the original books both films were based on. I'm curious as to what the Crane-Iron Pentology comes across as.
  6. And of course.. the times they be a-changing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBWUOOzuWIY
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYIdgmQ7RyA
  8. For you have activated my trap card...
  9. The joys of slang and expressions...
  10. oh, and job opportunities a-knocking... http://career.paradoxplaza.com/jobs/8270-editor
  11. To be fair, Supernatural is one of those where the cast have a great chemistry, and the dialogue can have that right sort of inner-smirk, tongue-in-cheek camp awareness while they have fun being silly about the seriousness. On the downside, it was kind of geared around a storyline that culminated around the..5th or 6th season? I can't remember exactly, and was meant to end there. However due to the sheer amount of fans, they've kept it going and kind of gotten into that habit of introducing some variations of bigger, bad each season. Although I will admit, I have the last..3 seasons I think stacked up to watch at some point because I haven't bee keeping up.
  12. Heh. Donald Trump and Morning Joe hosts off-air conversation leaked
  13. Okay, this might be more deserved in the Funny Things, but it is about a specific Tv show..
  14. Funny story - Apparently one producer involved with Blade Trinity introduced Reynolds to Deadpool. He told him after seeing his character in that film, he was totally Deadpool. Reynolds had never heard of him before, so went and got an issue out of curiosity. For the really quirky... that very first Deadpool comic he opened had a panel where Deadpool actually described himself as "Ryan Reynolds meets <some other bizarre character>"
  15. So Warner Bros. have confirmed they will be keeping Zack Snyder on to help the 2-part Justice League films.
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