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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Hm, I'm trying to decide whether I want to support future Hitman games by buying "The Full Experience" now, or disliking how they've broken it up into chapters for the upcoming year and waiting to see how it shapes up... Decisions, decisions.
  2. Well, it's kind of funny, because its true.
  3. I have to admit, the various "director commentaries" from the team on Deus Ex: HR are quite interesting for the most part.
  4. Cipher is actually quite decent once you have a couple of the level 2 abilities. At least I find it quite efficient to mow down enemies with.
  5. Going for the cheap shots once again...
  6. Decided to have a wander back and re-try Deus Ex: HR the Director's Cut. That balance of questing to see what's new while half-remembering what was in it the first time around...
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjYhmX_OUQQ&feature=youtu.be
  8. My Crombie has decided to start showing signs of its age, and has lost two buttons and had an inner seam split. While I could technically sew the repairs myself, I know that my skills would mean it would get done, but not in a great manner, and a Crombie deserves a lot better than that. So I shall have to find a decent tailor that will repair it. Out of curiosity I went to see what a new Crombie would cost these days. Heh. The Clearance sale tends to have them at £450-600... Yes, I think repairs not replacement are definitely in order.
  9. Trying to get back into a Pillars of Eternity run. Managed to get to Cead Nua, but I seem to only be able to play short burst of it at a time. Not sinking chunky game time in like I did when I first sat down to it.
  10. It was a good show, they had that nice arc to the first season that as you said did kind of wrap up. They did leave a few things hanging and open for the 2nd season to pick up, but alas, we won't see it. It was actually a slight flip around of a show called New Amsterdam a few years back, an immortal who ends up a homicide detective who worked with a medical doctor.. Anyhewt, it's kind of interesting how many series these days seem to involve some variation of an Englishman with strange powers teaming up with an attractive American cop and saving lives in a quirky manner. Forever, Sleepy Hollow, Elementary, Lucifer...
  11. The evolution of Visual Effects. The Oscar winners from 1977 onwards... https://vimeo.com/85300589
  12. heh. in random entertainment news.. Kylie Minogue files court notice to stop Kylie Jenner trademarking her name
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwzDJqelLPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnpO_RTSNmQ Hm, not sure if this one will show up properly...
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