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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I'm sure that could fit on the funny things thread....
  2. Tor - Hamlet makes more sense as an out of control D&D campaign...
  3. Ah. The shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSYZekLljpg
  4. Re-watched Odd Thomas. A very good adaption of a book, and a whole heap of well done performances for that quirky story. The ending of it always pulls the heart strings. Now with the added reminder that 2016 has been a really sucky year since we'll no longer see how far Anton Yelchin would have gone.
  5. Eh, no doubt folks are getting tired of internet lists and all, but to escape from the sad of Gene Wilder's death, here's one list on tv shows that reminded me of some good thoughts. io9 - 10 Best out of genre episodes of genre tv
  6. Its kind of funny and sad at the same time...
  7. To be fair, the microtransactions for the game aren't in your face or something you casually stumble across in-game. It's pretty much a specific part of the main menu outside the game. Which I think is about the only saving grace of putting them in a single player game like that.
  8. Hm, I find myself in a weird balancing act of both liking and disliking the way they've set this story and the hubs. There really is only the Prague hub, and everything that's non-Prague is more single mission rather than hub-tastic. On the one hand, it's nice to revisit Prague and see how it changes as the story progresses and you get a slight grasp on fallout depending on certain choices you make early in the game, on the other hand I kind of miss that feel of world travel and having fresh hubs to explore and find side-quests and get in touch with the locals.
  9. I think the worst is with Miller. The combination of the voice acting and the bad face animation seems to leave most combinations with your "boss" as very odd.
  10. I'm happy with the gameplay and level design. Although the loading times are quite awful for me, especially when you have to catch the train back and forth from one side of Prague to the other. The vertical design adds something, but it does mean you can end up trying to poke at everything to find out if there's something new or hidden or different routes around. Currently in the second dose of Prague after the Rucker mission. Although that was slightly odd, the cinematic had Rucker with shaggy hair, then he stands up, the game shifts to the engine and conversation..and Rucker is suddenly marine buzz cut hair. Then cinematic and its back to the shaggy look.
  11. And what you basically get are linked to videos of background interviews. A couple of the design people talking about the why and wherefores of certain decisions.
  12. One that might interest a few folks... Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines - Unofficial Patch History
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