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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. @ShadySands Happy Birthday, and enjoy all those celebrations. Build up all the memories you'll never be able to tell future children about...
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russian-troops-raped-tortured-children-ukraine-un-panel-says-rcna49168
  3. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/12/epic-will-pay-520-million-to-settle-ftc-privacy-payment-complaints/?
  4. The "Magic Roundabout" of Swindon. Apparently, it makes a lot of Americans nervous.
  5. We had the talk with the consultant in September where he gave us the "Think months, not years" conversation. Awkward placement of the main cancer, my fathers age, signs of other spots of cancer in his lungs. Any potential operation on the main cancer would be along the lines of a 12 hour plus surgery and have a high chance of leaving him partially paralysed, and that's if he was in a fitter condition than he is currently so it's not something they want to risk. Edit: And I have now spent ALLL the money on the new suit. Taking advantage of the miserable weather and the world cup to go in when it's quiet, and getting the firm reminder that going into a purpose shop with helpful tailors and assistants in store to subtly advise and help you through things is something you miss with online ordering. Still, spending silly cash on a suit is worthwhile because unless I massively change shape it's going to last for bloody ages.
  6. It's a bitterly chill Sunday morning here. My father's gone in for fresh scans at the hospital, so with the consultant appointment in January, based on the results they get they'll narrow down how far into next year they expect him to last before popping his clogs. Been poking vaguely at mortgage and general financial matters. Been a few discussions with my sister on the feasibility of who could buy who out, or whether we just have to sell the house together. Trouble is, while we both like it, there's lots of bits and pieces that need fixing and those costs start adding up.. £5 grand here, £10 grand there... On other matters, I've been balancing budget vs temptation and have to go in to get a new suit. I discovered that the only suits I have that fit me properly are steampunk ones. Which while might cause some amusement at quinceneara's, funerals, and such like, probably won't go down so well at formal civil service meetings and such like. However, my team leader did put me down for a "Development Achievement" award, so I have a small cash bonus coming in. So I might use that to splash out on a decent suit. Also been getting my head around some of the different tricks between the Resin printer and the FDM printer. Got a nice version of Boba Fett's survival knife printed out in Resin once I got the orientation of printing correct, then had to sand the point and edges off because it could do a little pokey sharp holes in things. Had the stl's for a vibroblade in parts, but that took about 4 goes before I could get a successful print due to some of the thinner parts to it kept flexing off where i had the orientation wrong.
  7. Some mild language... "Parenting" https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmMvr3sJpeZ/?igshid=MTI5NDc2ZGU%3D https://www.instagram.com/p/CmO_CgsDFir/
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