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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Caught the latest Lucifer episode, that was an interesting perspective to take, especially for that whole 'over the course of time since the show started' arc hidden away. Throw in a nice turn for what Hell is like for normal people.
  2. One that's semi-military related.. NY Times - Love's Road Home
  3. KFC tracked down the guy who figured out their twitter gag and sent him something insane
  4. I'm taking momentary breaks from things to fit in the odd gameplay on Saints Row 4 and Bordlerlands 2. Do need to get back into Shadow of War at some point and wrap that up, hit a grind wall and then started handling assignments and haven't returned to it yet.
  5. BoredPanda - After bank denies girl's credit card with Terry Crews face on it, she contacts him via for permision...
  6. Quote for the Day: "I once re-watched Braveheart in company with a Scottish medieval historian who had one finger on the pause button and the other on a stack of reference books. It was an adventure."
  7. Taika's response to the question "Would you date Thor or Loki?"
  8. But to return to the Thor.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8atgsWFfDOg
  9. I think what carries it, is that no matter how silly or bad the content turns out to be, their sincere enthusiasm and joy in what they do together seems to shine through for most of it.
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