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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Buzzfeed - The World's Most Famous Actor You've Never Seen
  2. Hm, no idea if anyone had noticed this one sneaking up... Kickstarter - Shadows Kiss, Vampire MMO Apparently they hit 200% funding after 36 hours or so... A vampire and supernatural themed MMO inspired by the WoD from the sounds of it. Although how much of an MMO you could legitamately get up and running for $25,000 I do have to wonder.
  3. The Punisher, as said it has its slightly long-winded moments, but its still better paced than Iron Fist or The Defenders.
  4. While it's having its free weekend on Steam, I'm having a touch play around with Endless Space 2 in between assignment writing.
  5. Method actors can be a bit weird. I always remember the story of Dustin Hoffman going into film a scene Marathon Man after spending the weekend barely eating and with just a sip or two of water to "prepare" himself for it. He turned up looking shaky as hell, everybody thought they'd have to cancel filming and get him better. Laurence Olivier asked what was wrong, and he told them what he'd been doing. They looked amazed and shocked. Hoffman looked up at Olivier and the Director and said something to the effect of "How else am I supposed to do this scene??" Olivier looked at him and replied "Dear boy, you act."
  6. There are a few classic pictures of the Marines in crisp uniform who made time to sit down at their daughters "tea party" ..
  7. Okay, sideline anecdote over something that amused me. Some years ago I was at a party and a couple of guys had been chatting with me on and off for a chunk of it, and then my girlfriend of the time arrived and I gave her the general hug and kiss. The two guys who had been amiably bantering with me paused, looked at each other and then did this whole.. "Oh, we've been flirting with you to see who could pick you up and you haven't acted offended or scared, so we really thought you were gay. Are you like, bi or just really secure in your masculinity?" This was then spoiled when the gf did this "Oh no, he's polite, charming, a bit of a flirt in general when its for fun, but totally oblivious to people hitting on him in seriousness."
  8. It's not that real men take bubble baths, its that real men take bubble baths without worry because they're secure in who they are... so don't stress what others might think about it. Also.. This: http://www.artofmanliness.com/
  9. I did see someone make a few comments about how Gosling is a great example of an actor who knows how to act minimally, with small expressions which is perfect for directors who like to convey things through edits that contrast things. As opposed to actors who overplay everything or do large and loud acting. De Niro's classic "You have to know when NOT to act some times." I think the example they gave was in Driver, where his character is shopping, takes a turn down an aisle, stops, you get the cut to the woman with a kid, then cut back to Gosling and he moves away to another aisle. Without being twitchy or "obvious" that combination still managed to show his startlement at seeing them, his nervousness, and his careful move away to not interact. Some people like that, some don't. It can depend wildly on the type and tone of film I think.
  10. There’s Apparently A Name For The Generation Born In The Late ’70s And Early ’80s - The Xennials One foot in the Gen X, and one foot in the Millenials...
  11. Daily Beast - How Facebook fights to stop laws on facial recognition Also, running in the realms of facial recognition... TechCrunch - Pornhub uses computer vision to ID actors and acts in its videos
  12. Heh. Okay, I've gotten involved with the D20 society at the university and getting back into some tabletop rpgs. Sitting there with the other students, and one of the girls talkign about character sheets and keeping them after time because they feel like your "kids" in a sense. Everybody agreeing with her on hanging onto old character sheets, and I made a comment that I still have some of my earliest characters in a box from when I started playing DnD back in '93 or so. The DM just.. stopped, went silent and had this incredibly odd, broken expression. I poked him and did a "Tim, you okay?" And he kind of muttered a "....You have ..character sheets... older than I am." I replied with a "Giving you a fresh perspective on some things?" He just did a slow nod and a "... yeah. Why aren't you the DM??"
  13. Also, in regards to the Tolkien tv attempt...
  14. Oh trust me, I don't trust them. It's just that I always set my expectations low when it comes to Ubi games. The only redeeming factor I am looking forward to when it comes to Far Cry 5 is some open world shooting and driving. Far Cry 2 had an awful story but my god do I still love that fictional African setting. I could just roam around, look at the scenery and do nothing else. Far Cry 5 looks like the perfect Southern U.S hiking simulator and I haven't played a game with a similar setting. P.S: Far Cry 6 should be set in the barren wastelands of Antarctica...seriously, they had that in mind at some point. The question will be... if you stand around and listen to music for 15 minutes at the start of the game will you be able to complete it without killing anyone?
  15. It was interesting in its way, they switched some of the feel for the second season and moved it to Europe, and then it got cancelled. So be wary of getting too deep into the arcing storyline.
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