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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Eh, if I do a concentrated run (and I mean silly hours reading at a time) and no distractions, I've re-read 12 of the books in a week. I keep meaning to do it again now it's complete.
  2. I think some of the complaints are that he visited on the way to his vacation home in Mar-a-lago, and spent about 6 minutes with the actual victims, so that after being able to say to the press "yes I have met some of the victims" he got back in the motorcade and was off. I believe the timing i saw was motorcade arrived at 18:55, Trump entered. 19:15 The motorcade was pulling away and heading off. In between, he walked from the entrance up to the victims, praised the first responders, smiled, gave a thumbs up, had a small press conference, took pictures, gave more thumbs up, then moved onto the sherriffs.
  3. And surprise, surprise... WInter is NOT coming... George R R Martin says the Winds of Winter may be delayed even further I wonder if he's decided to just troll all the audience who keep nagging at him to finish....
  4. The Obituary that made strangers miss a man they never knew
  5. Also, since we do tend to focus on American politics here... I did see "Very quietly today while we grieved, the House passed a bill to gut the Americans with Disability Act." Washington Post - House passes changed to Americans with Disabilities Act over activist objections
  6. I need to catch up on my Agents of Shield. I've been stacking up episodes to watch since about 5 episodes into season 3... and just haven't had the time/mood to sit down and actually watch them.
  7. Barnes and Noble - A Statistical Analysis of A Wheel of Time
  8. **** You I like guns One veteran's blog on how they enjoy guns, enjoyed learning how to shoot, but were happy in the army where all those guns were locked away in the arms room at the end of the day and not carried around for "barracks defense" as standard practice.
  9. A youtuber who claimed being vegan cured her cancer has died from cancer What somewhat boggles me is that the niece who used to make the video blogs with her... is still behind it and insisting that veganism, juicing, and faith in god will cure cancer.
  10. The News and Observer : No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings so far in 2018. That number is flat wrong. An interesting point about how both sides of the argument skew the data. Read more here
  11. Not meaning to take any cheap shots... But it is America. So probably both.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMfStd3v330
  13. NSFW - Language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htGAdlkStv8
  14. Don't piss off old people. The older we get, the less "Life In Prison" is a deterrent.
  15. "We should arm every teacher!" "...Wait, you bastards won't even buy them enough pencils and printer ink... Now you got the budget for Glocks??"
  16. Scientific American: 6 Things to Know About Mass Shootings in America A US criminologist breaks a few things down...
  17. They started off with the standard Hollywood idea of the MP5 being the standard "special ops" gun, but after a season or two, they switched to the P90 as the standard weapon for SG teams. If I recall rightly, the P90 was originally designed for as a 'compact' long arm for vehicle crews and the like and didn't really have the space for a full blown assault rifle or the equivalent, it then evolved into a design for close urban combat which suits most counter-terrorist / special forces situations these days.
  18. At least John Doe did get a full season of 21 episodes. Although it did end on a cliffhanger.
  19. Re-watching the pilot episode of John Doe. A fairly intelligent adventure series from around 2002 that had a slowly developing story arc. A pre-Prison Break Dominic Purcell as an amnesiac who turned up in Seattle, who although he had absolutely no idea of who he was, he knew literally everything else thats factual knowledge. Has that weird mystery of the week that slowly built up backstory and connections as he struggled to figure out who he was and how he knew so much, while also trying to build human connections with the people he encountered. Damn, that's one I will always have a grudge over them cancelling. Up there with Threshold, Oddysey 5, Defying Gravity, and Journeyman.
  20. Some Language... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rR9IaXH1M0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9UFyNy-rw4
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