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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Why is there a statue of Columbo and his dog in Budapest? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zZHEQLVyWE&
  2. Well, I'm feeling somewhat pleased. Finally got a job offer, a decent salary and working times and all that. Of course, the HR email me all these forms and documents to fill out, but they're in a mix of pdf's, word, and excel sheets that ask you to print them out, sign them, and then scan them back in before emailing them back. Half of them could be filled out on the computer if they'd just set the damn fields up right, but noooo. Have to print off and then hand write and scan it all back in.
  3. Tor - Attack the Block helped set the course for the last decade of sci-fi
  4. Psych the Movie is apparently getting a sequel...
  5. Say what you will about the ropey moments, the Highlander series had a lot of damn good moments. Still manages to hit in the feels with the final episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dysGDr-QZNQ
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqMs9WsJg2k
  7. Watched last years Robin Hood. It's a ... weird one. Full of rather good actors working with a bizarre script. It's anachronistic, I see how they're trying to do a whole.. stylistic approach to make it "different" but it really does seem to borrow a lot from DC's Arrow (and I know, the Green Arrow was inspired by Robin Hood so it's very circular). But they have oddly steampunk aspects, guards carrying repeating crossbows that are treated like assault rifles, the opening sequence of the crusades has the Sherrif sending "draft notices" to the minor lords, and has them acting like a modern day marine unit in Iraq dealing with urban warfare and sending up signal flares for "stones" aka, catapaults acting as artillery support. Jamie Foxx doing the "wise mentor Moor" role they swiped from Prince of Thieves, throwing in a dose of montage ninja training, add a dose of pyrotechnic explosions, a mixture of policitcal correct issues, callbacks to current political elements (Trump style speeches from the Sherrif), a Nottingham medieval city designed to look like the Favelas of Brazil, and some silly drama and soap opera love triangles.
  8. And now the release date for Dune has been set for November 2020. At least, the first movie covering half the book.
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