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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And on the same day that El Camino was released.
  2. I have heard Walken reading The Raven. It is a fairly popular one for certain celebrity types to do...
  3. NewsThump - We wanted to help out in Normandy, but we had bone spurs explain the Kurds
  4. And for a bit more sciencey to it... The Raven and the Wolf - A Study in Symbiosis
  5. When you think the "high ground meme" can't go any further...
  6. David Tenant reading Vampire Stories for Halloween Although probably not the fan base for it here.. but you never know who might want ot pass it on.
  7. Zookeeper Problems - The Great Flamingo Uprising
  8. I suppose also in the funny side.. but the weirdness of US vs UK English...
  9. The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot. Which sounds odder than it is. Actually a very low key film. Sam Elliot as the slightly misanthropic old man, a bitter recluse, who it turns out, was a semi-mythic solider/assassin for the US in his younger days. You get the slow opening of his daily life, interspersed with short flashbacks which establish his history (Which yes, includes killing Hitler), while background news reports on some serial killer on the US/Canadian border crop up. This leads into government officials turning up to tempt him to return to duty for various reasons to hunt down and kill The Bigfoot, which is apparently infected with some strange disease that if allowed to get into the population could be devastating. It's an oddly paced film, and it definitely doesn't fit in the action genre. Much more the slow-paced Adventure/Drama area. An old man pondering how his life led him, the love he lost, whether the people he killed ever actually changed anything.
  10. Just to cover it... Picard: We're putting the band back together. O'Brien: Forget it. No way. Riker: We're on a mission from God.
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