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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Vox - Millenials weren't the only ones gutted by the recession, Gen X has never recovered
  2. You can take my Narwhal Tusk when you pry it from...
  3. Filmschoolrejects - Leather as power in Turn-of-the-Millenium Genre films
  4. Picked up both Far Cry 5 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey in the Ubisoft sales... Sometimes you have to plunge on the time wasting activities..
  5. Far Cry 5, continuing on from my Thanksgiving start. I don't know why, but it still amuses me that they put in a way to finish the game within 5 minutes of the start. That, and that the past couple of Far Cry games all make a point of having key villains and psycopaths comment on how quickly the player got into killing large amount of people with very little prompting.
  6. RollingStone - That uplifting tweet you just sent? A Russian troll might have posted it
  7. Since it's thanksgiving in the US, I sat down and started playing Far Cry 5....
  8. I think it's something like, we have a decade of vaping in the UK, and a single death that relates to vaping - and from what I dimly recall, again it was someone using illegal vaping stuff rather than legitamate sources. Still, it's a single decade, so it's not as if it's a serious amount of time to see ill-effects as such. But it's also one of those interesting in just how quick many governments are to snapkick legislation vs vaping in general without worrying about the science but keeping that initial "related to smoking" backlash. Which you rarely seem to see with booze...
  9. To be fair, if its less dangerous than smoking cigarettes.. It's still an improvement..
  10. CDC finally confirms that EVALI is caused by illegal thc, not legal vapes
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