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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Where's the popcorn? Is there enough in the world? Val Demings charges Mitch McConnel, he cannot take the Oath for impeachment and must withdraw
  2. As one of my friends put it...
  3. Yup. All sides pretty much ran terrible campaigns over here in the UK. So Boris doing the "lets just get Brexit done" resonated with all the people who have just got fed up and frustrated with it being the only thing on the news or government for the past 3 years. Labour's "Great Wall of Red" the zone of seats that have been Labour going back 100 years has been shattered (or at least thoroughly nibbed on). The Lib Dems who who basically did the "lets ignore the initial brexit vote and get you guys to do a 2nd and 3rd referendum on it" got thoroughly screwed over - the leader of the party lost her seat. So now there's a Tory majority through most of the country, although the SNP (Scottish National Party) pretty much took over Scotland, so expect even more outcry for yet another Scottish referendum for independence.
  4. BBC - Woman, 89, granted "big biceps" stripper care home wish
  5. This is actually too true to really be funny but still...
  6. Forbes - Your glorified ignorance wasn't cool then, and your scientific illiteracy isn't cool now
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