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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. There also seems to be a fairly big split in the whole "liberal city dwellers" and the "conservative rural folk"... Or at least, small town Americana vs big city suburbia types.
  2. https://www.theonion.com/jubilant-reaction-to-trump-defeat-quickly-soured-by-new-1845551327?
  3. Then they'd have to remove the cracking jokes about missing the conversations had in elevators between party members in the later games...
  4. Still knocking around on Watchdogs Legion. Its pretty and all (for London) but I'm not getting majorly invested in the story. Just more the poking at it all and idling my way through.
  5. "Because we keep screwing up with new games, we're going to give you old ones..." https://www.ea.com/games/mass-effect/mass-effect-legendary-edition?
  6. Ah, the all important question... So let us resort to that infamous Devils Speech:
  7. "From a certain point of view...."
  8. Re-watching episodes of the old Dark Angel series, pondering on if this vision of dystopian Seattle is inching ever closer to reality...
  9. The "you lost, get over it" crowd from 2016 do seem to be in a bad mood today.
  10. Ah, the old fashioned call backs. I was tempted to throw this in the funny thread...
  11. When the question of "Does my one vote actually matter" is raised.. :
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