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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-save-files-over-8mb-may-become-permanently-corrupt? Likely most affect people who use the item duplication glitch to get a ridiculous amount of stuff in their inventory...
  2. I still haven't wrapped up the original map yet. I keep getting distracted experimenting with building in Conan Exiles.
  3. Blackadder - Encouraging a socially distanced Christmas since 1843...
  4. Text reads: "If you EVER think Anthony Head is anything less than an angel then you’d best remember that I have always been a huge fan of his and we’ve always had a little contact over the years and he heard I’d come out as Trans and was having a hard time and that I was kind of sad that the photos I had from conventions with him were of me with long hair and no binder and they were all signed to “Sarah” and so he invited me to spend the day with him at his farm and he picked me up from the station and we just hung out and had lunch and he insisted on paying and took loads of photos and had them printed on photo paper the same day so he could sign them to Jay, along with other photos of him as Giles and Uther and he literally spent five hours chatting with me and got all of the pronoun stuff right every time and then he dropped me off at the station, gave me a final massive hug, waved me through the ticket barrier and insisted I message him when I got home so he knew I got back safe."
  5. Oh I know Nolan actually got some real physicists to talk to on the time thing. What I was meaning more was that mix of back and forth, who created the organisation, who worked for who, the chicken and egg aspect to everything. It's almost like Tenet is the pilot episode for a tv show. It has its encapsulated plot and characters, but leaves you aware of a whole lot of potential plot threads loose and waving.
  6. Microsoft unleashes ‘Death Star’ on SolarWinds hackers in extraordinary response to breach - GeekWire
  7. Caught Tenet. It feels very much like Nolan going for an artistic turn of a spy film. It's got fairly good performances, some very nice visuals and interesting sequences, but then it's wrapped around one of those "We're using time travel as an excuse to do things" plots. The time inversion again, is an interesting idea, but the very nature of the story leaves all sorts of things hanging and unexplained. Which I guess adds to the whole sense of secrecy, misdirection, and temporal inversion loops. Robert Pattinson definitely seems to be clearing the bad taste of Twilight away, while the main character literally refers to himself as "I'm the protagonist" a few times, and doesn't have any other name.
  8. Well romance wise you can establish friendships across multiple missions, and then if you've picked certain dialogue choices and actions you get to the point of doing the "sure, lets bang and have a relationship" or stick to "lets just be friends". Just keeping to the friends zone still has you playing a series of missions that expand world/story/character stuff, and can be engaging beyond the normal side-gigs. It's that balance of side gigs that are repetitive "rescue / kill / steal" versus the side gigs that have more in-depth stories and interesting characters.
  9. Depending on how it goes you can hack it to just clear the malware, hack it to get a copy of a nice lethal quickhack (synapse burnout if I recall), or both. If you go through the mission and I think its on one of the laptops you can read the message that does identify that guy from Meredith's trunk as the mole, in which case potentially terminates him. Without it, there's no proof, and as long as you don't start anything with Royce she doesn't recover the convoy and that's why she's terminated. I went with rescuing Brick as well, haven't seen any direct consequences of that, but I'm guessing his favour owed might turn up in the end game sequence. Actually hit level 41 now, about 76 hours of gameplay and still pootling around in act 2 doing side gigs and the like. There are some interesting and disturbing elements that crop up in equal measure. Although I am annoyed that there are a couple of missions you can only do if you basically play stupid. It's that awkward "right, do I roleplay this and not get into it and skip the content, or do I close my eyes and just act like a naive moron with no clue just to explore the mission and what might come out of it..." Hm, just had the River romance pop up. I have to admit, compared to meeting Judy and Panam, and how those relationships are more fleshed out before romance creeps in, River as the male to female V's hetero option seems surprisingly shallow. The first mission where he's somewhat antagonistic, the second where you help him rescue his nephew from a serial killer type, and then boom "Hey, I want to date you" kind of thing. Made it very easy to do the "Dude, we're friends, that's it. Let's get drunk and enjoy the view."
  10. https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/exfiltrating-data-from-air-gapped.html
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