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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. Congratulations! My cousin got his PhD from Warwick.
  2. Yes, yes, i've heard that analogy billion times... http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/20...-box-office.ars meanwhile this shows how badly piracy damaged entertaining industry in 2010... So you just reply with a bunch of statistics on the success of movies. Which have a radically different revenue format from games. Good times.
  3. Why lock your door when professional and habitual criminals will still find a way in?
  4. It's a lot more annoying waiting 6 months to get the money after having done the paperwork.
  5. The Bethany stares at me the whole time mod... oh wait, I'm getting my forums mixed up.
  6. It's on the PC as well. Thats what he answered on. He doesn't do it out of some principle. Indeed. And my principle is that in the case of (limited) third party exclusives, like the one Bethesda and Microsoft had here, Bethesda takes Microsoft's money instead of mine, not in addition to it. It's the only way I have to affect their decision making process, so I'm using it.
  7. There's something to be said about bureaucracies that work. We get our tax returns paid to us in early December (after getting to file them in ~May). ffs
  8. does it mean there's gonna be button-mashing on consoles?! this isn't fair Yeah, I want button-mashing for PC too. BTW, about the camera, some gameplay videos have shown different angles, so I guess the final version will have other views too? Other angles than the ones you could get in the demo via the mouse scrolling button? I haven't seen any of those...
  9. The DX11 renderer in the demo is an older bugged version from the shipping version, and IIRC it wasn't even supposed to be useable. I'm on XP, so I can't comment on how people turn it on, but... Both Hawkes have so far completely failed to unimpress me with their VO, but since I'm one of the people with the streaming issue, my perception could be coloured by the stilted way the conversations run. Doubt it, though. Not really blowing a headgasket with the camera, it's so much better than the forced KOTOR viewpoint console DAO had that I'm happy with even this. Still would have liked to pull back a bit more.
  10. Large breasts and implied sex to get the Bioware boards in a froth I suppose, bad demo is bad. I think she was just smuggling two bald midgets - she IS a pirate, after all.
  11. Yeah, it's nonexistent. As not in there, the plot development parts are mostly skipped (in the demo). Confirmed that the demo build has an issue where there's a strange lag between different people saying their lines. The dialogue cutscenes were kind of choppy for me too, but considering what I'm on, that could just be my gear. Also agree on your point about the death of the sibling being handled rather... fast, in fact the other death gets a lot more air time. The jump does take place pretty soon after, so more dialogue might take place a bit later in a... less pink environment. Damn, filthy Europeans. I always know that it's you bragging about your obscene download speeds because you put a comma in the middle of your numbers instead of a dot like ALL GOOD, GOD-LOVING PEOPLE DO. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
  12. I started out at around 300kBps, and was hitting 500 towards the end. Steam usually gives me above 1,5m, so I was getting a real drip. Demo itself was kind of meh, endless combat with a lot of good stuff, like the inventory(!) disabled. The combat itself did feel pretty good, I think they might have hit the sweet spot between the button mashing console version combat and the point-and-click pc combat. Have to reserve the judgment on that, too, though, since the handful of combat talents didn't give the full deal yet.
  13. 'fraid I'm still sticking to what I said before - no buy for me due to xpox exclusivity. Unselfishly, I'll still hope it's good.
  14. Feels good man. Anyway, I'm still interested on the distribution permission details for the demo - are copies from the mag under different restrictions than from other sources? This is one odd case of "piracy", where the good being pirated is free, (not even the mag is charging anything for it, even if they clearly stand to gain from releasing early). This whole argument hinges on the assumption that making copies of the demo is copyright infringement. But is it? Demos are, generally, distributed freely. Unless it is specifically allowed by the copyright holder, making copies constitutes a copyright violation. In this case, the permission to distribute hasn't been granted, yet. I'm sure we'll see today how they want it to be distributed. Sure, this is the equivalent of jaywalking in copyright crime, but even jaywalking is illegal - and I'm sure most people understand that part.
  15. The ME2 PS3 producer has confirmed that this was an accidental leak (they'd forgotten that future DLC trophies are not hidden on PS3). They're currently in a holding pattern, due to it being a bank holiday monday in Edmonton. Suspect some kind of announcement was supposed to come next week at GDC, let's see what they do now. (Probably nothing for a week, would seem to be par for the course for them).
  16. I asked because legislation is not homogeneous and I'm pretty certain it's not copyright infringement here in Spain, despite attempts by EU bureaucrats to undermine national sovereignty. Copyright law is one of the most internationally harmonized areas of law, starting with the Berne Convention. What Spider basically said is on the money. In case you didn't notice the thread a couple of days go, Spain is on the "Tortuga list" of countries not giving a **** about copyright holders' rights. I think the document specifically mentions, that digital copying has been determined to be "personal use" in all cases - contrary to the rest of the world. For the record, I was mostly joking when I brought it up originally, I only became interested when people started making bs claims about lack of drm allowing it. I also personally think that copyright law is the field for people who pulled wings off flies as kids, but a total ignorance of what, in fact, constitutes a copyright violation is kind of disturbing. The reason I can't be bothered to explain this stuff is that you could read it all up on the wikipedia in half the time it takes me to summarise it here, and even if I went to the trouble, somebody would bitch about me using wikipedia as a source - which I would do, since all my other copyright sources are either in Finnish or behind the unversity intranet.
  17. I'm just refusing to jump on the "Let's all bash Bioware so we can feel better about ourselves!" bandwagon. I owe them no loyalty or allegiance, and they have let me down in the past - just a lot less than any other developer. My (semi-)legal opinion on piracy would stand for any other developer/publisher - unlike a lot of people here, I just don't regularly crap in the threads that discuss games I'm not interested in. And yeah, ripping an unprotected CD and distributing the music is also piracy.
  18. Beat AP (again). The Darcy+Helicopter bits are just cheap. I'm mildly tempted to go again, just to finally get one game with a Platinum Trophy, but some of the stuff is just... not really interesting for any other reason than getting that trophy. Not my cup of tea. Not sure what to pick up next. Either Arkham Asylum or surprise myself with another find from the shelves.
  19. Weird case of piracy then, didn't think they DRM'd up demos of all things and the magazine let it out, rather than it being leaked, no ? So now we (re)define piracy as something that involves both a leak and circumvention of DRM? Did you just, in your argument, manage to validate all the DRM crap they put us through? I'd draw you a picture, but I don't have the time: people are distributing something that is only supposed to be available to the subscribers of a (german) magazine, not released to the public. And yeah, I don't particularly care about this subject one way or the other, support of piracy on this board is just becoming more and more blatant by the day (I point in the direction of what was said in the Witcher 2 thread earlier today), which is why I kind of felt obligated to point it out here, as well. Our brave moderators just seem more concerned with policing Bioware than the board these days...
  20. You have time, since one doesn't exist yet.
  21. Your difficulty level will probably be the key here. I'd suspect that (console) normal allows for mostly pause-free gameplay, while higher difficulties will be more in the BeeGee school of party control. In fact, I'm more than suspecting it, I remember somebody telling me that, but no way I'm gonna go digging for a source right now. p.s. Yer all a bunch of stinking pirates. Mateys. (Or did you suddenly start buying a German mag without speaking the language?)
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