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About Kostchtchie

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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    Ps3 / Pc gaming
  1. more guns and customization please and dont change the look, i love the borderlands style, and more hubs next time
  2. i got the same bug on vetran, gonna try your idea and relog at safe house
  3. To be honest, I find this offensive. I keep getting this impression that there is a heavy bias from some, who try to categorize on nationality along with the implication that some how American is there fore inferior. I think this is wrong on many levels. One of the ironies of this post is that the reviewers, the journalists I know who work for these major publications are often times non-americans. Many of the major publications are multi-national. Game Spot for example operates in both the US and UK. Eurogamer gave the game a 7 out of ten, the German version an 8 out of 10. Reading the user reviews from the regions shows just as many varied responses as their North American counterparts. The point is that there is no great divide between the two continents, and it isnt so "black and white" what one can identify "american" reviews against those in europe, especially when the review sites you call American might have been written and reviewed by a European staff. Some like the game, some do not, but I believe most recognize that the title needs polish and some tweaking. This is not uncommon. this is opinion, just like how the american reviewers have there's and you have yours, i could in turn feel offended that you couldnt accept my opinion of review sites ...so please step the **** back from me with your bull****
  4. dam thats weird me and bro had clean run on our first game, diffrent disks take scrren shot :D it sounds crazy
  5. Just load the last safehouse. lol yea you don't understand, this is the last mission in Saudi Arabia, so I would have to start ALL over, because my last save is at the VERY beginning of the safe house erh no... the game saves one file at safe house from when you made it back from the mission and another save file when you are on the mission, so yeah you can load it from the safe house before you started the last mission save file: mission save file: safe house thats how the save files work on ps3 version
  6. ps3 version was solid and i loved the art style*reminded me of borderlands art style* please pass that along to the devs :D
  7. would like to see some weapon packs on dlc please......more assualt rifles diffrent types please, and armours m16a1, ak-47 ect ect please
  8. well us in europe love the game, seems only american reviwers that are on the gaming industry pay rolls hate the game im just glad ps3 version was solid that i thank obsidian so much for
  9. Ps3 version for me, was great little game, loved the art style, reminded me of borderlands and how they went there own design way, hopefully ap2 comes to ps3 again :D
  10. its great little game, i am so pleased that they done ps3 version... thanks Obsidian p.s i loved the art style of the game
  11. It was only poorly reviewed by the major US reviewers. Most of the European reviewers liked it quite a bit, as did one or two reputable American review websites (1up gave it a B+ and praised it quite a bit). yeah i noticed that also
  12. OMFG yes yes!!!! this is great news...i love this game
  13. So pirates will enjoy free of drm version, while paying cutomers get treated to drm bull****...nice and all you have done is put some crap in to hasstle people that baught your game legit, your game will still get cracked spread throughout the net, probably more as pirates hate developers that put this drm/protection software crap in there game i dont know why you bother wasting your time or money doing this really, i know its not right that your hard work is copied for free but still, you should think of the customers that do fork out cash on your game rather than the pirates that will in the end break your protection,i feel your customers will thank you for it in the end/long run, by supporting you more, maybe even get people that pirate games to see if they are worth buying the retail version anyway cant wait get this for ps3
  14. i wouldnt have thought you need take shotgun/smg, if you want be stealth player, just pistol and knife like me i do however wish they had the guns hanging from straps when player carrys them instead this just on back image alot games go for
  15. i cannot wait get this game, have been driving my brother up the wall about this game and its rpg element, even convinced him to get it
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