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Michael Skinner

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Everything posted by Michael Skinner

  1. Ant eggs are able to be picked up that previously were not, but they do not stack anymore.
  2. This is the small cave area where the cable for the mystery machine is being gnawed on by lawn mites. At the spot just ahead of me in this screenshot, two mites get stuck under the dirt where you can not see them or target them. They can hit you , and you can hit them if you time your hits right to get them when they jump, but they can not get out of the dirt pile on the ground. I could loot the ones I killed while they were jumping , but the bodies were not visible.
  3. Same issue here. Although they did not specifically say that multiplayer would be available for the test server, it seems kind of odd they wouldn't want that there. DxDiag.txt
  4. I have noticed of late, that the ants will cluster around pieces of Spoiled Meat in the yard. They don't take the meat, I assume because it is spoiled, but they do still seem to want to take it. They disperse if you pick up the spoiled meat and destroy it, otherwise they just keep accumulating at that spot.
  5. I have seen exactly one mint re spawn in the western anthill. it seems to drop between 2 and 5 chunks of mint. Not sure how often it spawns in there, but it seems to be quite awhile between spawns. It seems completely believable that in a yard where so many things seem to get dropped ,( i.e. , Hot Dogs, Cookies , Soda pop cans , Juice Boxes, ect. ect ), that a stray mint may find its way into the yard now and then , and the ants would cart it off when they found it and store it with the other food they gather. Being that it only gives between 2-5 chunks of mint, seems to me it is a great way to deal with replacement mint for those players that have been experiencing problems with losing items made from the rare material, and not so much so that it breaks the challenge or struggle of the game.
  6. Perhaps there could be something like a matter displacement conveyance device in the Labs that were used by the high level administration types. That way we could somehow obtain the pass code to use the system now that the Labs have been apparently abandon. Then you could limit the fast travel option to only traveling between the Main Labs and only in close proximity to each other, so you couldn't say, displace yourself clear across the yard from one Lab to another, but you could displace yourself to the nearest Lab from the one you are currently in. I mean we are talking about people who have the scientific ability and know-how to build a shrinking machine... I think matter displacement would be redundant to them by now.
  7. some kind of sprig and fiber coil rope ladder would be cool, and not outside of the realm of possibility in my opinion. Bridges are already something we can build in game with the current materials.
  8. I could get down with something we build later via unlocking from the Raw Science shop or something. Having to craft the device would be cool.
  9. Maybe an ability to fast travel to base markers at least. Would be nice to not always have to run the entire map to get back to the base you want to go to. Sorry if this has been suggested before , didn't see it anywhere, so figured I would pop it in here.
  10. Not blaming Obsidian for the screw up, making them aware of it. I am blaming EGS for screwing up the release for those of us that used them to get the game. And with no "Official Statement" from either company at this point I see nothing wrong with pointing out the problem to the company that made the game. They have a better chance of resolving this issue with EGS than anyone else does and since it is their game they have a responsibility to make sure the distributors of the game are distributing the product that they have contractually agreed to deliver.
  11. "Currently DLC and Season Pass available in Microsoft Store." That's great for those who purchased the game from Microsoft, but those who did not are just getting the shaft until EGS can get its crap together... and no official statement from EGS on the subject at all? Piss poor way to run a business IMO.
  12. I'd like to know why it was announced that this DLC would be available for purchase to the public from the same place that you purchased the game from. This is NOT the case.... Epic Games is NOT offering people who purchased this game the ability to purchase this DLC by itself OR as a season pass type thing to get both announced DLCs . So basically if we who bought the game through Epic want this DLC we have to buy the game AGAIN from some other retailer?! What the hell?....
  13. Those of us that bought The Outer Worlds from Epic games are getting Epically screwed out of getting this DLC. So what's up with that ? When will this issue be addressed?
  14. yeah , I also bought the game through Epic , and there is no hint of the dlc there.... How are we supposed to get the new DLC if it is not available from the place we purchased it from? If I can't buy it from Microsoft , because that is not where I purchased the original game. Frustrating....
  15. Noticed today that when you pick up the Rotten Bee Armour Set that it seems to be in full repair , but once you take it back to your base and put it in a container for awhile, it becomes about half damaged. Isn't it supposed to be damaged when you find it? It just seemed odd to me that it becomes damage once you take it and store it , instead of it just being damaged when you first find it.
  16. Woot! Hello everyone!Today we released patch 0.2.1 for all players. Please update your game when you see that this update is available to receive the following fixes and changes: TOP COMMUNITY ISSUES The chat log will now show your own messages in the lobby and in the game. Ants will no longer be able to steal items from containers out of reach from them. You can now overwrite saved games. Save Games are grouped by playthrough in the Save / Load menu. Fixed an issue where the camera would go inside the player while in the 3rd-person camera when near specific building structures. Grub audio has been adjusted. PERFORMANCE Better render performance when dealing with dynamic shadow culling. MAJOR Added a message that will notify PC players when their system clock does not match the server clock. This issue prevented these players from hosting or joining games. Save Games now show an icon indicating if that save was made while playing single-player or multiplayer. Affects only new saves going forward. More accurate handling of cloud save upload/deletion for Xbox and Win 10 Store versions of the game. Save Game max storage on Xbox / Win 10 has been increased from 256 MB to 1GB (takes effect on reinstall). Fixed issue with saves triggered while having an unplaced building blueprint could cause the save not to be able to load. GENERAL Included gas damage effect that was missing from the Fresh Defense mutation. Fixed items that are moving around with physics at the time of save not being saved into save games. Fixed clients not being able to see other players aim their bodies when they look up and down. Added Acorn Shovel+ recipe and Pebblet Foundation recipes that will become available at BurgL's Tech Chip Swap Shop when completing the Chipslueth Cold Blooded BURG.L quest by turning in the Stained BURG.L Chip. Enlarged mint container and resized the mints to make them slightly smaller so players can get into the Ice Cap container more easily. Collectible SCA.Bs properly disappear on clients when picked up. Included a fix for the missing leaves throughout the world. Slime Mold Stalk patches properly disappear on clients when the entire stalk is collected. WILDLIFE Water Fleas no longer leave the water to fly around the backyard. ITEMS/EQUIPMENT/RESOURCES Added a unique icon to the Simple Bed. Gas Arrows can now be picked up as regular arrows after being shot. Gas Arrows now deal twice as much damage. Gas Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. Feather Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. Fixed an issue where players would respawn inside the Simple Bed instead of next to it. Weapons now do the proper damage type when thrown. Fixed Tropicop juice box not spawning juice drops from the straw. UI Adjusted the interactable highlight to be less intrusive. Fixed a certain key item showing an audio log model instead of a sheet of paper model. Thank you for your reports and your continued support while we further develop the game! We are working to push out updates to enhance your gaming experience continually. After the update, if you continue to experience any issues in the game, please first please visit our Grounded Community Trello Board to see if the issue you are encountering is listed and to find out the current status of the issue. You can also view our Known Issues List to see if your issue is known. If your issue is not listed on either the Trello board or in the Known Issues List, either email us directly at support@obsidian.net or fill out the Contact form located on our Support Site and include the following information: Platform. (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam). Multiplayer or Single Player Game. (If multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this) Description of issue. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thank you again, and have fun out in the backyard!
  17. Grass in the Southeastern flooded zone part of the map is now growing back (not sure if that is intended or not) Also , often when trying to construct Plant Lamps , the blueprint will not show up when hitting the space bar , or when clicking the confirmation to build button. Picking another object to build and then jumping around different sections of the menu seems to sometimes fix the problem, but not always. Have not noticed this problem with any other decor items , just the Plant Lamp.
  18. I know Gnats are supposed to be annoying but when did they learn to swim? they don't seem to know they can not breath underwater. On multiple occasions now, I will be out mining up some clay underwater in the flooded zones and gnats will show up out of nowhere and start bumping into me underwater. Did not see this one in known issues , so there it is Game is awesome btw can't wait to see what the future holds for this one
  19. They are evolving... now they can fly.. Maybe they are related to Slimmer after all.
  20. That particular spot is the one by the bird bath, and yeah I also built a catch bucket under the berry there, may as well just extend the platform to cover the whole spot so it can catch stray feathers too I guess.
  21. Since the Aug update we seem to have more "insight" into ourselves than I think any of us want This is super annoying , hope it makes it to the fix list soon. This is what I see every time I walk through a doorway now.... terrifying...
      • 1
      • Gasp!
  22. Ants are behaving very strangely since the Aug. update. A lot of the time I will see hordes of ants just like a pile of them on a piece of spoiled meat or just on nothing at all, or possibly one or more of them are stuck in the ground with maybe just its head sticking out (slightly disturbing). They seem to be doing this in the over world and in the anthills as well. The rooms where (I believe there are only 2) the ant eggs spawn contain one or more broken eggs and one egg that is intact but can not be interacted with. I did manage to grab 1 egg from one of the two rooms after killing a bunch of ants on the surface , but have not seen another egg spawn since, due to the fact that both egg spawn areas are littered with ants both on the ground and stuck in it, and I mean MASSIVE amounts of ants! I can see where it would easily crash the game if your computer wasn't beefy enough to handle it. Even then , it puts a significant drain on even a good rig. Perhaps they have all just gone psychotic from seeing all their brethren being swallowed by the earth in front of their tiny ant eyes, I dunno , just know they are all flipping out pretty bad in both multiplayer and solo play.
  23. You can not interact with the crow feathers if they happen to fall into water. Perhaps we could get therm to float like you did with the berries ? At least that way we could nudge them over to the edge where we could harvest them. Found a few of these under water in various locations that can not be harvested.
  24. Water fleas are wandering outside of the water, are they supposed to be doing this?
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