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Everything posted by Oner

  1. No.
  2. Sorry but cyberpunk > post-apocalypse. Change! Combine! POSTCYBERPOCAYPSEPUNK TO THE RESCUE!
  3. We agree on that.
  4. I read in a local magazine that pre-ordering at xyz store nets a Wild Wolf Talisman, do we know whazzat is? BTW, lol'd at advertisement saying "realistic fantasy world" and "childhood deeds having repercussions in the future".
  5. The inventory may not be complex, and (most of) the people aren't random, but it still looks pretty RPG-ish to me. And the guy said it was too hard for some reason, though I have no idea what he meant. Maybe the manual aiming is "too TPS" for poor ol' Foster? We'll never know...Or maybe we will. Last I heard, AP runs on Unreal Engine 3, and maybe as Obsidian their IP is new, but they did make original games as Black Isle (and all the other companies they recruited from).
  6. The Gaming Gods are pleased with you indeed, Young One.
  7. Thank you mister, but I rather trust the twitter feed if it's all the same to you.
  8. SEGA doesn't know that their game exists, so... yeah.
  9. I totally missed that.
  10. Yes, thank you.
  11. Usually the whole procedure takes 10 minutes, dunno what's up with today.
  12. You control small "squads" of 4-6 units, which gain experience, level and upgrade (a squire for instance becomes either a knight or an inquisitor, different strengths), magic is used outside of battle. There are four sides, the Empire (humans), the Mountain Clans, the Legions of the Damned, and the Undead. The art is beautiful even today if you ask me.
  13. Looking forward to Rome and Taipei.
  14. First off, I ****ing hate Java updates, it's been going on for an hour now. Maria got what I wanted to say, I only add that you, as in the player, are sort of a lancer too. What I meant with the Max Payne example: In DA, your character is your avatar, you choose her looks, gender, name, personality, decide where she goes, etc. In MP, you are given control of a predefined character (hell, at one point in 2, you control Mona, so there you have your lancer), Max chooses where to go next, what he says and so on. DA has every reason to call the player the hero, but MP doesn't (not that it wants to anyway). Btw, aren't you a lancer in DA too at the beginning (and in the city elf origin a heroic bystander)? Isn't the focus at first on the king and Loghain, and you're sent off into that tower? Yay, the update ****ing stopped.
  15. The story replaces certain characters if you kill them/let the die, which was a new thing back then, so yeah. Just don't expect much from it. Too much Disciples 2?
  16. It is?!?!?!? Those screenshots looked like a game taking place in the future on a different planet.. As did the videos. Are you sure this is not a space RPg ala Mass Effect. Pidesco meant the game he would like to see made, not AP.
  17. I wanted to put it in apostrophes , but was in a hurry and forgot it.
  18. Some people enjoy the "life" (people chatting, fighting, etc) around them while soloing. There's a difference for some in playing alone and being alone.
  19. Actually, I play every game that has a predefined protagonist with this mindset, that I'm the supporter, the grey eminence, the twelfth man so to speak. And I enjoy it. Not being the hero, but hir lancer, rooting for hir success, (and enjoying the badassitude of my position) can be quite fulfilling. Take Max Payne for instance, you're not supposed to be the guy, you're supposed to symphatize with him, feel his pain. As for the non-standard game over cut scene I mentioned, all I'm saying is, showing some sort of consecvence (grammar skillz not working tonight :/) is better than nothing.
  20. Interestingly, I never saw anyone complain about the weak flashlight.
  21. Not exactly. And never . I know, Well, a short cutscene about how the world gets destroyed, and then load game, wouldn't be bad.
  22. Lessee, a standard lasgun can blow off a normal human's arm, power can be turned higher, there's some special "ammo" in the Dark Heresy RPG, and of course the classic eye shot.
  23. Why thank you.
  24. That answer is available at all good bookstores. Wonderful.
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