6 is more entertaining than 5, but in a holy **** I can't stop laughing at how utterly terrible this game is way.
Luckily, I have a video handy to explain!
Speaking of which, I still need to play Revelations 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the first Revelations. Before Resi 7 came out, Revelations was the last bastion of hope for fans of the series' survival horror roots. It was a case of a spinoff becoming more like the main series than latter games in said main series, sort of how Bravely Default is more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy is these days, if that makes any sense.
Revelations 2 is a somewhat different experience than 1 and there's one or two areas like the desert mining? town with the extended crate puzzle that borders on outright bad, but overall it's a fine game I think.