Rooks Nemesis
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Rooks Nemesis
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I understand that the game is in the preview process yet building is one of the most important mechanics of this game (its the reason most people tend to continue playing after the content is complete). I personally believe they had the building nearly PERFECT two or so updates ago, this recent update (bees etc) have broken some important bits to building. Its nearly impossible now to place chests/baskets on or under grass floors put at the "halfway" position (halfway up a wall, as in a "shelf"). The same could be said for alot of objects for that matter. I can no longer also place the spinning wheel under grass floors also at the halfway position. Palisade gates are also severely borked, as In in quite a few cases Instead of the hinged side being against a wall, the hinged side needs to be in the middle.. so if I wanted to put a double gate instead of me having a double wide exit, I now have both doors opening up against themselves.. instead of out and over, they go out and in.. (sorry if that makes no sense) Case in point, around the baseball area, there is the fallen red leaf that makes a natural tunnel. In that tunnel I used to be able (even as of last update) to place 2 outward swinging gates, now its not even possible to place one.. Off both sides of the leaf I would build weed stem scaffold ( 1 high not stacked) going from the leaf to the dirt wall, and then from the leaf to the baseball ( 90° from the leaf, 45° elbow, then straight to the ball.) But now unless I'm insanely lucky I can't place the palisade walls on the front of the scaffolding all the way around, for whatever reason we cannot place the palisade walls near the leaf again, nor does the grass floors want to connect again do to the proximity to the leaf (or ball) But the area where its the most apparent mechanics ha e been overly changed yet again is at the tip of the boot print again at baseball. As of the last update the little cove where all the roots where, my friends and I used to be able to build up a shelf system that could hold 5 to 6 weedstem pallets per level, 3 levels high. The pallets where placed on scaffolding (capped with grass) with weedsteam walls behind it (yes the walls would go into the environment) and then have the grass floors at the halfway and full position.. Again I realize that not every area is finalized, but after the last update more dirt was added to that area which in itself is not the issue (just a minor hinderence) BUT you can't really build near the roots themselves now, some roots yes others no, some roots have a strict "no building policy" where others don't care lol. Sticking with building, I've also found extremely weird occurrences ALL over the map, where if your walking around with scaffolding out (blue print and scaffolding as an example) they will randomly "snap" to invisible objects all over the place. This again has been making our building experience quite difficult at times.. if we are building in one of these areas, all of a sudden if we get to close to a spot, everything we attempt to place will not snap to our building but these invisible attachment spots.. again VERY noticeable around base ball, oak tree, areas in the drowned area (berry bush) and the limbs of the bush itself.. I do not know if all of this is intentional (working as intended) or if this is a oversight or not. Regardless I wanted to report/write down my frustrations on this, Again I find the building to be one of the biggest draws to this game, and in this state its extremely hard to finish or even build the way we where accustomed too.. If anyone else is having these issues please let me know, as this could just be a very bad bug or hiccup on my end.. (playing on xbox one x)
It may seem like I am po'd, But I completely understand that this is bound to happen. I consider it growing pains lol. You play through enough early access games, you see this happen usually on a MUCH bigger scale. Subnautica and the long dark come to mind. What makes this very different is, they acknowledged there is an issue and they voiced they are working on fixing it immediately. That right there all ready earns them good faith points in my opinion. As I said ive seen developers just go radio silent before sometimes for weeks leaving their player base stranded.
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The liquids containers holding falling droplets is something I was all ready aware of, This is different. There is the first droplets from the source juice box, after collection and 15 days later none of the boxes have dropped droplets period, nor has my containers filled at all. I have 5 containers under the juice box at hedges. Its part of my hedge outpost. As for the critters a.i fixing itself, yes and no. Sometimes they will act accordingly, id say 70% of the time tho they are frozen in place. And lmfao go check out the ant hill, there was 65+ ants all just sitting in the tunnels doing absolutely nothing. Even hitting them, stealing eggs.. It doesn't matter. The ants outside half work right.. When they are not getting stuck on nothing. OH, has anyone tried harvesting the "new" spider webs? I used to get anywhere from 5 to 9 per web, now just 1 each. I went to each real spider den in game and collected 30 webs. Came out with exactly 30 web fibers. The values seem really off to me, OR they are pushing for spider encounters to really farm for them. Which to me seems very counter intuitive for people who cannot fight. You need those web fibers to essential level up every decent tier. A good chunk of the fanbase will get stuck at that bottleneck.
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Where to begin? Insect a.i is mostly destroyed, Ive seen every insect now just stand there, doing NOTHING. I can walk up and literally punch 2 wolf spiders to death.. While they just stand there beside eachother and die. Lady bugs, stink bugs etc etc the same exact thing. DO NOT BUILD, Building ANY base type blue prints will insta crash the game. In single player,multi and creative. Lean-to, spinning wheel, work bench etc are ok. Juice boxes wont spawn droplets. I was treated to the above only after I fought the game for 2 hours, do to the game constantly trying to load and sync to the cloud saves.. I made the incredibly stupid idea ( apparently ) to delete my save files and start anew. Well after the first game crash I re launched the game just to find my save files had re appeared. Deleted again and after crash same thing happened. So I deleted my save files from the dashboard this time, and cleared system cash, yeah the game did not like that at all.. After attempting to cancel the sync and attempting to mash A to get to the next screen I had to cancel again 20 times till I finally got to the next. After shutting the game down for a couple hours and resetting my xbox (hard reset hold for 30 then unplug) the game hates me even more. Now it is just trying to sync perpetually, AND my old files are back again this time saying unknown save file and my new saves will not load. Sorry for the lack of structure everyone, its 245 am and i'm truly tired atm.
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Yip that's the EXACT issue on xbox aswell, snapping to frame ( left bumper ) cause it to go off where ever the heck it likes and build in the middle of nowhere lol. I loaded up my save file before the 26th and it works just fine still.. Further more tho.. The building is all jacked up now.. It still functions the same way on my previous save, but on a new one nope. What I mean is previous to the 26th you had way more building area, with a little persistence you could get anything to build nearly anywhere, even if it did clip into the environment a little bit. With the exception of stairs. Now its the exact opposite. The stairs can clip the environment but don't expect the walls and and floors to do the same. I used to build a very small 3x3 with angled corners on a branch in the hedges. Not no more.. Cant put the roof on because its literally just touching the branch above.. I could be very off on this theory tho but what ever they did to fix the insects falling through and clipping maybe preventing building? Idk Oh and if you have a stair case slanting upwards facing north, and connect it to a corner scaffold with floor you get hung up and cant traverse it.. Facing any other direction is no problem, I think its more of the side it snaps to tho.. The snap side is on the right.. When its south snapping left its ok.. Idk.
Lady bugs hit like trucks and spin like ballerinas now I truly like it, kitting and spinning around to win should NOT be the winning formula for everything. If anything they should get some kinda spin attack? Or Kinda like RDR when you get behind a angry horse.. You get kicked lol.. Wolf spiders are a whole new NIGHTMARE now, I like that they made them free roam and hunt again at night. I like the new move sets, I DESPISE the fact they can direct damage you right through a perfect block.. Seriously.. Infuriating.. Infected mites? Yes they have always shot those darts. Atleast I noticed it between hotfix and 26th update. Infected weevils, DONT attack them in 3rd person.. Hit boxes on xbox are seriously screwed up.. Easiest way is to attack them with larva or fang dagger.. As long as you deal majority damage before they explode you get the tick towards completion it seems.. Or its im killing em out right using fang dagger and poison kills them.. The fang dagger tho is basically a joke at this point tho.. NOT worth the hassle of building it. It breaks FAST, its far worse then the larva blade.. And the poison damage is basically non existent after 1 proc.
I can confirm what he's saying mr. Nuggets, it has happened to me now a couple times. Further more it truly sucks when it happens, their col downs between shots go to a fraction of what they did. And then they get stuck in a loop of just spraying OR sniping. After playing around with it, It seems to be happening from pathing issues. There was an ant corpse between it and I, and instead of going around it kinda had a hiccup and proceeded to get stuck in the loop. Its a for sure bug/issue tho, not just with the beetles but all bugs. Getting hung up on an insect do to pathing issues. When the bug does not have ar ranged attack the just freeze. The others resort to shooting i.e beetles and orb.
New arrow settings... not great
Rooks Nemesis replied to Kissker's topic in Grounded: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I agree to some extent with almost every ones posts.. The current arrow debacle is exactly that.. The cost per use doesn't exactly add up, like currently with the newly added feather arrow. You need to wait nearly 40 minutes for the CHANCE for 1 feather to fall.. Chop chop chop.. Get 1 piece.. (maybe more? Ive had no luck past 1) then make 1 arrow?!?.. Thats a bit crazy.. To combat that I do agree with above 1 sack, venom or feather should be 5 made per 1, it just makes sense. And in the end yes we should be able to collect the arrows again on specialty ones ie. Gas. The venom arrow and feather are a joke damage wise. I think they know this hence the buff all ready done to the fang dagger and both daggers poison proc. As for the above thought on quivers. YES so much YES. But one quiver per 20 arrows? Whats the point then? 2 stacks per quiver again makes sense imo. It clears up 2 more slots for other things, assuming the quiver gets its own equipment slot. They've all ready stated. That equipped armor will be pulled out of our inventory eventually and added to their own slots.. BUT, no more then 1 quiver equipped at a time, Personally I would also like to see the addition of like a spear holder, I love building 3 to 5 spears and hurl them at critters before going toe to toe, that is before insect bow is built (which by the way should not be able to be built in less then 15 minutes on a fresh start) This is all just my 2 cents tho. In the end who really knows what they have planned for everything. And I'm quite certain they have just begin the "balancing act" with weapons etc. -
Aye that they have! The wolfs are even more fun to go up against lol. Besides the above issues, first thing I truly noticed was soldier ants now go marching along with worker ants.. Ive seen 1 to 2 per group. And speaking of ants..YAY ant eggs.. Im actually finding ant eggs.. Oh and ladybugs, if they are not obstructed can dash at you from much further away now. And they wont stop until they hit something.
Is it just me or has everything got utterly flipped on its head now? So far from what I noticed is, if another prone to attacking insect procs a rival species, that rival instantly blames you and laser focuses on you. Case in point, the rake boulder. It was usually a war zone between bombadier, stink bug and wolf spiders.. If the wolf spider ran into the stink cloud, wolf spider would attack the bug, battle between the three bugs and the spider would ensue.. Now haha. 1 of 3 things happen, either NOTHING happens OR wolf spider freaks out and charges at you, even if your 70 ish cm away.. Umm what? In 3 hours of trying to force the conflicts, ive managed to get 2 stink bugs to attack once.. One lost interest 5 seconds into the fight with the wolf. The other got massacred. Then the wolf spider killed the one that walked away and the other that was just sleeping the whole time..mind you the stink bugs did nothing to defend themselves.. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, one of my favorite moments of the game was watching the other insects interact and attack eachother.. or forcing a conflict between them. Now everything is rainbows and sunshine in the backyard.. I'm hoping that this is just my experience and others are finding everything to be normal still.
Secrets and stuff you've found
Rooks Nemesis replied to Bricksanity's topic in Grounded: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Thats the exact route I used to take before the lab door was fixed, and before I could go toe to ummm multiple toes? Erm legs? with the Wolf spiders. This is NOT my footage tho. -
Secrets and stuff you've found
Rooks Nemesis replied to Bricksanity's topic in Grounded: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Oh and that tunnel near the Rash figurines, has an extremely Rare and one of a kind 4 leafed clover at the end.... Currently you cant do anything with it.. Cant cut it down.. Nothing.. -
Secrets and stuff you've found
Rooks Nemesis replied to Bricksanity's topic in Grounded: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
You can find another strip of him, umm out towards the sand box if I remember rightly