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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. the only space/flight sim i've played is tie fighter. how does freespace 2 compare to that?
  2. dakkon didnt wear robes either. he had a samurai sword too. ignus... well... certainly not the pointy hat type either. bloodmage hawk is almost cool, but instead comes across as a lil goofy because of that shoulder armor... would look way better without that piece
  3. my mind melted when i discovered that on my 3rd playthrough. such an amazing game.
  4. i like the look of that emissary, kinda evokes a darksun feel to me. the hurlock locks absolutely puke-in-my-mouth terrible, and 100% like the he-man villain so appropriately imaged on the last page.
  5. very nice. lightsaber was pretty op actually, especially if you were good at being sneaky... then again, a silenced sniper rifle was insanely good and you could get that early on. also the gep gun... nuff said deus ex really isnt a very hard game once you've learned it, but the first level can be rough the first time through since you have no idea what tactics do and dont work, and charging at the enemies early on is a bad idea
  6. the only real indiana jones film is Raiders of the Lost Ark. The others were all parodies of the original. not actual films. I'm not saying they suck (though some do), just saying they shouldn't be talked about in the same vein as the original.
  7. looking at all this stuff about deus ex 3 makes me think/hope that the developers realized all they really need to do to get the masses to buy a game is present shiny graphics and cool action trailers, but they can actually make a game with all the detail and depth they want and the masses will buy it anyway for its looks. "man this game is complicated yo" "sure is ma broheim" "but daaaaamn was it cool when i shot that dude from behind this wall" "ya bro, shootin lazers is boss!" "lets go shoot some more fools then drink a mountain dew!" "xtreeeeeeeem!"
  8. hell, i'd be pretty happy with just an hd remake of myth and myth 2 with an improved ui and snazzy graphics.
  9. That's... not bad, not bad at all. i agree, the guys promoting this game sure know how to make it seem awesome. so many things they say makes me think "just like deus ex!" in a warm fuzzy way.
  10. Ubisoft said an Assassin's Creed game will be released in 2011. They didn't say much other than that. barf. if they really annualize the franchise then in 6 years I will be 3 games behind (assuming the annualization process doesnt completely destroy the quality of the games, ala every other annualized franchise)
  11. i could totally go for a hack-n-slash action rpg that uses the engine from Red Faction: Guerilla.
  12. that.... is a very good idea.... thanks! (why do i always forget demo's exist...)
  13. yeah prequels all suck ass, the godfather 2 especially. what a piece of garbage. it would have been 10000x better if they had cut out all the scenes with robert deniro. /super extreme sarcasm
  14. i hate bayonetta and dmc and god of war, but i love zelda games... would I like darksiders?
  15. holy crap. seriously I just found out something AMAZING. For anyone whose watched the US office tv show... Try reading Vol's posts in Dwight Schrute's voice. It's HILARIOUS. The only thing i'm not sure about is how dwight would say "roofles"... on topic: i actually kind of agree with what vol is saying about ME2's plot (the "plot" is the characters), but I disagree with the comparison to BG 2.
  16. no, but I might. jk. though mass effect 2 is definitely better than 1 (not by a huge margin, but still, definitely better). in vol speak: cameos? no. roofles fan service? impossible. meaningless phrase. roofles weak plot? yes it was. so was part 1. roofles. enjoy
  17. i agree tale. its not better, just different. also: i am glad to read about the click once to initiate attacking on pc, having to mash click is poop (unless its diablo) i am bummed about the no-overhead view, but if it truly leads to a better art design in skies and cielings etc then fine I can accept having a kotor or mass effect style camera. if this game isn't significantly better than dragon age 1 though, im gonna be pretty annoyed that they bothered changing things I liked just to release a worse game to boot...
  18. My guess for title Officially: "Mass Effect: First Contact" on all the promotion materials and box art: "ME: First Contact" with a new logo for the "ME", to indicate to everyone that they are beginning a whole slew of titles set in the ME universe all under the same logo, ala tom clancy, COD etc etc
  19. i can't really speak for boo (but now I'm going to speak about him), and sometimes his statements do border on trolling (with regard to certain topics/posters), but generally i think he talks more **** about bioware than he actually feels, if I remember right he kinda liked dragon age origins, or at least his first review was fairly positive. also: I really like bioware but even I'm inclined to bash what we've seen so far. generic space marine in washed out grey building = completely uninspired first footage of a new game. combine that with the train wreck of dragon age 2 footage thats been shown and you have what looks like a really disspointing next few games. I just hope that mass effect 3 isn't a huge departure from 2, because I really liked 2. though if they made ME3 a turn based rpg I would be completely ecstatic.
  20. im actually planning on getting it now after reading the reviews, but I feel like I just played AC2 so I'm going to wait a year and then get brotherhood so I dont suffer AC burnout feelings. plus in a year the game will probably be $20.
  21. if the dlc is even half as good as the bogart film then it will be the best dlc made to date. i assume we (pc) will get it 3 months later than xbox? i'll probably play NV 1-3 more times, then shelve it until all the dlc is out and then play it a few more times with the dlc. great game.
  22. this. both of this. also: can't we all just get along? also: bioware fps? i genuinely have a hard time picturing this. If its just a call of duty clone then whats the point? if they are trying to make an fps with dialogue and C&C but no rpg trappings (ie inventory/skills/levels, which if you added those then you essentially had ME2) then I'm intrigued because that sounds kinda zany. if its an fps with no dialogue or C&C, but yes skills/levels then we've got bioshock (or maybe borderlands?) my guess as to what it most likely will be like: fp mass effect 2 but without the dialogue and no party/npcs. which sounds terrible.
  23. everyone i know loves that game, it was like a way better version of gauntlet. it's probably the single best game to get your gf into playing video games.
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