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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. dungeonkeeper 2: sooooooo fun! but it keeps crashing in vista. looks like yet another game i need to muck with to get playable because vista and videogames don't mix. the neverhood: this is WAY too hard for me. I don't have the patience for these kinds of trial and error puzzles anymore (i dont think I ever did). which is a shame because the art and music are beyond top-notch. amazon told me that I wont be getting my batman game till late next week.... so if I can't get dungeon keeper 2 running, i'm gonna buy shadow complex while i wait
  2. myth was a ripoff of glenn cook's Black Company so it's all good anyway. for the record: Myth RULES - why can't games be this good anymore?
  3. stone age and medieval are different. medieval was a lot less healthy than the hunter-gatherer lifestyle
  4. ahhhh the power plant.... I've fixed you so many times and yet every new game.... there you are again. i think i can almost do that whole questline with my eyes closed now. fantastic game
  5. i didnt really like any of the npcs except garrus. wrex was ok i guess but his characterization was a tad too cliche. not that garrus' wasnt, but for some reason i noticed it less in his case.
  6. lol, I was so happy when I found out that I could leave kaidan to die! I actually wondered if the game set that up because it could tell I hated him.
  7. chained heart? I put my love in a lockbox? nice icon though show more!
  8. cool finds! where were those?
  9. i just bought batman arkham asylum. when confronted with too many choices, I elected the secret final option (buy a new game) hope its good!
  10. i disliked him so strongly from the beginning I never asked about his childhood.
  11. i really want to know the default on whether ashley or kaidan survived. I hated kaiden so he better be dead! (did anyone else think he was obnoxious as hell?- come to think of it, I didnt like most of the npc's personalities.)
  12. When I was in college i was 6'1 and 140 pounds. I also was kickboxing and rockclimbing back then so it was a lean muscle mass. now at 160 im all soft and pudgy. if I weighed 175 pounds I'd have big handfuls of fat around my midsection and thighs, i wouldnt be remotely skinny at all. its strange how peoples bodies are different
  13. my favorite melee weapon was the sledgehammer. it felt solid as iraq... ahem... a rock. I also like using pool cues, and made a custom one which was about as good as a shishkebab.
  14. guild wars was fun... never tried wow. I heard it was a time-sink...
  15. the last thing I need is a lecture on useful time usage. I'm an attorney (business planning), I work from 9-6 every day, I made it through law school being able to play games for only about 8 hours week, now I'm enjoying more time. I have a fiance who I spend tons of time with (though we do play video games together on weekends). I have a weekly D&D game thats been going with my friends for about 18 years. I've written a novel in 2009 (its not published yet). I read about one novel every week. I'm in good shape (I'm 6'1, 160 pounds). (I do need more frequent exercise though, I had a 6pack in college, not anymore!) I've done this while playing video games about 15-20 hours a week. So don't give me this "what else can you do with your time" - "do something useful" I can do what I want, and I've got plenty of time to do it. I probably do more "useful" things in one day than most people do in a month. I think where I play games other people watch tv. I don't watch tv because I'd rather game. EDIT: I think you were being lighthearted and I went a little overboard... the crux of my post is simply that there is plenty of time for both games (a selfish hobby) and other (more "productive") pursuits. No need to choose one or the other.
  16. i gotta go with deathdealer on this one if i know im playing "video games" from 8-10 every weeknight, then which games I choose to play during that time is damn well up to me, and if I decide I'd rather replay mass effect for a week for a good save to import instead of playing team fortress 2 this week then that's what I'll do. if i play games for 20 hours a week, thats about a thousand hours a year. if I play games for the next 50 years, that's 50,000 hours. if i spend 7 of those replaying mass effect, I'll probably be able to live with myself.
  17. this MUST be a joke. It just MUST be. I cannot imagine a less fun way to play diablo 2.
  18. i think its a little strange that there so far is only one class that wears heavy armor (the barbarian), there are no classes that use ranged weapons, and there is only one more class to be announced... is the next class going to be a plate-mail wearing archer? a retread of the amazon maybe? an aragorn style ranger? or are they sticking with only 1 heavy armored class this time around?
  19. for pure shooters, not counting deus ex/system shock etc, Half Life 2 takes the cake. it does all the main shooty stuff right (though in the time since I've come to feel that a bit more "weight" should be added to the guns) plus it HAS atmosphere, sort of a dystopian 1984 setting, with aliens. and it has some likeable characters (mostly just alyx and dog), cool set-pieces, good use of vehicles (ep 2 I'm lookin at you) and alot of shiny graphics. runner up might be CoD 4. The respawning enemies in that game REALLY REALLY REALLY get on my nerves though. I wonder what games most of the people who dislike half life 2 think are superior? certainly not halo or gears of war or FEAR? Farcry? (was decent, not superior though), chronicles of riddick? (I actually can imagine someone liking that game better) I'm not sure people are thinking through the whole "half life 2 is a bad fps." statement... that genre is kinda weak in general unless you add some sort of role-playing/stat element to it OR you're talking multiplayer games like counter strike - which are a whole different animal imo
  20. mass effect was almost really good. instead it was just decent. maybe part 2 = fixed?
  21. that game was great. a sleeper gem. it has flaws, but its WELL worth playing through once for the story and atmosphere. i actually cared about what was happening! thats so hard to find in console shooters. also check out the story line for cod 4. there are a couple of cool missions that I found to be very well done (I'll just say "sniper missions" and you'll know what I mean)
  22. fable 2 was better than fable 1. both were still a bit dissapointing. I might pass on fable 3.
  23. RPG: Fallout 2/Planescape: Torment Action RPG: Deus Ex (then System Shock 2) Strategy: Myth/Starcraft Console Adventure: Zelda Ocarina of Time Console RPG: Final Fantasy 7/8/9 Flight Sim: Tie Fighter Action Game: Diablo 2 Console Action Game: Metal Gear Solid 1/2/3 Shooter: Half Life 2 Console Shooter (I'm torn: classic vote = perfect dark, more realistic vote is actually Call of Duty 4 - that single player game is HIGH quality console FPS) I don't put brand new games in favorite game lists, I have to be certain they hold up as classics before they go on the list. (though fallout 3 might be on that list if system shock 2 and deus ex had never been released) note: system shock 2 is better than bioshock. but bioshock is still damn good in my opinion
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