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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i tried playing nwn2 before motb. i never finished nwn 2 cause i got bored and so havent even opened up motb yet. maybe next year
  2. I think it will be very interesting to see whether spore becomes a classic of gaming, or a forgotten experiment... lets all come back in 10 years and discuss what happened... loljk maybe
  3. Remember though (purkake) you are right that average joe gamer doesnt consider torment or BG classics. he also never played fallout. but im talking about the games INDUSTRY, the press, the hardcore, the mainstream, the developers etc the INDUSTRY as a whole looks at baldurs gate and torment as two of the best crpg's of all time. and as classics. look up any top 100 games of all time by a respected gaming journal/publication and those two games have a very decent shot at being on it. that's the barometer of "classic" that I was aiming for with the thread. so just because a game is niche genre doesnt mean it won't be a "classic" of gaming in ten years and show up on some best games of all time lists. and i should DEFINITELY have been more clear when making the thread
  4. the most fun thing to do in GTA 4was play online with a friend and challenge them to zany races. first person to get to the statute of liberty using only motorcycles and boats wins! first person to drive an intact bus across the city wins! etc etc zany races were the most fun part of the game and it wasnt even something the developers designed for. that and trying to block off times square with busses and then make a stand against the cops with your friends
  5. adding in all the little neat stuff about san andreas into the story and setting of vice city would be the most fun of them all I think. i didnt care much for gta 4. but it was nice to have better graphics
  6. doesnt hurt to make a distinction you just like to start arguments, I can tell. wow and company of heroes werent multiplatform edit: i see sawyer! make a suggestion you magnificent creator of fallout NV!
  7. these are both too old to fall under this thread but I agree they will be/are classics among console games
  8. is 7 years old. disqualified from this thread! i know you like the game, but this thread has a 5 year limit on "NEW"
  9. ok this makes sense, and is what i was actually trying to persuade you of. your initial statement was much more black and white than this I'm not sure about "franchises" being classics, to some degree yes, but not always, so for now lets stick to naming individual games unless the nominator thinks there is a reason why the whole franchise and not just the first in the series will be deemed "classic" by future gamers (or us when we're even more crotchety)
  10. since everyone except purkake agrees that popular does not equal future classic, we may now continue with the serious suggestions! I liked for possible candidates: Bioshock maybe riddick maybe company of heroes probably wow maybe world of goo probably resident evil 4 (but not 5) shadow of colossus i DO NOT THINK: halo 3 (i DO think halo 1 is a classic, but that game is almost ten years old! its not NEW) gears of war 2 (maybe part 1 though) CoD world at war (maybe CoD: MW though)
  11. is every popular game from 10 years ago now a classic? no. so stop with the crazy logic that makes ZERO sense! (im not mad, just trying to be persuasive
  12. no way! seriously you're not thinking that logic through! in ten years will the gaming community be praising nintendogs as a true classic worthy of being put alongside metroid zelda system shock or baldurs gate? what about wii play? its not even really a game, but its popular as all hell. or even better madden 2008 - millions of copies sold, yet Im pretty sure in ten years you wont see this bad boy in any top 100 games of all time lists... popular DOES NOT EQUAL FUTURE CLASSIC. though to be a future classic it REALLY helps to have been popular on release. but slowtrains example of system shock 1 shows that its not required.
  13. I totally agree with these statements! A low profile game that really has the stuff that counts could later be considered a classic, so maybe riddick might make a better suggestion than I previously thought... the whole "knock out the lights" thing was done well here, and the combination of mild rpg elements and miniquests mixed into the fps gameplay really was very outstanding in that game. maybe years from now it will be remembered a bit like system shock? I think it is possible. and though Ive neither played, nor seen anyone else play, wow, I can imagine it being considered a classic for having essentially built an entire legion of new game players
  14. fair enough then (<--to wrath of dagon) how about if a suggestion a person is making is more "cult" then it be nominated as "cult classic" while baldurs gate is probably a normal classic, something more obscure from the time period that was also really good could be a cult classic. neverhood compared to myst for example? (i dont know adventure games so that could be way off) I loved chronicles of riddick, but don't think it will be viewed as a true classic in ten years. great game though
  15. i agree with everything boo just said
  16. you I think, did not understand the point of this thread. you nominated a game that virtually no has heard of, and never will! then you knocked BG&E saying that because thief 3 is deeper BG&E won't be considered a classic 10 years from now? i'm just being a little jerk though, so pay me no mind if you dont want to
  17. ooh i second shadow of the colossus, even though your nomination is a bit sarcastic feeling also, you may be right about world of goo and I'm letting my personal love of the game cloud my judgment too much. halo is too old to be part of this list, it came out in 2001!
  18. the whole point of this thread is GUESSING how games will end up in the pantheon. make educated guesses, but you're right, there is no way to know now!
  19. oh snap! just thought of two: World of Goo. anyone who has played and finished it will probably agree. Resident Evil 4: came out it 2005, this is so far the pinnacle of console "survival horror" despite its action-movie leanings. also one of the best lovecraft-ish games I've played. - its a shame the sequel didnt build more on it.
  20. i would second braid, portal for sure, and maybe company of heroes as well and to the earlier questions: its more about the games you think will be looked at 5-10 years from now as being "classics", the kinda game that might still get the same sort of nostalgia praise as fallout or baldurs gate. for EITHER moving things forward and creating new ideas, OR for being a shining example of quality game-making that will be remembered for decades. i personally feel skeptical that ANYTHING in the last five years will ever be looked at that fondly by myself personally, but its not just about your personal feelings but rather what games you think will be GENERALLY thought of as classics by the future gaming communities. and was beyond good and evil 5 years ago? its about that old i guess? oop - it's 6 years old, so it just misses my 5 year rule suggestion, but we can fudge it a little and include it
  21. i agree, it should have come out a month ago when NOTHING was coming out. holiday season is for the folks with the MEGA advertising budgets. then again, a game with REALLY good reviews generally sells enough within a year or so. don't bring up psychonauts and ****, because that game is not over 90% on metacritic, and it never had the HYPE of really good reviews, just "good" ones. how many games in the past 5 years scored over 90% on metacritic and failed miserably? none. (feel free to prove me wrong if you can, I will gladly change my stance in the face of evidence!)
  22. Ok here goes: It seems to me that many, if not most people on the boards can agree about certain games being "classics". I've noticed, particularly in the rpg area, the same handful of games being mentioned, and most of these games are 5-10 years old. This thread is not about the death of good gaming, but instead, a place to post games that you think could possibly be looked back on 5-10 years from now, as being classics, or groundbreakers etc. obviously someone is gonna say something like "fallout 3", and other people will try and argue, but I really don't want to have too many tangents in here, so I'd humbly request that if you MUST go on a tangent about someones suggestion that you both keep it civil as well as posting your own suggestion of a potential modern classic. that way, if you cant think of one, you arent allowed to bash someone elses suggestion Last point, for now, some games, like fallout 3 again, have been built on classic games. that does not necessarily disqualify them: deus ex is widely considered a classic but it would not exist without games like system shock having come before. most games are built on older ideas so don't let that disqualify a suggestion, so long as your suggestion added SOMETHING OF VALUE to the formula/idea whatever. so I'll start with my first suggestion: Bioshock. it's obviously built on games like system shock, but it will be looked back on fondly by people years from now for having done several things (though it was not the FIRST to do any of these, it was the combination of elements that will make it a classic): 1. It demonstrated, to the growing masses of console gamers, that atmosphere and character (through the voice snippets) can make a game better than just having flashy halo action. 2. it demonstrated that a strong artistic and sound direction can elevate a game in much the same way a movie can be elevated 3. it had a cool and memorable plot twist and villain set (though a lackluster final battle) 4. it was kinda scary (which for some reason makes games much more memorable in my opinion) final thoughts: it's kinda sad that bioshock is in many ways a slightly dumbed down sequel to system shock. yet in other ways, particularly art and sound direction, it far exceeded the original classic games. I suppose that when it comes down to it, bioshock will be considered a classic in later years because of it's remarkable and memorable atmosphere. but only time will tell! maybe ten years from now no one will hardly remember it at all! oh and more rules: the game has to be LESS than five years old to count as "new"
  23. i'm looking forward to bungie making a "myth classics" release of the original 2 myth games. they leave the gameplay intact but clean up the graphics and add more options. maybe even add a campaign where you control the armies of the dark then a proper sequel... it'll never happen though. just like my deus ex fantasies.
  24. nothing on 360. i wouldnt be too surprised to see some dlc for this game with maybe nightwing or batgirl or just unlocking the joker for 360 plus a couple extra challenge maps or something I would definitely pay some $$ to go through the game as nightwing or batgirl, assuming s/he had a whole different arsenal of gadgets and fighting skills
  25. i'd add deus ex maybe to that list. it's one of my favorite games of all time, but the straight up "combat" side of the game is much weaker than the stealth and plot side of the game.
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