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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Trent brings some much needed manliness to the vidya gaem industry.
  2. I hope Trent never goes Raging Boll on his detractors.
  3. Mononononoke-hime.
  4. Vicente Segrelles Vink Grzegorz Rosinski Paolo Serpieri
  5. Seems it'll manage to go over 6 million.
  6. Any decent drones for domestic use?
  7. He needs a new surname.
  8. He was a ponce alright.
  9. I want to be a Primarch.
  10. Social Justice Achieved
  11. I'd really like a decent Horus Heresy arrpeegee.
  12. Captain Corwin romancable?
  13. ShadySands is 213374u?
  14. Both video game series are pretty adolescent. Only mature arrpeegee played in recent years was Cyanide's Game of Thrones.
  15. If not for the Holy Land, the entire place should've been turned into a glass crater long ago.
  16. Quit Terrorshaming.
  17. That's not Pluto, that's a colonoscopy.
  18. Some much needed pragmatism.
  19. Tax evasion is a full-time job.
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