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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Women must still pay for losing Paradise.
  2. "I might be over the top in my comments here, i don't mean to offense, i just want open the block in western people mind, from what i observe western people don't care...in other word "washing hands"..."it is something in the past, we all should forget it", while actually western people generally have no idea about "the past"...i doubt any of you even study SEA history...you guys have no idea about what i have shown here including in the other posts...you guys don't even know about my people, it is because we are meant to be forgotten, it is all meant to be forgotten..." World would be much better off if countries just stuck to their own, didn't meddle with others and didn't allow others to meddle with them. Look at Edo period in Japan.
  3. At a time like this, where is oby?
  4. A Return to Capital Wasteland DLC would be cool.
  5. They have nothing to apologize for. Terrorists are not true muslims.
  6. They lost me when they made Kian gay.
  7. *tips fedörå*
  8. define western culture
  9. Deacon & ghoul are best companions. Deacon's comments are hilarious, ghoul is the only one (aside from the boring BoS one) who doesn't seem to suck completely in combat. Irish chick is okay too, though. She's the only companion with some character development.
  10. And people are surprised ISIS are winning.
  11. Turkey annexing Greece would solve a lot of problems.
  12. It's not a BioWare game. You only get meaningful interactions when they "admire" and "idolize" you.
  13. Yurop's lost get out and move to Pitcairn while you can
  14. your supposed to build those small settlements yourself
  15. worst continent ever
  16. Nothing wrong with muslim immigration as long as they leave their religion and culture at the border.
  17. I easily defended the Castle after sending all companions there. They're immortal so it doesn't matter if you built defenses or not. Reminded me a bit of Crossroad Keep in NWN2. You can leave the keep in complete ruins and still easily beat the shadow army.
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