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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe trade schools will get more respect these days, they don't get as much as Universities here, heh.
  2. Christmas party nearing so have to pick somethings from the menu, assuming we order from the normal menu and don't get some crap picked by the manager. Have a nice dish of ribs, one of the most expensive there too, heh. Generally a lousy day, overall though, haven't seen the sun in 3-4 days.
  3. I'm averaging 3 or 4 a year. This year the majority has been stuff from GOG, heh.
  4. I always wanted to see mercenary tourism in Somalia.
  5. Plugging away at Ground Control as Major Bastila, am a bit sad that the Daredevils were KIA, serves me right for rushing to that evac point.
  6. Vizime was fun for me, punctuated by that annoying swamp. If you quit after 20 minutes, I guess it'd just get worse for you though.
  7. Gothic III now available
  8. Well that's a decent rejection, heh. You never heard the argument that second-hand buyers are bad people for not giving their money to the developers ? It's pretty silly but people get their backs up about it.
  9. No saved passwords in GOG Interesting little tidbit, wondered at how many answered like I did for that question on the survey.
  10. Doesn't that class as abandonware, or is that just wishful thinking
  11. Turned up some with a quick google, as well. Plenty of people are deal hunters, it seems.
  12. I salute his dedication to the task.
  13. Yep, but those aren't the pirates really, those are the leechers/pubs (they set up the torrents as well). Splitting hairs, I suppose.
  14. Have done that in a school project, deadline was kinda close and we'd done zip for it, so I decided to just solo it, but eventually dragged in 50% of the team. Usually was the case in school for freezing out others (well was one group where they excluded one, but that was race, heh) not some sort of "you can't handle this, untermensch" attitude. Realized the client wants something hinted at in the spec (yay for craptastic project management) and that something is really, really, really nasty to implement. Have no idea on how to do this, so typical Monday, heh.
  15. GOG Holiday promotion Empire Earth to be given away for free from the 12th to the 14th.
  16. Hm, I dunno, the pirate groups always seem to be in their 30s (at least the ones busted - so they started late 20s or so I guess) and amusing amounts work in the software industry (which does make sense).
  17. Well he did say if wanted to play it, so he's pretty much right about the choices. If you buy it and then break the copy protection, is that still piracy ? Barring that, get some friend to get it and play it that way.
  18. Also, Liam Neeson's career is going downhill. Battleship and now... The Grey ? Bunch of plane crash survivors hunted down by a pack of wolves.
  19. Nah, not as bad as that. Jersey Shore's people are shallower than Stan or Cartman, heh. It can be a nice entertaining game full of wit and humour. It's another Obsidian game I'm not going to buy, but it's nothing to be disappointed about.
  20. Ah, if it only worked. Guess Steam is the way.
  21. Starship Troopers remake in the works
  22. The local CBC radio station has some 'tech' guy that repatedly says that "well, there are some privacy concerns, but not a big deal", will wait to see if he mentions anything about that. Today had to laugh. Doing work on the weekend, Winamp's randomizer gives me "The End", "All is Misery" and "Your time has come". Not a very good start to it
  23. It'd be the first game where sparing an orphan will get you negative karma.
  24. Hah, I'll have to remember that. And hey they do tell you to buy the game if you like it . Doesn't really matter how a person got the game when it comes to their impressions - although I've been told that feedback from a pirated player is meaningless somehow.
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