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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It's all about subtlety and grace in the execution of it.
  2. What's wrong with beating your coworkers ?
  3. The Guild 2 while I think of something else to play. Something so good about being accused of murdering 3 people, walking scot free while my accuser walks out of the courtroom to be greeted by 8 of my hitmen.
  4. Be Tim Schafer.
  5. Gaming 'journalists' will get a larger air of superiority from it, that's one thing.
  6. With these people, seem like when all you have is a hammer..
  7. Probably leftover from his sexual harassment suit a while ago. Not surprising if it were for otherwise.
  8. Could be worse, could be Rosie O'Donnell
  9. Someone should make an Oppression Olympics reality show, that would be fun to watch
  10. Alexander seems to have mental issues, from her twitter (but then so does everyone).
  11. Moderators here seem cool with the thread, I guess they don't see everyone's sinister intentions like you do. If they remain to be, well, deal with it.
  12. No it's him, you just believe married men have free will.
  13. OMG Misogynerd!
  14. This thread sure went places.
  15. Damn humanities students.
  16. TA was great for the "everything shoots everything" approach. Which was great to fly Hawks over MERLs...those ballistic missiles of theirs would miss and then land all over the place. Your MERLs could take out your base that way.
  17. Realized today that my office is a death trap if there's ever a crazed gunman on the loose here, only two exits out of the main work area and both lead into the same hallway. Too much RVS, I guess.
  18. Seems like more of the same, really. Well other than the promancer degenerates.
  19. They need a safe space.
  20. Nope, greatest level is the Fuel Station from Jedi Knight. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52308/grand-theft-auto-v-release-dates-and-exclusive-content
  21. I've always used last name unless I have an acquaintance with them or better. As 47 said "names are for friends"
  22. Apparently Quinn released a screenshot of paypal email confirmations that she paid, though some people are doubting that as the charity doesn't have a PayPal to it and redirects to their parent charity. Neat thing these dogs are doing is a Twitter account scraping the Wizardchan forums, as it is a forum for neckbearded virgins and was mean to "Zoe" (the f**k do people use her first name for, anyway).
  23. Another bust round of interviews. Some woman whose English was awful and some alpha-male suit d-bag.
  24. SupCom certainly got the scale down, did like the ability to multiple monitors and a split screen.
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