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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/11/hacked-toymaker-leaked-gigabytes-worth-of-kids-headshots-and-chat-logs/ Pays to just assume anything you upload is leaked already, I guess.
  2. Yeah, not sure killing a dude who is pointing a gun at you, is intending to hand you over to someone who will kill you is cold blooded.
  3. Good luck with that sentiment in this pit of condescension. Aw, man, DE, I thought you were better than that.
  4. Been a while since I read it, just noticed 'Dignity' as a casualty.
  5. I forget if this game is worth bothering with.
  6. Don't need to look back to find it funny. Flame war waged by screwballs, what wasn't funny
  7. Did I claim otherwise ? Again, the half of the post Bruce omitted.. Is a funny thing though to watch, the fuss over something actually becomes the thing. I guess given the people arguing though, it does make sense. Any given event is a cudgle to beat people with. Not really that new, is par for the course in politics, no ?
  8. Hm, still seems like serious business given the attention on it in that aspect of late, complete with tales of persecution and woe and being booted from a PUG in ESO and robbing girls of the belief that they too can be a Stormtrooper. The second half of my post which you omitted does address the other half.
  9. Blanket disclaimers, hard to imagine much bad PR from someone complaining that a document reading "a user should ensure he..." is sexist or something, though. Actually...no I can really picture a storm of outrage over it.
  10. No, I will look at it. Something about it doesn't really catch my eye though.
  11. Well, it does feed the people (a little bit, I guess) who run the company that owns the board we are using, so yes, it is serious business. But yes, people get too wound up over how fake characters are dressed or portrayed for my liking but where we are someone needs to be outraged. Heh, people will never learn to just ignore things they are 'offended' by.
  12. Epic firing stance by Han there.
  13. Well, makes sense to bribe Turkey - outsourcing the problem is very popular in the West, no ? And have to keep those 'aid' trucks to Syria rolling.
  14. Feel like playing a city builder, Skylines is still a bit thin. Caesar 4 would be fun but I have lost the ISO unexpectedly so I guess I will return to 3. Ah the days when 1024x768 was a large resolution.
  15. Their countries won't be a mess if not because of the west...the west who messed up their countries. Such as in Afhanistan, USA who supply the Mujahidden to fight Russia and then let them loose, you give weapons to mad men, then these mad men rule, what do you expect? Below is Afghanistan before ad after USA using Mujahiddeen to fight Russian. If the west don't intervine, Afghans won't bother to migrate to the west.... Below is Iraq before and after USA topple Saddam Hussein Western peoples are hypocrite...you claim you are better than anyone, it is just because you destroy everyone else Iraq before western intervention Following picture is disturbing and isn't material that should be shown to children Picture shows victims of Saddam's chemical weapon attack against Kurds Iraq after failed western intervention Picture shows Sinjar which was destroyed by ISIS and efforts to drive ISIS away them. Picture is near of one of many Yazidi mass graves who were killed by ISIS. War and tyrants never change. Another even more disturbing picture of Saddam's victims Moderators feel free to remove pictures in spoilers if they aren't suitable to this forum. Meh, corpses on the ground isn't disturbing. But a failed Western intervention seems redundant, has there really been a successful one? Hm, maybe Grenada
  16. The rubber liner in one of our showers has failed so leaks and stains the ceiling downstairs, that is going to be one pricey repair. Hopefully we can get a decent contractor, that is one sketchy industry.
  17. Eh just Euro arrogance as always on the map Cartography is an interesting field to me, though.
  18. So data is "pulp fiction"? Read a bit more, please, I really shouldn't have to break things down for you. The article(s) were strictly limited to the US in scope. Oh, and Breivik doesn't matter, because, uh... reasons! And cultural marxism! Do wonder if Europe has to be more concerned with Muslims carrying out attacks more than US. Proximity to the ME on fire works well for that. Hm, amusing if that is the US plan, redirect terrorists, heh. Had to laugh at the outpouring of support and empathy for refugees here, donations and support and people going to meet them at the airport. Is trendy! Poor bastards get stuck in Army bases for a time, though
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/russia-holding-turkish-goods-border-relations-sour-101020011--finance.html Seems like a reasonable response so far. Not sure who this will hurt more in the long run.
  20. Well Trudeau backed away from his 25k promise, now is 10k by end of year. More manageable. People still expecting terrorists. Coincides with people that call them ragheads or sand ****, too, heh.
  21. Ah, yes, typical Russian subtlety
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