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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. No, need more Tarkus.
  2. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/07/donald-trump-ban-all-muslims-entering-us-san-bernardino-shooting This has to cut his throat, surely.
  3. The Expanse looks cool, but so did the books it was based on. Just got tired of the insufferable self-righteous heroes and rather flat characters as it went on, bad-ass Indian lady who curses a lot or that scruffy Sergeant that always knows better than anyone else, etc.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Kgj_rPON80
  5. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2015/12/05/psx-2015-full-throttle-hd-coming-from-double-fine?utm_source=IGN+hub+page&utm_medium=IGN+%28front+page%29&utm_content=4&utm_campaign=Blogroll&abthid=566330b840380d110700000a Full Throttle remaster, woo. Hope it comes out on PC.
  6. Only if you pass the QTE
  7. Well, is why I am not a fan of people getting others fired because of stuff they think or said on Twitter. Funny how we turned Big Brother into our neighbour, heh. Reasonable suspicion is what vigilance is, rather than acting wary of brown people, that right wing guy down the street and telling the cops as they were getting parcels and using power tools. Dude was right to be concerned as that being racist because it was, immaterial of it turning out to be correct. It would be different if he sees the guy uncrating tonnes of ammo or finding out about that some other way. I think one guy planning some attack was stopped by a gunshop owner wondering what some guy relatively new to guns wanted with thousands of rounds and told the cops. that was reasonable.
  8. Sadly that is the price of a free society, though. No one wants to live in a place where you have to live in fear of your neighbours ratting you out to the State, I would hope. I feel that regardless of who ever the target might be. Hard to believe getting a lot of packages and working in their garage alone is suspicious, no ?
  9. Whoa..brown people getting packages and working in their garage. Very suspicious. Hard to encourage vigilance like that without encouraging the wrong atmosphere.
  10. So I was right. Online dating WAS the problem
  11. RIP Admiral Petrarch - http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/robert-loggia-movie-tv-tough-guy-dies-85-35589491
  12. Seems this guy was radicalized by his wife.
  13. Same crap that is always on IRC since it started. Sensitive people being upset, cliques, etc. People are lucky I haven't figured a way to kill people telepathically yet.
  14. Always knew Breitbart consorted with terrorists.
  15. https://www.epicgames.com/shadowcomplex/ Download Shadow Complex for free
  16. Some interpretation there but no, think Hoon was trying to say that the new Godwin is that inevitably someone will mention Islam rather than Hitler/Nazis
  17. What is Godwin? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_Law
  18. Forgot why I hate owning a large IRC channel, having to deal with all kinds of BS drama and dealing with people in general. More contractors coming over to look at our shower, the liner has failed, we think, so it is leaking on our ceiling. Still haven't decided to get a shower pan or do tile, the pan seems simpler and possibly cheaper, bu am not sure. Hooray for owning a (poorly made, in my estimation) house
  19. Ah yes, remembering the one pain in the ass in Caesar 3. The recruitment radius, means you can't evolve all residences. Still not as irksome as 4 with the equites needing walls.
  20. Gee, I wonder why. Is crypto-fascism and transphobia a turnoff with Finnish girls? What the **** is the matter with you? Do you also scold mothers while burying their children that they should stop praying because there is no God? Or do you dance around cripples who are in wheelchairs asking them to race you? But hey, if my failings in relationships makes you happy with glee, then you're welcome. Hah, you are surprised by shirty? Typical **** on here, shocker.
  21. No one minds that and government is downplaying the issue, if it counts as such. Was just a funny story, I can imagine some may be reluctant as beggars are always choosers. As for the liberals in this place. Well the really hippy ones will never see any wrong
  22. Some guy I know says it was a false flag by Greece.
  23. They need to ban shaven heads and shades for cops here. Enhances this idea that they are military and general douchiness
  24. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/syrian-refugees-lukewarm-on-coming-to-canada-by-december-31-officials-say To be fair, it's pretty cold. And if they are coming to Toronto, it's full of pricks.
  25. Win-win for Putin, if those crooks and pyscho Chechens want to go fight and die in Syria.
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