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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Could be a good movie. Bunch of dbags and Amentep from an internet forum make their own counter terrorist group. Sort of like that show Counterstrike minus the catchy theme song
  2. It's the Sun, I recommend not reading it at all
  3. Working from home today, I loathe laptop screens but don't have a KVM switch here. But at least it's a calm day
  4. That's not an entirely fair characterization. The United States in those days was nothing like it is today. It really was a union of 33 largely independent states by today's standard. The power of the Federal Government was weak compared to today. If you were a citizen of Virginia you were more likely to consider yourself a Virginian than an American. Gen George Thomas was an excellent commander. He served under Grant in the west and won a number of major victories. He was outnumbered at Chickamunga and held against Johnson. He defeated Gen John Bell Hood at Franklin & Nashville, which essentially knocked Tennessee out of the war. He was born in Virginia and chose to remain with the Federal army. You could actually make a case he was more of a traitor to his home and family than Lee was. He lost everything for his choice and even was refused command of the western theater by Lincoln despite Grants suggestion because he was a southerner. If the war did nothing else if forged a national identity where there was not one before. Had slavery been killed in the crib during the ratification of the Constitution, as it should have been, the US would be a very different country today. So different it's difficult to even guess what it would look like. Was sort of aware of that, at least from the tales of Lee just following his state. But, lose a civil war, this kind of thing is what happens. Well the best of what happens, I guess. You could end up being hanged
  5. What a time to be alive. Now that guy on the corner or in the pub has a global reach
  6. " the SALT hedge fund" Hah.
  7. Well, if it's just people leaking embarrassing info, that's not really refusal to do their job. Sort of like the Wikileaks cable leaks, nothing that damaging other than making some group look silly or what not. Doubt ISIS or Al-Qaeda is being emboldened or the measures the US' defenses against that is being weakened.
  8. Or they'll just toss in some Zerrikanians and what not to just hush up people all in a tizzy over that "issue"
  9. I would agree if Trump would appoint all those people, but that is not the case. The problem is Obama appointed administration is lashing out because their candidate lost the election. All that this situation proves is democrats should not hold ANY position of any level in government, ever. If they are so petty as to endanger their own country just to make it difficult for the guy they don't like who happens to be the president now. Any of this endangers the country? Heh, and I used to joke that the Appleby's would neutralize him.
  10. Why? I mean... Music is just as important in gaming as it is in any other media. I've played 45 min so far and from what I can tell, the narration and voice acting is what will make it good for me. I'm okay with horror if it's done right, I loved The Evil Within and I'm getting the vibe of that from Alan Wake mixed with some Max Payne stylised drama. None of which is bad in my world. Well they had to stop selling it due to music licensing which was what Sarex was getting at
  11. Well, glad the end boss of Alan Wake didn't have me shooting darkened cable anchors. Neat game, combat got tedious at points but there were some challenging bits and the style of the game was cool
  12. First I was like "Huh? You drunk, mate?" then I was like and now I'm like **** that noise. Well, at least now, I think you can pay for the game with your Blizzard Battle.net Balance, and you can buy WoW tokens with gold and redeem it for a Battle.net Balance. That's how that works, sort of. You'd need to get like 400k gold though, or something large like that
  13. Interesting that you have to get it via the battle.net client. Apparently you can buy it with WoW gold too through the WoW token
  14. Almost done Alan Wake. The stage fight was as fun as I was led to believe.
  15. Roger Ailes died as well. Must be Obama
  16. Enthusiasm is always a cause for suspicion. We rejected a dev because they said he was too into development. Hiring is indeed a black art
  17. Suicide, apparently
  18. Guess his time had come.
  19. Hatred of subtitles perhaps.
  20. That doesn't seem that unreasonable if you consider reasons to lie. Doesn't actually fix anything but that is life sometimes.
  21. http://deadline.com/2017/05/netflix-to-produce-the-witcher-tv-series-1202095582/ Witcher TV series underway.
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