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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Think there's a famous Marine's quote about this. Should have gone with killing less instead of none
  2. Shame more games don't model suppression.
  3. Seems like that impenetrable cyber security initiative died quicker than planned.
  4. Only 50m? Tsk, aiming low
  5. Party with friend was fun. Small gathering as well, so even better. Spent couple of hours with Russians talking about Sybase ASE All had kids as well, so was odd one out but was happy to see them use English when appropriate. Also ran into the guy who does my company's taxes there.
  6. Restarted that mission again in Deserts of Kharak...and got the bug again, so can't proceed. Kind of funny the response from the developers is "restart the mission" (lazy sods). Regret purchasing this
  7. GDI 11 was torture
  8. Some people prefer to identify with the foot. I guess it's like sports when you see out of shape proles talk about "we" or "us" winning.
  9. Just as long as we get Ak-47s and cool tshirts
  10. Ended up hitting up a Greek bakery near me, got some supposedly traditional Greek butter cookies (sold by the kilo). Main problem is having to lug it on the train to my friend's town.
  11. Well you answered it, it's just a middle finger to them pesky civil rights people.
  12. Canadian Politics being boring, this is the outrage du jour - http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cabinet-explain-omar-khadr-settlement-1.4194467 I've no problem with it, really, but as usual some people think the dude should have been summarily executed, be allowed to be tortured and so on so no apology needed.
  13. Have to go to a potluck party. But not sure what to bring. I guess donuts might work!
  14. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ntdebugging/2012/03/16/how-the-clipboard-works-part-1/ How the Clipboard works
  15. Do people have short memories? I'm honestly curious because part of what ruins any replays for me is basically remembering every single quest and every single outcome after I've played through before. So instead of any sense of awe, I end up reacting like, "And now he'll say this" or "And now this happens next". Journey is fun for some not the ending. I guess. I usually refrain from replaying long games as the knowledge of what's ahead murders any fun I am having now. But can be done even in adventure games and RPGs have different play throughs.
  16. I'd count cross referencing reddit and facebook as putting in a fair bit of effort, at least considering how little is usually put in. I'd have a lot more satisfaction about a troll type buckling if it weren't CNN doing it and if the guy was more at fault. End of the day it's a wrestling gif that got exposure because Trump posted it, it was not an assault on the 4th estate and it is utterly trivial. Yet CNN is so self important that they had them tracking down its author as their lead item, and were both smug and hypocritical about it. Ultimately I end up preferring that something bad would happen to CNN, rather than some random redditor. Theoretically, if a site doxs or threatens to dox a reddit user by trawling their posts it's a sitewide ban for them from reddit as punishment, theoretically it's about the worst infraction there is. Doesn't have anything to do with quality, it being reddit quality doesn't enter into things. Happened to Gawker, for example. Won't happen to CNN though, as all the CTR Shareblue bots would throw a fit about it. Really? To me CNN is middle of road for mainstream media in the US but Reddit is just a cancer. Didn't know they have an issue with sites doxing their users, kind of rich that they do. But alright. Not quite sure the wrong kind of shills are that much in charge of Reddit.
  17. There's a fair bit of amusement to be had, starting with CNN having that as their lead story over DPRK's ICBM launch. Also, CNN's actions are potentially at least illegal and it ought to get CNN banned from reddit as well. Neither of which will actually happen, of course, but still. Indeed, it's a both hilarious and yet oh so depressing thought that CNN may actually have spent more time and effort trying to dox someone who posted a satirical wrestling gif of them than they put into fact checking the entire lead up to the 2003 Iraq War. Doesn't seem like all that much effort was needed (Reddit user being a careless moron, shock!), but certainly is weird that they'd waste time on it. Do get some satisfaction seeing some troll-type poster get squeezed a bit and buckling. Not sure why CNN would get banned from Reddit due to this, Daily Mail is still allowed to post there along with a lot of other crank sites (The Rebel is the one I'm seeing a lot of, go figure Canada has a lot of angry right wing cranks). So not like they have much of standards Hopefully the guy's name does get leaked, though. That'd make this comedy complete.
  18. http://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/article159682299.html Hard to tell if people joking or just more proof that Twitter is an ocean of idiocy
  19. I think that's pretty funny. They put the screws to some Reddit peon. Meh.
  20. And its all you guys fault! Need a popup here warning of loss of intellect with continued reading
  21. Careful, you're near single digits!
  22. I think most that have that label open that way, at least these days . Bars in my neighborhood have a lot of gay patrons but no one calls them gay bars. Related trivia http://www.history.com/news/how-the-mob-helped-establish-nycs-gay-bar-scene
  23. Checking all the boxes for metal album art
  24. Got that bug again in Deserts of Kharak so am giving that a rest for now. Not a bad game, only on mission 4. Probably not worth $18. I think I will go back to nailing off Cosmonautica's story just so I can cross that off the list
  25. http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/your-revolution-was-dumb-and-it-filled-us-with-refugees-a-canadian-take-on-the-american-revolutionary-war/wcm/b8a6b815-25de-4ea6-be42-a7af9d0323ed Probably will get a laugh out of some. Canadian take on the American Revolution (even if it is from the NP)
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