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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Kitchen sink got clogged. Plumber got us a look at what 15 years of accumulation looks like inside a pipe. Also looked at one clip from Jin Roh and now my YouTube suggestions are just either German techno or Nazi themed videos. Hm
  2. Kane is Bald. Peace through alopecia.
  3. Yep. With officers traveling from here to go US cops funerals, etc. And the whole hero aura they try for it. Cops seem to yearn to be military, I guess
  4. http://nypost.com/2017/07/11/teen-blasted-f-k-tha-police-during-slain-officers-funeral/ Pretty funny. Love the cops being so upset, always shake my head at their over the top funerals.
  5. So Deckard is a replicant that can be used to make eternal replicants, I guess? Seems meh, anyway
  6. Yeah, it seems you get to spend years reminding everyone each day of it. It's the Crossfit of voting.
  7. Those blaster rifles need a foregrip
  8. I thought the headline read John Romero.
  9. The world is what you yell it is
  10. You really cannot parody this White House... So much incompetence... They're just bringing the private sector experience (well at least matches financial companies' )
  11. Losing pretty much every game in Overwatch competitive. Wish I could go Pharah as I'm best at that, but have to deal with some other useless fool going as her or teammates bitching about needing heals/tank but not switching.
  12. Sounds like it's worth getting next time it's on sale
  13. Spent the day reading code with comments written by some maniac. "Oh God I hope this works", "Heck yeah! validation succeeded, rock and roll", "Roll onward!". At least the dude was motivated.
  14. Depends on what colour background it is printed on.
  15. I was never one to enjoy MP games all that much to begin with, but readily accessible information on how to be the most efficient in them was among the reasons for me to stop playing them (I'm the kind of person who enjoys figuring out his own ways to play dem videogames) Yah I guess there is a point to being optimal but at the same time it gets dull as hell doing the same thing as everyone else. But in Overwatch there's a cult like obedience to the meta. Well that and the usual people bitching rather than fixing
  16. The meta in hero MP games sure makes things boring as people just slavishly follow them. But at least trolled more people in Overwatch.
  17. Could not be in an instance. Could be some of illegal TFW, perhaps.
  18. Don't think I have anyone on ignore. People sure are touchy about forum posting here, though.
  19. Saw Rambo (the one when he's in Burma), was a decent enough action film, even with the almost comedic grimdark scenes like the first village attack or the forced minefield runs.
  20. SWAT 1 was a FMV game, not sure if it you can consider it adventure or not but probably can - as there are puzzles of sorts in that you have to follow your training. 2 was an isometric tactical game, 3 and 4 were tactical FPS games. Interesting series that changes genres so much. Did spawn from the excellent (ok, so so) Police Quest series
  21. Catching up is pretty quick, even without good luck, as you can get 850 gear for cheap amounts of shards and WQs. Been very lucky in LFR, got 3 of the tier X pieces, is crappier than I'd get with normal level, but guild is down to 2 people and I don't want to associate with random strangers
  22. Bugged again on Deserts of Kharak so I think I will just uninstall this as apparently mission 5 has an issue with ghost units. Meh. Back into WoW. The new Tomb of Sargeras raid has interesting fights even at LFR level. Pretty too. Apparently the expansion ends with Edgelord Illidan sacrificing himself to jail Sargeras so at least he's gone for a while.
  23. Hmm doubt it. His sons sure are idiots though. But this whole thing is good as ig does wind Trump up a bit, so there's still some good.
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