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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe he'll have another meeting where the cabinet praise him
  2. Kind of a poor match-up, KKK and Nazis on one side...and BLM and Antifa on the other. The power of a hashtag.
  3. Maybe I read too much into it but didn't he want to point out that both sides should shut up? I don't know but Barkley's riots were few weeks ago where it was other side rioting. I think he is completely right about 'violence on many sides'. Doesn't sounds anyhow wrong to me...It's the timing. Trying to condemn everyone right after an attempt of mass murder can be taken as some kind of "what about.." ploy and thus be shielding the one side that people know like him. Much like anything you hear in a corporate environment, always are games in words. Given his past comments, kind of blew on an easy win by just condemning Nazis and KKK folk.
  4. Sounds like State department people did their job. Well that it wasn't going to happen anyway, even with Trump's bull****ting
  5. Damn, it had a really slow start in the first 12 hours, but then I posted on Reddit and suddenly it exploded. Now it has 3.5k views, 850 subscriptions, 43 of 43 positive ratings and is marked as favorite by 30 people. Oh, and I'm on the frontpage of the A3 Steam Workshop. And this is day 3 (or 4?). So far the majority of feedback I got is very positive, which makes me a happy panda. Also I am glad that I fixed the worst bugs when it still had only < 300 subscriptions... uh. Should have just said it was Early Access. All the bugs would be forgiven. I should get back to learning the Arma 3 editor. Only really fooled around with 2's.
  6. In case people didn't back it.
  7. A .45 does as well.
  8. Yeah, but they littered, should at least clean that up after
  9. Yeah but can do it by name (he is so focused on using the right names for things, right?) and there's no fuss as it's right after one of them killed someone. Just an odd calculation on his part.
  10. You have a charitable view of meshbacks wearing Swastikas and sheets.
  11. Yeah after days of people telling the boy to do it. Wonder why he felt he had to be so fair when he could just lay into Neo Nazis and KKK trash, who is going to feel aggrieved by him slamming them. Big shock you're playing it that way though, heh.
  12. https://www.amazon.com/review/R2PLPYMZPGJ5JQ/ I think this guy is not a fan of Stephen Ambrose (man behind Band of Brothers)
  13. Fair enough, just thought there would have been complaints before. Didn't know much of Go Daddy's reputation either way
  14. Daily Stormer got ToS'd by Go Daddy after being hacked by Anonymous. Kind of surprised they weren't before any hack occurred.
  15. sounds like BLM reverted... How so?
  16. Well I back Arsenal so I know, although I think the imbecilic fanbase is far worse than anything the team itself can do to me
  17. Not a bad hit, looks like he was trying for a forearm rather than a punch. Probably should have called to try to get him hit on the nose though.
  18. History channel is to blame for all their Nazi programs.
  19. Explains why I see so many dumb 40 year olds then Thanks though. Got a smart watch so am playing with that (partly to find a use for it. Can't not use it else that is an insult to the giver)
  20. Forgot how funny that Chelsea video is. Why couldn't Hillsborough happened to them instead.
  21. You poor dumb bastard Birthday today. Getting closer to 40 and the end of life.
  22. Well, you delivered as expected. Hopefully someone demolishes the statue of Lee, after all this, I'd get a chuckle out of that. Well, if X deaths are connected, it's not exactly taxing to mention all X, is it ?
  23. Serves you right for being a Liverpool fan.
  24. Wonder if that'll count as terrorism
  25. Apparently all the Nazis are really antifa people. Yup.
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