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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Just knives ? No forks ? Bah, forget that noise.
  2. People care about this?
  3. What kind of stuff goes on there?
  4. F-16 really is a pretty plane
  5. Didn't know Carol of the Bells is a Ukrainian folk song, huh
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/05/why-trumps-promise-to-move-us-embassy-to-jerusalem-is-so-controversial.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/05/jerusalem-embassy-move-can-the-saudis-stay-trumps-hand
  7. https://www.pcmag.com/news/357738/ubisoft-offers-assassins-creed-iv-and-world-in-conflict-for World in Conflict for free, and some AssCreed game as well.
  8. She sure like to dance about in her videos Not really a Christmas song, but choirs here always sing it around this time.
  9. I'm just glad the AI isn't totally blind to flanking attempts like it was in Rome 1.
  10. Let Youtube dictate what music I would listen to. Started out with Savatage then somehow ended up with Manowar, so that ended that experiment after 10 minutes.
  11. If I got upset by computer game stories and plots unfolding in predictable ways, I would not have played more than a dozen PC games in 35+ years. You write that as if it were a bad thing. You could have done something useful with all that time Started the Destiny 2 free trial, seems ok although just did one mission. Definitely not worth the sticker price as is, though.
  12. Well that and it assumes you'd think that was the 'stupidest' law ever. Would also be better if it was comparing it to the store selling things by record label and that the store is also a record label as well.
  13. Not quite sure that analogy works
  14. High Plains Drifter. If for nothing else than pissing John Wayne off.
  15. You used to be cool, man. Tribes 1 is the greatest FPS in my opinion.
  16. Also in terms of genre, RPGs abound whereas 'mech combat games don't.
  17. The video above is from the Piranha Games MechWarrior, not HBS's Battletech. Ty though HBS needs to hurry TF up so they can get back to more shadowrun games. Meh, the world needs more Battletech/Mechwarrior games more than it does Shadowrun
  18. The greatest poster ever to grace this forum, blessed be his name
  19. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vbz49j/new-study-finds-that-most-redditors-dont-actually-read-the-articles-they-vote-on Well, I'll be damned. People not reading articles?!
  20. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/white-house-discussing-plans-to-replace-tillerson-with-pompeo-as-state-dept-head Wonder what was the problem with Tillerson
  21. Unless of course they are the reason you are in that condition! Also true. Maybe some sort of panic button and a roommate is better
  22. That is true, a spouse is someone that can take you to the hospital or notice you're incapacitated. Will put that on list
  23. Key word there is "looks". Always ask people what benefit they get from marriage or a kid, but I just get vague crap so is hard to judge its merit
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